Chapter 782

"You mean..." Meng Wan guessed a possibility. "Is Gu Changyan intentional? He wants to kill? It doesn't make sense!"

Now it's a military camp. Whoever deserves credit is who. That can't be changed.

After all, Meng Wan had been sent to that place for training for a year before. He knew better than anyone how strict and harsh the military camp was, and there was no ambiguity at all.

"What doesn't make sense?" Chu Zhi sighed. "You should remember that he can do anything."

Facts have proved that what Chu Zhi said is true.

If Wushan sends a dark guard to assassinate Chu Zhi when they come, there will be no protection around him. At that time, it will be succeeded by the people of the king of Chu. Wushan will not be so stupid. If you want Han Zhan and Chu Zhi's life, you can take your time. As long as he lives one day, he will have one day's hope.

Hearing this, Chu Zhi still asked Han Zhan, "do you... Believe in bringing the dead back to life?"

After all, in Yanghu pass, Han Zhan went to Sanqing temple to pray for the gods for Chu Zhi and broke his head.

This time Han Zhan didn't answer in a hurry. After a long silence, he smiled: "if you can really bring the dead back to life, why hasn't Wushan achieved its wish so far after so many years?"

After all, I still don't believe it.

"But the king of Chu believed it!" Chu Zhi said, "otherwise the king of Chu would not want Wushan's life wholeheartedly!"

The king of Chu is the real decision-maker of the royal family.

Since they came to the state of Chu, they found that all the people in the state of Chu respected the high priest.

King Xiaoyao said that he was the God of war and the God of the people of the state of Chu, but this God had long been elevated and was just a symbol. Otherwise, the king of Chu would not give King Xiaoyao supreme glory.

After all, in the eyes of the king of Chu, King Xiaoyao had no ambition and no real power. For the sake of his royal blood, this gave him honor, like a monument, and gave him wise praise. Why not?

Wushan is ambitious. The state of Chu also advocates the art of seeking immortality. In addition, Wushan does have two brushes. It is amazing that he changed his life against the sky for the king of Chu.

How could the king of Chu tolerate Wushan to continue to grow up?

The king of Chu encouraged the cultivation of immortals and supported the prosperity and development of major sects for the purpose of the unification of rights, and the premise of the unification of rights was to recapture the privileges in the hands of Wushan.

And most importantly, Wushan has been looking for a way to bring the dead back to life. The king of Chu doesn't know the secret that even Chu Xi can find out?

It is said that Wushan has a deep love for Lianji and thinks like crazy. Only then can he persevere and vow to die to find a way to revive Lianji.

But is he really for Lianji?

Or does he really love Lianji?

If you really love a person to this point, you will not hesitate to take your life and lifelong cultivation. As Lianji's favorite son Han Zhan, why can't Wushan love his house and Wu?

Isn't it strange?

You can see from Zhongyong Hou!

Of course, love can't require anyone to be unified. Maybe Wushan cares that Han Zhan is the son of Lianji and Xiaoyao king.

But think about it carefully. Even if you don't like your rival's son, you have to take care of it for the sake of keeping your sweetheart's blood.

But what about Wushan? Instead of taking care of Han Zhan, he was determined to kill Han Zhan.

This is abnormal, not to mention the king of Chu, who is the king of a country, will doubt Wushan's practice.

Therefore, in the view of the king of Chu, the art of bringing the dead back to life does exist, but Wushan has not found a way. What the king of Chu has to do is to take the lead in executing Wushan before Wushan succeeds, so as to avoid future trouble.

So Chu Zhi said to Han Zhan, "since the king of Chu has recognized it, we don't say whether we believe it or not. At least we should make preparations, just in case. After all, Wushan is too evil."