"Old Wen, you'll regret it."

Wen Yi Fei pushed the fire pressure back into his body and coldly threw down those words. He then left the Wen family's mansion without a trace of emotion.

"Old master, why must you suffer? Even if you suffer, you will still suffer young master."

After Wen Yi Fei left, Uncle Zhong looked at Wen Haoyang, who no longer had a smile on his face, and sighed.

"Ah Zhong, are we really going to use our entire lives to compensate for this unreasonable mistake?"

Old Master Wen stood up, and a tear fell on the rosebud by his side.

"There will be a day when the young master understands the hard work of the lord."

Uncle Zhong handed the scissors to Wen Haoyang and cut off the bud of the rose.

He didn't want to force his son like this, but he didn't have much time left. If he didn't hear his son call him father before he died, he would die with regrets.

When the Star King, Lan Yufeng, saw Wen Yi Fei's beaming face, he knew that he had failed again. Thus, he didn't dare to speak another word.

"Feng, help Little Wan cancel her contract with the company, and deduct the 100 million in breach of contract fee from my account."

Wen Yi Fei collapsed weakly onto the sofa. Right now, the best option was to let Wan'er and her son leave the country.

"Yi, Little Wan won't agree. She just called and said that she will be here immediately."

Lan Yufeng sighed.

Two equally stubborn people, one unwilling to give in to fate, the other unwilling to give in to his own father, how could they listen to others' arrangements?

"Even if you don't agree, you still have to agree. If An An exposed her, she will be forced to die by public opinion."

Wen Yi Fei covered his head with his hands and was in extreme pain.

He was a man, but he could not protect his women and children.

"I can take anything. I won't cancel the contract."

Little Wan, who had rushed back from the music director's rush, happened to overhear Wen Yi Fei's conversation with Lan Yufeng.


Lan Yufeng looked at Xiao Wan in astonishment, but Wen Yi Fei didn't even raise his head.

I know everything now, whether it's Wen Jingchen's schemes or someone else's, I will not let him succeed. Ann will be fine, I will also be strong and live, and not only will I not break my contract, I will also become the most popular female artist.

Little Wan walked in, stood in front of Wen Yi Fei, and said with an unquestionable tone.

"Do you think it's that easy to take Golden Man? Do you think it's that easy to make a record? Do you think you have the ability to make a record? Do you think you have the ability to make a record? Don't forget, they don't have a son, and you still have a burden. "

Wen Yi Fei suddenly stood up and shouted at Wan'er.

Tears welled up in Wan'er's eyes, she struggled to keep them from flowing out.

"An'an isn't a burden. He's my son. He's everything to me."

Looking at Wen Yifei, his words were like sharp blades that stabbed into her heart. That was also his son.

Although he hadn't done his duty as a father for a day, blood was thicker than water. How could he say that?

"Where are you going?"

Seeing Little Wan walk out, Wen Yi Fei grabbed his arm and said angrily.

"Go home. I'm going to pick up An An."

Little Wan did not look back. She did not want to look at this man anymore.

If he wasn't gay, why couldn't he just stand up and admit that his son was his?

Was she afraid that he would not let him go?

Were they afraid that they would take his property?

She didn't understand. She didn't think she was going to be like Shu.

"What are you going to do? Let him face the media? "

"Don't worry, I won't reveal your surname. He won't have anything to do with you, Director Wen."

Little Wan's voice was cold and detached, her heart seemed to have returned to ten years ago.

Ten years ago, when she and her mother were kicked out, the two of them were dependent on each other, with nothing to show for it.

She would be like her mother and not let her son suffer any grievances. She would be strong. At least they had food and shelter now. This was already much better than before.

"Little Wan, that's not what I meant. Right now, the media is only guessing. As long as An Ran doesn't appear, everything will be fine once the storm passes."

When Lan Yufeng saw the two of them suddenly stiffen, she had no choice but to come out and explain to Wen Yi Fei.

"I had a guess today, and a guess tomorrow. There will be a day when I will come out. If that's the case, then I might as well stand up for myself."

Wan had already made up her mind. Rather than letting her son live in the dark, it was better to let him walk in the sunlight. Even if the sun was burning hot, she would cover for her son and try her best to not let him get hurt.

"He can't come out yet. It will affect your career."

Wen Yi Fei's tone was rather weak.

He could not admit his defeat to the old man. After twenty years of insistence, was he going to give up just like that?

"I am a human, not a fairy. People make mistakes. I believe the audience will understand, and the movie fans will understand as well. Director Wen, please let go."

Wan'er pulled away Wen Yi Fei's hand with determination, not even glancing at him.

"Yi, you still don't want to admit it?"

After Xiao Wan left, Lan Yufeng asked the painfully conflicted Wen Yi Fei.

"If I appear, it will be even more disadvantageous to her. Don't forget, I'm the Star King's CEO. If I appear, what would others think of her?"

Wen Yi Fei sat powerlessly on the sofa. Could it be that only the old man could settle this matter?

"But if you don't come out, then An An will become an illegitimate child."

Lan Yufeng said anxiously from the side.

"That's still better than standing up for me. Before I went to America, the old man spent one million to buy her first night. That was the night before I left the country, and that was the old man's condition. Does she still have her head up? "

Ah!" Why would she want to do it?

Lan Yufeng was astonished. He thought that the two of them would have a romantic relationship, but who would have thought that it actually happened like this.

