Anthea chose to walk because she wanted to draw out the person who made him uncomfortable.

After walking down the street, the figure appeared. It was obvious that he was just a child. He was not tall and his clothes were rather dirty.

When they turned a corner, An An purposefully walked a few steps and then waited for them.

"Kid, are you looking for me?"

Sure enough, that kid chased after him, and when he saw him, there was a moment of panic in his eyes.

The boy only looked at him, his eyes unblinking. It was strange that Anthea couldn't see any emotion in them.

It was a pair of very beautiful eyes, except they were somewhat empty. If those eyes were grown on a girl's face, she would definitely be a peerless beauty.

Since the person had already come out, An An could just leave. However, he discovered that he couldn't move at all.

Those eyes were like a black hole, able to suck in a person's soul, causing you to involuntarily look at him and think about him.

"Who are you?"

Because the other party had a pair of black eyes, An'an wasn't sure if he could understand English.

"I need money. Give me money."

He opened his mouth, and his voice caused An An to be slightly startled. It was very thin, very soft, it should really be a little girl.

"How much do you want?"

An An didn't laugh at her, nor did she hit her. She asked very calmly.

"Give me all the money you have."

The girl's black eyes gave off an invisible ray of light. An'an's eyes immediately glazed over.

Stupid, he actually took out his wallet and handed it over to the girl without even looking at it.

"Thank you."

The girl grabbed the wallet and ran.

As soon as the girl turned the corner, An An woke up from her trance. She didn't even think about what had just happened as she dragged her luggage out.

The girl did not walk far, but looked behind a tree at the corner.

She watched Anthea wave for a cab, watched him go.

At this moment, a trace of a smile appeared on her face.

Opening her wallet, she was shocked. This amount of money should be enough for her to live for a long time, moreover, it should be able to hide for a long time.

The girl put away her purse and walked in another direction with a smile.

After Anthea got into the car, she rubbed her head. He realized how silly he was. Why didn't he call her when he was leaving the airport? Why did he have to travel so far to get a taxi?

Even when she got out of the car, she didn't realize that she had given her purse to someone else.

"I'm sorry, please wait a moment. I'll have my friends come and pay for the car."

An'an had searched every inch of her body, but had not found any purse. Although she was a little depressed, she couldn't just keep the driver waiting.

Ye Zichen took out his phone. Although Tiger wasn't there, it was still good that the cow and rabbit were there.

It was Qin Mei who came out. An An smiled at his in embarrassment.

"Little Bunny, I'm sorry, but I don't know when I lost my wallet. Can you help me pay the fare first?"

Qin Mei was stunned for a moment before she went back to her room and took out her wallet.

"I'm sorry, I really don't know when my wallet disappeared."

After entering the house, An An explained.

"Nothing, just keep looking. Have you not used it since you got off the plane?"

Qin Mei reminded An An An.

"I have. When I got off the plane, I was still there when I got my ID."

With Qin Mei's reminder, An An seemed to have some impression of her.

At that time, he felt that someone was following her. Although she didn't take a taxi, her wallet should be on her body. Later on, that brat, no, it was a girl.

It was strange that Anthea didn't seem to have any impression of the girl after she had appeared. Could it be that girl?

An Xin sat on the sofa and thought back carefully. Niu came out as well. He looked at An Xin and said passionately.

"Ann, what's bothering you so much?"

With a smile, Niu Niu leaped over the back of the sofa and sat down on the left side of An An.

"An An's purse is missing. Strange, who would dare to attack you?"

Qin Mei handed a cup of water to An An An and asked doubtfully.

"It's not that someone dared to make a move on him, but he didn't even notice it. How many people in this world could have the ability to do so?"

Niu Niu looked at An An An and asked with a smile.

"After I got off the plane, other than a little girl, I didn't have any contact with anyone else."

Anthea felt very embarrassed.

"So it's that girl. She's quite skilled, could she be from the Thief Sect?"

Niu Niu reminded. Recently, he had gotten ahead of himself with a female thief.

"The Thief God Sect!" It doesn't look like it. "

An An decisively shook his head. That girl, with those empty eyes, didn't seem like he was in the third line of business.

Even though Tiger had mocked An An on his return, An An seemed to have lost his memory, though he couldn't recall it.

What made Anthea depressed wasn't just the money, but also the documents and the bank card.

It was a good thing that An An had discovered it early. He stopped his bank card, unwilling to give up. This was the first time in eighteen years that something like this had happened. No matter what, he must find the 'murderer'.

An An looked for clues. Although it really did look like a professional thief, the Thief God's Gate didn't seem to be targeting him.

After contacting the Thief God Sect and confirming that no one had done anything to him, An An became even more confused.

A week had passed since he threw away his wallet. In order to find the killer, An An didn't do anything, but rather roamed around the city, hoping to find some clues.

The items that were lost were not the main point. The main point was the issue of face, as well as the ability to do so.

Although his kung fu was not the best among all the members who had tried to kill him, he was definitely not the worst. How could it be …

Thinking of the members who had been killed, a strange thought flashed through An An's mind.

Could it be that the person that attacked him also had superpowers? Just like killing other people?

Upon thinking of this, An An was somewhat excited. If this was true, perhaps she could consider letting him join her.

That night, An An said this thought to him, but everyone laughed at him. Of course, some things didn't need to be said that everyone knew about it. Men always had to have face.

Seeing everyone's expressions, An An was very angry and decided to personally find out who the murderer was.

Being mocked by her companions was a very depressing thing. Even though it was already very late, An An decided to go out to take a breather.

After wandering around outside for an hour, he was no longer stuffed. However, he was hungry. Just as he was about to go find something to eat, he was startled by the sound of gunfire from behind him.


