Chapter 605

Until now, when Han Qian recalled that year, he still had an unspeakable touch in his heart.

To some extent, on the road of life, his brother brought him more than his father taught him.

After Han Qian said that he liked reading, Han Zhan said, "ask me if you won't in the future, but don't tell anyone. If it affects me to be a dandy, I'll beat you to death!"

"Not even father?"

"Never! If you say so, I'll run away from home and never come back!"

Strange to say, Roche hates Han Zhan to the bone, but Han Qian likes to worship Han Zhan most. His feelings for Han Zhan are deeper than Roche.

As soon as he heard that his brother would leave him, he nodded and promised, swearing not to tell anyone.

Whenever he was praised by the master and praised by his majesty, he was always very happy.

Because they boast about their brother, it shows that brother is the most powerful.

For Han Qian, Han Zhan is more excited when he is praised than when he is praised.

But it's strange that my brother really doesn't read. He never reads or recites the four books and five classics, but he can understand a lot of great principles and know a lot of things that others don't know.

This is what Han Qian admires.

He always thought that one day his brother would show his true face, and those who laughed at him would be stunned and slapped in the face.

Until later, one day, my father stopped the dark brother with people gambling in the gambling house. He couldn't help getting angry and dragged the man back to his house, saying he wanted to kill his brother.

Hearing the news, Han Qian hurried back from the academy to plead for his brother.

The father beat up his brother mercilessly. If he was really angry, he couldn't get up for half a month.

When Han Qian hurried back, he heard his father's angry roar from a distance.

"Before your mother died, she asked me to teach you well. As a result, you did nothing and learned nothing all day. You were just extravagant and drunken. You gambled. Today I'll teach you a good lesson for your mother!"

Father beat and scolded.

"If you don't study hard, it's a half job to practice martial arts. Tell me, what do you want to do? If you don't work hard, who will the big Hou house entrust to in the future?"

"Isn't there Han Qian!" the elder brother said loudly. "Han Qian has a good mind and is clever and sensible. You give him the Marquis house. Anyway, my dream is to be a dandy. Moreover, Roche says you are eccentric every day and quarrels with you every day. When Han Qian inherits the throne of the son of the world, I believe she won't say you are eccentric! Anyway, I don't love the position of the marquis. Who wants to go!"

Until then, Han Qian suddenly realized.

No wonder brother Changming is very smart, but he is not motivated at all. It's because of him, it's all because of him

The elder brother didn't want his mother to make trouble every day. Knowing that his mother wanted to be a son, he took the initiative to push him out.

For fear that his father wouldn't agree, he deliberately didn't learn and know how. At that time, his father had nothing to say.

This pile by pile, many Han qian can't count.

He owes too much to his brother

But his biological mother wanted to kill his brother

"Han Qian."

Hearing the news, Han Zhan, seeing Han Qian kneeling in front of Luo's holy throne, couldn't help saying.

"I'm sorry for the change."

Hearing his brother's voice, Han Zhan was in a trance and his thoughts returned. He turned his head slightly and his eyes slowly fell on his brother, opposite his eyes.

"Brother, brother..." Han Qian opened his mouth and said astringently for a long time, "I'm sorry!"

"I don't know. I really didn't know she would do that. I --"

"Death is like a lamp out." Han Zhan interrupted Han Qian, "it's all over, don't mention it."

Han Zhan is not generous. He knows that Han Qian is Han Qian and Roche is Roche. Roche's fault should not be paid by Han Qian, not to mention that Roche has paid a price for it.


"Nothing, but."

Now it's still late at night. Zhongyong Hou knows that Han Qian is coming to worship Roche, so he doesn't ask anyone to disturb him. Han Zhan is also worried about Han Qian, so he comes.

The two brothers simply sat in the ancestral hall and talked.

"Brother, I'm sorry."

"OK, I'm sorry. I've said it twice. Don't mention it again in the future."

Han Zhan said, "what did I say? I said you would be promising in the future and inherit the Marquis house!"

On the way back, Han Qian had read the letter his father wrote to him, which also said Han Zhan's life experience and indicated that Han Zhan would return to the state of Chu.

As soon as Han Zhan left, Han Qian was the only one who could inherit Hou's house.

Roche's greatest wish is to ask his son Han Qian to inherit the Marquis house. Now he has achieved his wish.

"But I never thought of inheriting Hou's house." Han Qian blushed. "Hou's house is brother's, and I never thought of robbing you."


"I know," Han Zhan said with a smile, "but I also said that I didn't intend to go to Hou's house at all. I just wanted to be a dandy and be free all my life."

After that, he patted Han Qian on the shoulder: "after I leave, you should help your father take care of the Marquis house. There are only two of you left in the house. You should be good, you know?"

Han Qian's nose was sour: "do you really want to go?"

"I'll go sooner or later."

Seeing Han Qian's red eyes, Han Zhan burst into laughter: "how old are you and still crying? When I was as old as you, I had already followed my father to the battlefield."

"I know," Han Qian said dully.

I remember when he was a child, he once saw his brother's archery. He didn't say that hundreds of steps pierced the Yang, but the arrow didn't make a false shot and hit the bull's-eye again and again.

But since then, he has never seen his brother practice archery. He knows that his brother is afraid of his father and wants to call him the son of the world.

"Brother," Han Qian said, "do you still practice archery now?"

"What? You want me to teach you?" Han Zhan glanced.

"I think your archery is so good. It's a pity if you lose it!"

"You come with me."

Han Zhan took him to the martial arts field, picked up the bow and arrow on the shelf, drew the arrow and put it on the string.

Han Qian hurriedly said, "I'll turn on the light."


Before the words fell, the arrow flew out.

Han Zhan took out a night pearl: "go and see for yourself."

Han Qian:

Han Qian, who received the * * pearl, hurried to see it. Only then did he find that Han Zhan's arrow hit the bull's-eye. It was late. It was tantamount to blind shooting!

Without serious Kung Fu, it is absolutely impossible!

Han Qian excitedly ran back with an arrow and said to Han Zhan, "brother, I'm in!"

"Come on, are you so happy!" Han Zhan raised his eyebrows when he was infected by Han Qian's emotion. "What's really powerful is that the people who ride on the horse and lift the target keep running back and forth, riding the horse and shooting the bull's eye at the same time. When you have a chance in the future, I'll show you what a hundred shots are!"

The voice fell behind and both men were silent.

Later... I'm afraid I won't have a chance.

"All right." Han Zhan patted Han Qian's head. "It's getting late. Let's have a rest early after taking a bath!"

Then he turned and went back to his yard.

As a result, as soon as he crossed the arch, he saw Chu Zhi standing there quietly. He didn't know how long he had been here.