"What's the reason is not important. What's important is that she used to be a waitress at a nightclub and sold her body for money. For what reason does no one care about her?"

Wen Yi Fei shook his head. He had thought about this many times. It wasn't that he didn't want to stand out, but that he couldn't.

"Then what do we do now? Do you really have to let her face it alone? "

"She's very strong. She can face it."

Wen Yi Fei felt very tired. He had thought of doing it for her, and he was willing to do it for her, but if she didn't accept it, she wouldn't appreciate it.

"She's not even twenty years old and she has a child. Do you think she can handle it?"

Lan Yufeng looked at her good friend in disagreement.

"That was her own choice. I gave it my all."

Wen Yi Fei's face returned to its original icy state.

"You … Yi, one day, you will regret it. You will discover that what you have lost is what you want to pursue in this life. "

Lan Yufeng threw a thick pile of documents on the table and left in a huff.

Little Wan took a taxi back to her own home, but her son wasn't there, and so was Sister Wang. She panicked. It was just a few days, yet she disappeared so quickly.

"Big Brother Zhao, I'm Little Wan. Where are Sister Wang and An An? Do you know where they went? "

No one opened the door when they knocked on Zhao Kai's home. The frantic Xiao Wan quickly called Zhao Wan.

"Little Wan, where have you been these past few days? Your phone can't be reached and you can't be found. In the morning …"

"Big Brother Zhao, I'll tell you about my situation later. Tell me, where are An An and Sister Wang?"

"No, they're still at home in the morning. Little Wan, don't be anxious, could it be that they went out to buy groceries? Don't panic, I'll hurry back as soon as possible. "

Zhao Kai consoled Wan'er as he hurried back.

If it wasn't for the new movie, he would have stayed by Wan'er's side, but as a man, he could only take care of the woman he loved after finding out he had more money, so when Wan was hiding in Star King, he came out. It had only been a few days, but An An Xin had already disappeared.

Hearing that Zhao Kai said no, Wan then called Shu Zimo and found out that the child was with her. Although he was relieved, he became even more flustered, feeling as if her son was about to be snatched away.

She hurried downstairs and prepared to go to Shu Zimo's place, she didn't expect to be surrounded by a large number of reporters the moment she left the district.

When Zhao Kai rushed back, he had a bad feeling when he saw the third floor and the third floor outside the residential complex. When he rescued Wan from the Madman's Army, her clothes were all torn.

There were also obvious scars on his neck. This was a journalist, he was simply a bandit, a hooligan.

"I didn't tell you to wait at home. Why are you in such a hurry to go out?"

Zhao Kai reprimanded with a pained heart as he applied some medicine.

"I'm going to pick up An'an … "Oh no, my phone is gone …"

Little Wan remembered that she had never been there, so she wanted to call Shu Zimo, but she didn't expect the phone to be missing.

Because Wan said that she wanted to see the child, Shu Zimo was a little worried and hurried back. However, since there was no one waiting for her and the phone call was still unavailable, he became anxious.

However, when he reached Wan'er's phone, not only were the people who answered his phone were men, but they were also extremely noisy. He hung up the phone and rushed to Wan'er's home with An Xin in his arms.

"It must have fallen outside just now. Big Brother Zhao, I'm going to get the phone back."

Little Wan was already out of her mind, the phone must have dropped when they were pulling it.

"Don't go over there, I'll go get it."

Zhao Kai's expression was not much better than Little Wan's when he heard this.

If the phone was in the hands of those gossipers, then Wan'er would be in trouble.

"Big Brother Zhao, forget it. Just treat it as losing it. It's a good chance to change the card."

Seeing that Zhao Kai was about to leave, Little Wan shook her head furiously. Those people were too terrifying. If she went, who knew what would happen?

"No, I have to get it back."

Zhao Kai paused when he opened the door, then shook his head. The phone was not just making calls now, there was information, pictures, if … " "Forget it, it's useless to bring it back now. I'm afraid they've already seen it."

Little Wan smiled bitterly, she had never been in such a sorry state before.

"What's on your phone? Who's on the phone? "Photographs?"

Little Wan lay on the sofa and closed her eyes. Her heart ached so much that it felt like it would tear her apart. What was on the phone?

"Actually, it's nothing much. It's just that there's a picture of An An and me together."

If they knew, they would know. If they exposed themselves earlier, they wouldn't expose themselves again that day. It would be better to let the storm take its toll.

"Where's the phone?" Who were they? Was there anyone from Wenyi Fei? And what's the latest text message? "

Zhao Kai was clearly more anxious than Wan.

"No, we are not as familiar as you think. There are also very few phone calls. Other than you and Zimo, the rest are the cast and crew members."

"Little Wan felt very tired. Luckily, there was nothing with the surname Wen inside." "What about text messages?"

"It's nothing. Just a few things he had with Zimo a few days ago. He was just asked if he was all right, and nothing else."

Wan'er said helplessly.

"It seems like this time, Shu Zimo will become the main character of the scandal. Besides, An …"

Zhao Kai felt slightly sour in his heart, as if the slight bit of regret in his heart was not his own.

"Whatever. Clear yourself up, as long as I know in my heart."

Little Wan looked calm on the surface, but she wasn't confident either.

However, if the main character of the scandal was Zimo, she would feel slightly better. She would know what was being said about him, but one day, there would be someone who would know the identities of the siblings.

"Didn't Wen Yi Fei say what he wanted to do?"