Chapter 724

Half a month later.

The army finally arrived at the border.

The first place they arrived was Danyang City.

As soon as the army arrived, the people in the city raised their arms and cheered. Before they came, the state of Zhao had started war, and many grain and grass of the Chu army were stored in Danyang City.

Chu Zhi and others did not stop. After a half day's rest, they went to the front line.

After walking for thirty miles, it was evening after arriving.

The twilight is four in one, and the whole earth against the shaky sunset has turned orange. Looking around, the smoke of gunpowder is diffuse, and there are traces of fire everywhere. The black blood has dried up, including soldiers and the enemy. It's summer. It's hot, and those dead bodies have begun to rot, shocking.

Anyone who sees it wants to turn around and run.

But instead of running, they should go straight bravely, because they are soldiers, and their mission and duty is to guard this land.

Even if you die, you will die on the battlefield.

Zhao is a small country. Over the years, it has always been humble to other countries. It has an open mind to learn from the technologies of other countries and absorb its strengths. It thought it was a clever and obedient sheep. Now it knows that it is a wolf in sheep's clothing. Now it tears off its disguise and reveals its fangs. The wolf's ambition is exposed.

It was precisely because of the obedience and deference of the state of Zhao that paralyzed the state of Chu.

As soon as the war began, the state of Zhao was fierce. With the help of the state of Qi, the state of Chu was more or less despised. Before long, the state of Chu suffered heavy casualties.

Fortunately, the reinforcements are here.

As if through discussion, Han zhanchuzhi arrived at the front line in the evening. At midnight, Gu Changyan personally led the army.

The war situation is urgent. There is no time to say more. General Gao, who is already on the front line, took the map and said to several commanders: "the state of Qi is adjacent to the state of Chu. All the troops of the state of Zhao have gone to the state of Qi. The armies of the two countries are close to the border. Now we are in pingmapo, and then there is Jueren valley. As the name suggests, few people can go out of Jueren valley."

Pointing to the adult shaped Valley on the map, he said, "Jue Ren Valley is narrow and narrow. There are mountains on both sides. It is steep and difficult to attack. There are many miasma and poisonous weeds, and many poisonous snakes, insects and ants. This alone can kill all the soldiers, not to mention fighting immediately. It is even more difficult." then he pointed to another mountain, "You see, the two mountains are connected together, but the hillside is soft and easy to slide. There are many rolling stones, which are twice higher than Jue Ren valley. Once the two armies fight and the terrain vibrates, the mountain will slide due to vibration. At that time, the rolling stones will fall and it will be too late to run!"

General Gao said and sighed: "The people of the state of Zhao are good at poisonous insects and have excellent medical skills. Therefore, their people have an antidote and take the lead in seizing Jueren valley. We have no way to deal with it. We can only be robbed of the first opportunity. At present, pingmapo, where we are stationed, will be Danyang City in the next thirty miles. If we can't keep pingmapo, within half a day, the whole Danyang City will become a thing in the bag of the state of Qi."

It's not general Gao's alarmist remarks, but Zhao's ruthless and vicious methods. In addition, Qi is domineering and fierce, and juerengu is a backer. In just two months, Chu has been forced to die and injured countless people.

Chu Zhi looked carefully at the map of the border between Chu and Qi. Indeed, as General Gao said, he was in a dilemma.

Speaking of this, General Gao said: "The state of Qi has a strong army, is good at riding and shooting, and is rich in war horses. Many war horses of the state of Chu came from the state of Qi. As early as six months ago, the state of Qi stopped selling war horses to other countries on the grounds of plague and epidemic. Although the state of Chu bred many war horses, they still can't compare with the state of Qi. For example, once the war starts today, there are only a few war horses, and when we finally replace them with the war horses of the state of Chu, it will be even more useless There is a chance. "

General song understood what he meant: "so you mean, even if the reinforcements arrive, they can't fight head-on, but can only take it by coincidence?"

"Yes!" General Gao nodded, "unless you can cross the valley of Jue Ren."

At this time, an old voice sounded: "the state of Liang had a hand with the state of Qi in his early years. I was lucky to lead my troops. The state of Qi is surrounded by mountains, but once you cross the mountains, there is an endless grassland. As long as you can cross the barrier, it will be much easier behind. Not to mention the joint efforts of our two countries, the state of Qi is not afraid."

It turned out that it was general Qi. He was so old that he even followed Gu Changyan to invite troops to fight.

Seeing general Qi, Chu Zhi's eyes lit up. The sense of closeness and long lost familiarity from the bottom of her heart made her excited and sad.

General Qi said she was her master in a previous life, but he took her as his daughter. What does Chu Zhi feel about his father's love in general Qi.

Therefore, at first sight, it is inevitable to have emotional ups and downs.

Han Zhan was keenly aware of Chu Zhi's excitement. He glanced at her slightly and general Qi again. A touch of meditation crossed his eyes.

"Now the way is how to cross the valley." Gu Changyan opened his mouth.

After the crowd nodded in succession, only Chu Zhi glanced at the bottom of his eyes with disdain.

This is an established fact. We all know that what we need now is a solution. We have the ability to think of a way out!

Gu Changyan looked at Chu Zhi's mockery at the bottom of his eyes. His eyes flashed slightly and couldn't help laughing.

"The world knows that the king of Chu is wise and wise, and little Han must have excellent skills to become the military division appointed by the king of Chu. In that case, how can we cross the Jueren Valley?"

Han Zhan sneered. He didn't care about the long banquet and was full of calculations.

But he knows that Gu Changyan is intentional and still wants to respond to Gu Changyan's war. Don't think he doesn't know what Gu Changyan thinks. Han Zhan's shame doesn't matter, but he can't be ashamed of Zhizhi.

Han Zhan raised his eyebrows: "When I was young, I was naughty and often caused trouble. My father couldn't, so he locked me in the house and thought about it. I couldn't go out without an order. But I didn't think so. I often climbed over the wall or bribed the guards to sneak out. Later, my father found a way to keep a dog on the wall near the street. Every door in the family that could go out was guarded by heavy soldiers. If there were a dog over the wall, I would be bitten if I wasn't careful The worthless were afraid of dogs when they were young. They couldn't beat and beat the brave soldiers. They had no choice but to be trapped in the house. Unfortunately, they couldn't stand loneliness. In the long run, they figured out a way. Coincidentally, the backyard of the Hou house was next to the Shangshu house, and the Shangshu house was facing the street. There was a foot wide alley in the middle of the Hou house, so they took out a dog hole. My father didn't expect him I bought a dog and sent heavy soldiers to guard it, but I found a new place to dig a dog hole and get out. "

After saying that, he picked his eyebrow and smiled: "facts have proved that this method is very good. I have been free for a long time."

Han Zhan has always been free and easy and informal. I haven't heard him speak so politely.

Chu Zhi heard a goose bumps and almost rushed out of the door.

[author's digression]: do you understand the meaning of the little Marquis?!!!! Squint smile