The head maid, who was called elder sister Fang, immediately became angry. She pointed at the wooden basin beside the well and questioned Lian'er, "You're not slacking off? These clothes should have been washed in the morning, but what about you? You haven't even washed half of your clothes, and you still dare to say that you aren't slacking off? "

Lian'er lowered her head, not daring to look at Sister Fang, "Lian'er will go wash now, right now." After she finished speaking, she tied up her dress and ran over to the wooden basin. She squatted down and vigorously washed the clothes in the wooden basin.

Bing-Er stood aside and watched coldly. In fact, the little maid had already washed enough clothes, and she already had enough clothes to dry on the bamboo pole. Moreover, Lian'er's speed was already very fast since there were a few clean clothes in the small wooden basin beside the big wooden basin, and Lian'er's speed was already very fast. The reason why the elder maid criticized Lian'er was only for her to see, and Sister Fang wanted her to know, that she, Sister Fang, was the biggest servant girl in this house! In other words, if she wanted to stay safely in the Prime Minister's Estate, she had to bow and kneel before this Sister Fang!

She walked to the center of the courtyard and looked around. In the corner of the courtyard, she saw a large wooden basin. Bing-Er took the big wooden basin to the well and put it next to Lian'er. She took some water from the well and put it in the basin. Then she squatted down and took half of Lian'er's clothes out and put it in her basin.

Lian'er raised her head and looked at Bing'er in surprise. Her eyes were full of confusion.

Bing-Er smiled at Lian'er, "I am the new maid. I am called Bing-Er."

Lian'er smiled at Bing'er and said timidly, "My name is Lian'er."

The two of them smiled at each other and began to wash the clothes.

Sister Fang stood aside and watched Bing-Er and Lian'er diligently washing their clothes. She smiled proudly and turned around to leave.

Sihan opened her eyes in a daze. When she opened them, she realized that someone had covered her eyes. She couldn't see anything. Her hands were tightly tied behind her back with ropes, and her feet were also tied with ropes, causing her to fall on the ground and not be able to move at all.

Sihan cursed in her heart. She must have been kidnapped by someone.

She closed her eyes and listened quietly to what was happening around her, but it was very quiet around her. She didn't hear anything. She didn't even hear the sound of the wind. It seemed like she was locked in a room. At the same time, Sihan was overjoyed. If there was no movement, it proved that there was no one by her side!

She tried her best to break free from the rope around her wrist, but it was too tight for her to break free. Not only could she not break free, but the more she struggled, the tighter the rope tightened. Sihan couldn't help but be secretly alarmed. She had heard of a kind of knot that tightened and tightened whenever it didn't struggle. Sihan hurriedly gave up struggling. If she couldn't break free, then she had to figure out who would kidnap her.

After thinking for a long time, she still could not come up with a conclusion. The only thing she was certain of was that the person who kidnapped her was very familiar with the terrain of the Liang Household!

But how many people were familiar with the terrain of the Liang Household!

While Shan was at a loss for words, the voices of the two people not far in front of her gradually approached her.

Sihan stared blankly for a moment before quickly falling to the ground, pretending to be unconscious. But she pricked up her ears and listened, hoping to hear valuable clues from the two of them.

But she forgot her disappointment. The two of them kicked the door open and entered the room. They immediately stopped talking and didn't say a word. Sihan felt one of them walk to her side and squat down to look at her.

Sihan suddenly felt a burning gaze staring at her. That gaze continuously roamed around her body, making Sihan feel a chill and disgust wherever it went. That gaze seemed to want to strip her of her clothes and present her in front of that person. Even though she was being stared at until all the goosebumps rose all over her body, she suppressed the disgust in her heart and continued to pretend to be unconscious so that the other party wouldn't notice that she had awoken.

Suddenly, the burning gaze disappeared, and she seemed to hear the sounds of two people fighting each other.

Sihan was inwardly wondering what was going on. Two of them rebelling?

In the darkness he could hear two men fighting to the left of her. They seemed to be fighting fiercely, knocking tables and chairs to the floor with a thud. Suddenly, a porcelain piece fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

"Have all of you caused enough trouble?!" A loud shout suddenly appeared and stopped the two from fighting.

"Boss, it's none of my business. It's him, he wants to take advantage of Miss." One of them said in a wronged tone.

"You're not going to shut up? Both of you, come out! " The man ordered coldly.

The two men got up from the floor and followed the man out of the room.

"Is that woman awake?" The man asked with an ice-cold voice.

"No, it's probably because the dosage was too large. She still hasn't woken up yet." The man who had just spoken answered the man's question.

"Very well, when she wakes up, give her some sedatives. In case she recognizes us. " The man looked deeply at the ground and commanded Sihan.

"Yes." The man hurriedly replied.

Only after the door was closed did Sihan dare to move her body. Cold sweat had already started to appear on her forehead. She didn't think that the ones holding her back were not two men, but three. And one of them still wanted to take advantage of her.

What was even more hateful was that they even gave her sedatives!

She pushed her feet against the ground in the darkness and inched to the left. If she remembered correctly, a piece of porcelain had fallen to the ground during the fight between the two men. She would find fragments of porcelain and use the sharpness of the porcelain to cut her ropes. This was the only chance she had to escape.

Just as she was crawling far away, a sharp stinging pain came from her thigh and spread through her entire body, causing Sihan to almost cry out in pain. Sihan felt a surge of joy. The sharp weapon that had stabbed into her thigh should have been shards of porcelain. She endured the pain in her thigh, bending her thigh upwards so that her hand could reach the fragments of porcelain that were deeply embedded in her thigh. She gritted her teeth and pulled hard, pulling out the fragments of porcelain that had stuck into her thigh. She used the pieces to cut the rope around her wrist bit by bit. After a long time, she finally cut off the rope around her wrist. She tore off the black cloth covering her eyes, cut the rope around her ankles with a piece of porcelain, and bound her injured thigh tightly with the cloth covering her eyes. Then she got up from the floor and ran out of the room.

As soon as Sihan ran out of the room, she was stunned. She discovered that she was actually in the middle of nowhere. In front of her was an endless stretch of dense forest and grass. The house behind her was built halfway up the hill. In front of her was a narrow path and a slightly wider one.

Looking at the two Lu Sihan's in front of her, she couldn't help but swallow her saliva. Then, she ran down the small path.