Before Anthea could see what was going on behind him, someone bumped into him.

"Are you hurt?"

Although An An was hit and staggered, but he didn't fall, the person who hit him was not so lucky. He rolled to the side, and he held his arm as if he was injured.

"Are you all right?"

Anthea asked, stepping forward to help him.

"Help me block those people."

The injured little figure raised his head, causing An An to be dumbstruck. It was actually her!

"You're hurt. Did those people do it?"

An An looked at the three figures running towards them and asked with a frown.

"Mm, help me stop those people."

The girl's eyes lit up again and she shivered. Her brain seemed to have stopped working.

Instead of helping the girl, he stood up and faced the men.

The girl took the opportunity to get up and wobble away.

Although An An didn't have a gun, it was still fine to deal with a few people.

"Teacher, please step aside, she cheated you."

The three men did not shoot, but spoke to Anthea.

"Cut the crap. It's just not right for you to use a gun."

An'an didn't waste any time; in just a few moments, she had taken care of him.

Perhaps the other party hadn't thought that they would meet an expert. Most importantly, they didn't use their spears, but they had easily defeated two. Knowing that they were no match for the third person, the other party wanted to use their spears.

Although the sound of gunfire could be heard, An An didn't fall. The people who had released An An had instead fallen to the ground under the foot of An An's' Traceless Buddha '.

An An clapped his hands, and the gunshot caused his mind to return to normal.

He was stunned for a few seconds. What was wrong with him? How was he supposed to start a fight with someone?

Fortunately, the time was short, and he immediately recalled what happened just now. At the same time, he also understood one thing, that girl was not simple.

His mind raced as he thought of the situation from before and the situation from that day. He immediately understood what was going on.

Most likely, the girl had stolen his wallet.

Perhaps just like earlier, he immediately turned around to chase after him.

It seemed like she really did have a pair of soul-reaping eyes. They were able to captivate a person's soul and could be controlled by her.

Even though she knew that the purse might have been taken by her, An An wasn't angry. Instead, she was looking forward to it.

They had just chased for a street when they saw a small shadow running towards them.

In the dark night, his smile was especially dazzling.

"Where else do you want to run to?"

The girl also froze for two seconds when she saw An An. Then, she quickly turned around to flee, but An An An grabbed her with one hand.

She was so young that she looked like a child of about ten years. Moreover, her injuries were not light. The sleeves of her right arm were dyed red with blood.

"Let me go."

The girl stubbornly struggled.

"Did you take my wallet last time?"

Anthea looked at the girl. She had an illusion that something had really happened.

"You gave it to me yourself."

The girl focused on An An. Her bright black eyes once again emitted a deep light.

An An An was startled and quickly shut his eyes.

"Let me go."

Anthea was stunned for a moment. She spoke calmly, as if he would definitely let her go.

"And if I don't?"

Anthea smiled. This girl was like a trace. She must have some extraordinary story on her.

"You …"

The girl's eyes finally revealed a different emotion. It was shock, as if she was shocked by An An's answer.

"Let's go, you're injured."

An'an didn't pursue the matter any further. She was severely injured and needed to be treated as soon as possible.

"Where are you taking me?"

The girl looked at An'an warily.

"Don't worry, that place will definitely be safe. At the very least, no one will be able to harm you there."

"We won't be caught by them?"

The lady hesitated.

"No, I can promise you that."

"Alright, I'll return this to you."

At the same time, the girl gave An An's wallet back to him.

Anthea didn't look at what was left in the bag, nor did she blame her.

"Let's go."

An An was just about to leave when the girl's body swayed a couple of times and fell backwards. An An quickly picked her up.

Looking at the unconscious girl, An An sighed softly.

It was so light. Hugging her hand, it didn't even feel like she weighed fifty pounds. How could she be so thin?

"Sigh, I hope your vitality is strong enough."

Although she didn't see the wound, judging from the girl's high body temperature, her condition wasn't very good.

"Put her down."

Anthea was about to leave when a bullet shot across his ear.

So it turns out that those three fellows had caught up to him. It seems like he was too gentle just now.

"Sorry, she belongs to me now. Goodbye."

Anthea threw a handsome smile, leapt up, and disappeared in front of the three fools.

When he returned to the killing zone, while everyone else was still awake, Anthea called for Madisha to help her inspect the girl's injuries.

Madisha was a member of the Indian race, Snake. In addition to her ability to control snakes, she also studied medicine.

"An, who is that little guy?" It can't be related to some evil path to be covered in blood, right? "

Niu poured a cup of coffee for Anthea and asked curiously.

"I'm not sure. It's just a simple matter of convenience."

Anthea did not intend to reveal that her purse had been taken by a girl.

"It's convenient, her injuries are not light at all, who would make a move against a little guy?"

"Yes, Mouse, help me investigate these three people."

Anthea got up, took the laptop and quickly created the shapes of three men.

"They are the people who harmed the little guy."

"Hmm, there are three armed men chasing after a little girl. There must be a secret within."

An An An explained the characteristics of their physiques in detail.

A few minutes later, Lao Shu stood up with a worried expression.

"Ann, you might be in big trouble."

"Are they CIA?"

An An hadn't looked at the information yet, but the rat's expression made one have no choice but to think in that direction.

"It's scarier than the CIA, but maybe it's not that hard to deal with. The most important thing is that Xiao Budian, she shouldn't be an ordinary person."

"What kind of organization did those three guys belong to?"

Anthea appeared to be anxious and impatient. To make a move on a little girl was very despicable.

"One of them is the FBI, but he's transferred to a secret research institute in the country. I think that girl is not a normal person, if I'm not wrong, she should be a lab mouse."