Chapter 826

Hearing the word "evil fate", Mrs. Liu changed her look.

She sighed slightly.

Isn't that evil fate!

It's a pity

"Don't worry, madam. I know what to do."

At this point, it's useless to say more. Chu Zhi ordered people to entertain Mrs. Liu and told them to meet whatever she asked along the way.

Chu Zhi didn't know that the reason why Liu shenpo promised to go to Kyoto with her was actually to see Wushan, and it had something to do with King Rui.

Further, it is related to Gu Changyan.

Speaking of it, it's still the romantic debt owed by King Rui.

When King Rui was an envoy to the state of Chu when he was a teenager, he met witch Liu, who was a teacher of Wushan. To be exact, Wushan was not much different from witch Liu. At that time, Wushan was the most trusted disciple of the former high priest. Witch Liu asked the high priest to worship under the witch door and wanted to learn some real skills. Unfortunately, the high priest did not accept disciples at that time. Due to his old friendship, she ordered Wushan to teach. Although she did not worship the teacher, But there was a apprenticeship.

When King Rui sent to the state of Chu, Liu shenpo happened to learn arts in front of Wushan. At that time, the state of Liang prospered, that is, the state of Chu should be polite and respectful.

Therefore, King Rui, the envoy of the state of Chu, received very high treatment.

The king of Chu saw that King Rui had a crush on Liu shenpo, so he ordered Liu shenpo to be a guide and took him around to appreciate the customs and customs of the state of Chu. King Rui was young, windy and handsome. Liu shenpo fell in love with King Rui without any defense.

King Rui is an expert in love. He is used to doing things in the flowers and leaves don't touch his body. He soon loses interest in mother Liu, but she is fascinated.

It happened that the king of Chu moved his mind again and wanted to marry Mrs. Liu shenpo to King Rui and his relatives to make a good marriage between the two countries. King Rui didn't agree.

Liu shenpo is also a tough and arrogant woman. When she learned what king Rui meant, she took the initiative to go to the king of Chu and said that she didn't want to marry King Rui. She had no feelings for King Rui and took all her mistakes on herself. The king of Chu knew exactly why, but so far, the king of Chu couldn't start if she wanted to be angry.

Unable to swallow this tone, he found a reason, picked up the mistake of Mrs. Liu shenpo, and asked her to die to apologize.

No matter how mean King Rui was, it happened because of him, and Mrs. Liu shenpo ended up like this for him. King Rui pleaded for mercy. In order to save Mrs. Liu shenpo, King Rui decided to give up three years of sacrifice to the state of Chu, which made the king of Chu expose the matter.

However, King Rui made his own decisions and annoyed emperor Xiao. It was really difficult for King Rui's house in those years.

Liu shenpo felt guilty privately, so she said to King Rui, "anyway, I've implicated you. I'll find a chance to pay it off in the future."

Unfortunately, who can say the word "love" clearly and clearly?

After saying this, Mrs. Liu went to the border, and then to the Yanghu pass of the state of Qi. She lived for many years.

King Rui had long forgotten it, but Mrs. Liu remembered it clearly.

Because of Chu Zhi and Han Zhan, she calculated on a whim that King Rui would send white haired people to black haired people. No matter what happened in those years, she always promised that King Rui owed him a favor, so she would go to Kyoto with Chu Zhi to find Wushan. God Liu knew that Wushan had a unique secret to solve this, but she had to pay a great price, but it didn't matter. Anyway, she was going to die.

I just didn't expect to meet Gu Changyan halfway.

Yes, she should have thought of it. The Regent who is famous for his bravery and good fighting in the state of Liang is Gu Changyan. After all, there are few people surnamed Gu in Kyoto of the state of Liang except King Rui

Therefore, when Liu shenpo met Gu Changyan, she would give advice.

I hope Gu Changyan can turn around.