Chapter 514

As soon as the voice fell, the book chess was like an electric shock. He suddenly let go. The ointment rolled down on the grass by the lake and disappeared.

Books and chess shake like chaff.

Seeing this, Chu Wan smiled and knew he was right.

"Although I don't know how you offended Chu Xi, Chu Xi gave you this ointment, which shows that she is determined to kill you. Speaking of it, you are also loyal to Chu Xi and work hard. In the end, she did so to you. Are you really willing?"

Shuqi trembled even more. Her face was so pale that there was no blood color. Against the blood on her face, she looked like a female ghost in the middle of the night.

After half a ring, Shuqi said hoarsely, "the master is excellent to me. Don't stir up discord."

Having said that, the bottom of my eyes was empty. Obviously, I didn't even know what I said.

"Chu Xi is good to you. You know it best in your heart. I just want to remind you that if Chu Xi wants you to die, do you really don't hate her? Do you really don't want her life and give her all your bitterness, resentment and desolation for so many years?" Chu night leaned over and looked at the eyes of calligraphy and chess and said slowly word by word, "Think about your childhood sweetheart but predestined brother, think about your beating and scolding for so many years, think about the persecution of mother Cui and the ruthlessness of Chu Xi, don't you really want revenge?"

"Don't say... Don't say --" Shuqi suddenly covered his ears and shouted like crazy.

Chu Wan didn't say anything, but stood up and said to Shuqi: "Now everyone knows that Chu Xi is not pregnant with the son of the fourth prince, but with his majesty. Do you really think Chu Xi can jump the dragon's gate with this child? Then you underestimate the minister in the court and the queen. If you want revenge and want to kill Chu Xi, this is your only chance. It depends on whether you can grasp it. After all, you are Chu Xi Your personal servant girl, as long as you say a word, it is enough to ruin Chu Xi's reputation and never turn over. "

Chu Wan said this and turned away.

Xiaotao asked, "master, can she really deal with Princess Chu?"

Chu Wan said with a smile, "you go back with me, and then quietly send the jade face cream rewarded by the princess to Shuqi. Remember not to let anyone find it."

"That's what the princess gave you! The princess said it was a special reward from the queen. It's a tribute. It's invaluable. Any wound will be traceless if it is used. You should give her such a good thing!"

"Are you stupid?" Chu night glared at her. "Forget it, I won't tell you. Anyway, you can do it according to what I said. If Shuqi receives this ointment, it means that she listens to my words and will deal with Chu Xi. If she refuses..."

Chu night sighed: "then we can only think of a new way."

But Shuqi took Xiaotao's medicine.

Chu Wan said with a smile, "go and tell the fifth sister about it. Since Shuqi promised to help us deal with Chu Xi, what to do is to listen to the fifth sister."

Xiaotao asked, "how does the master know that Shuqi will agree?"

"If you were beaten, scolded and abused by me, trembling and being targeted by my mammy, would you have no resentment?" Chu night asked her cheek, "not to mention that Chu Xi personally destroyed the marriage of Shuqi. Now she is still killed, and even wants the life of Shuqi. Do you think she can not hate it?"

Shuqi originally had a childhood fiance who begged Chu Xi to marry. Chu Xi couldn't get Gu Changyan himself and had to marry the fourth Prince for power. She was unhappy. How could she make Shuqi's dream come true? She was hard. People around her couldn't think better, so she abruptly broke up the good marriage. If she broke up, she broke up, but she didn't return it Tell the young man that storytelling chess will marry Chu Xi to the palace. Then he will marry the guards of the palace. Only in this way can he be decent. How can he deserve storytelling chess, a poor boy from a peasant family?

Shuqi was ruined by marriage and forced to become a heartless woman who disliked the poor and loved the rich. But what can Shuqi do? Who calls Chu Xi her master?

Now Shuqi finally has a chance to hate the old and the new. She will help Chu night deal with Chu Xi.

But he said that Chu Xi asked mother Cui to go down, and the fourth Prince kicked the * * door and broke in.

Chu Xi was startled. Seeing that it was Xiao Yide, he wanted to be angry. As a result, when he saw his iron green face, he swallowed his words. "What's the matter with you?"

Chu Xi stepped back with a guilty heart, but then stabilized her mind and forced herself not to be afraid.

The fourth Prince's eyes were evil and stared at Chu Xi: "I ask you, whose child is in your stomach?"

Chu Xi's heart jumped. It seemed that the fourth prince had heard the rumor.

She smiled and said, "what does your highness say? Of course my child is yours -"

"Bitch!" the fourth Prince grabbed Chu Xi's neck and gnashed his teeth. "Now you still want to cheat me?"

At the thought of what those palace people said, the fourth Prince felt a pain in his skull, blackened in front of him, and the whole man exploded.

"Chu Xi, I asked myself that I was obedient to you and changed my way to pet you and love you. As a result, you did this to me?" the fourth prince seemed crazy and strangled Chu Xi's neck. He really wanted to strangle her and waste his love for her. "Gu Changyan, Jin Wu, now he is my father and Emperor..."

The fourth Prince clenched his teeth: "you prostitute, son!"

Chu Xi's face changed, but the choking feeling of being strangled made her think she was about to die.

The panic in her heart kept spreading. She suddenly realized that Xiao Yide really wanted to kill her.

At this time, Jinwu suddenly appeared, slapped the fourth Prince and saved Chu Xi from the hands of the fourth prince.

"Empress, how are you?" Jin Wu looked anxious. He didn't know what to do with Chu Xi. Seeing that Chu Xi was choked and coughed, his face turned white. Jin Wu Xiu turned his head and glared angrily. "How dare you hurt her?"

The fourth Prince's eyes tightened and couldn't help but step back. What else didn't understand? It turned out that the rumors were true. Chu Xi really

The fourth Prince almost fell to the ground when he thought that the woman he loved most in his hand was carrying himself behind his back with so many people... Or the person he closest and trusted... The fourth Prince almost fell to the ground.

He held his last breath and sneered: "Jin Wu, how are you!"

At this moment, Chu Xi finally slowed down. She couldn't help shivering when she looked at the evil and cruel sight of the fourth prince. She was just sure that Xiao Yide would kill her if she stayed here again.

Chu Xi made a quick choice.

"Come on, take me!" Chu Xi grabbed Jin Wu's clothes and endured the pain from her throat. "Take me to the palace and find the emperor."

As soon as the voice fell, before Xiao Yide could speak, Jin Wu turned around and jumped with Chu Xi in his arms, and disappeared.

The four princes, who were stunned in situ, showed their eyes and looked at the direction of Chu Xi's disappearance and roared wildly: "Chu Xi -"

[author's digression]: four Princes: let's all give way, labor and capital will be killed!