Chapter 455

Han Zhan was silent when he saw Chu Zhi saying a hidden word, and the whole person's breath made people feel bored and flustered, inexplicably distressed.

"Zhizhi." Han Zhan pulled the corners of Chu Zhi's clothes. "What's the matter with you? Why don't you talk? I don't think you look right, but you're not comfortable?"

Chu Zhi revived and looked at Han Zhan's concerned and sincere eyes. She could almost see her reflection in Han Zhan's pupil.

Suddenly I felt that this erratic heart had a place to place, like a warm current.

"Nothing." Chu Zhi smiled. "I just thought of some bad things and was distracted for a moment."

What else Han Zhan wanted to ask, Chu Zhi changed the topic: "since the prince can mention that there is a prince hiding his power, he naturally knows who that person is. It's better to ask the prince directly than we guess here."

Han Zhan shook his head: "you don't understand the prince's character. He won't say it. It's his limit to tell me this."

Chu Zhi pursed her lips and meditated for a moment: "in that case, I'll go into the palace to find a virtuous imperial concubine!"

"No!" Han Zhan's face changed immediately when he heard that Chu Zhi was going to enter the palace. "I don't allow you to enter the palace. You don't know the intention of the dog coin emperor. If you tell him that you have entered the palace, just in case -"

Han Zhan gnashed his teeth and said fiercely, "if he dares to move your finger, I will kill him!"

Han Zhan is serious.

"Don't get excited," Chu Zhi advised, "I don't want to see him more than you do. Naturally, I know what it means to enter the palace. But I went to see imperial concubine Xian. She will protect me. The most important thing is that we promised imperial concubine Xian to support the crown prince before, but the crown prince himself advised us. If we forcibly support the crown prince, I'm afraid it would be torture for the crown prince. Therefore, I have to talk to imperial concubine Xian and tell her about the crown prince If you don't say it, the virtuous imperial concubine doesn't know why, and still thinks we don't believe what we say. Even if we need to understand this, we should also understand it with dignity and propriety. If we don't say it, let's take Taiyi Wu as an example. Isn't it because of the prince and the virtuous imperial concubine? "

"Of course I know." Han Zhan didn't say he was unhappy, but his tight thin lips revealed that he was in a bad mood at this time. "Did I not ask you to be a person who has broken his promise, but I just don't want you to enter the palace."

Who calls dog coin? The emperor lives in the palace!

Chu Zhi understood Han Zhan's worry. She pondered for a while and said to Han Zhan, "well, in that case, you can go to the palace with me, so you can rest assured?"

Seeing that Chu Zhi had to enter the palace, Han Zhan's eyebrows loosened, so he reluctantly agreed: "well."

Han Zhan held Chu Zhi for a while and suddenly said, "Zhizhi, if one day..."

Han Zhan said here and stopped again.

Chu Zhi waited for a long time and couldn't wait for him. He asked, "what if one day?"

Han Zhan wanted to stop talking. He thought of what the prince said and hesitated for a while. Finally, he sighed, "forget it... Nothing."

Chu Zhi instinctively felt that he had something to say, so he turned around and saw Han Zhan's ruthlessness and insidious, with unprecedented condensation and killing, stained with blood.

But when Chu Zhi went to see it again, he looked at Han Zhan with a pair of bright, dark and shining peach eyes. Like a proud little milk dog, he was lovely and obedient.

Chu Zhi frowned lightly.

"Squeak." Han Zhan buried his nose in her neck and rubbed it. Squeak smells good. He can't smell enough. "What are you doing looking at me like that?"

Chu Zhi was scratched by Han Zhan. She opened his head.

"Don't make trouble."

"Zhizhi, don't you like me?"

Then he looked at Chu Zhi pitifully, as if he had been abandoned.

Chu Zhi: "

Well, she took back her doubts. It must be her illusion that this is a child who hasn't grown up. She was dazzled.


As Han Zhan expected, Chu Zhicai entered the palace, and someone hurriedly informed Xiao Huang.

At this time, Xiao Huang was painting. On the couch not far away, there was a beautiful little beauty. She only used light gauze to cover her whole body. It was obvious that Xiao Huang was painting for her. This was the new treasure of Xiao Huang, which was sent by his fourth brother. It looked very beautiful, but in fact it was more pure and moving than anyone. She was a brave person. Xiao Huang was intrigued and couldn't put it down for a moment.

For example, at present, we can coax the emperor Xiao to throw the memorial to Xiao Yide and ask him to accompany her to draw a picture of a beautiful woman sleeping on the bed. The emperor Xiao is very interested in these new patterns. In addition, the beauty knows how to give her what she likes, which makes the emperor Xiao very happy.

Just from the fact that emperor Xiao is now extravagant and shameful, it is enough to see how stupid he is, not to mention the slaves he kills every day. If he is a little unhappy, he will cut off people's heads.

He was concentrating on painting. Hearing the news of Chu Zhi, he picked up his pen and said, "you said Fu'an has entered the palace? Is Han Zhan with you?"

"Yes, I said I went to greet the virtuous imperial concubine. I'm going to the Yongle hall now."

Since the reception banquet, Emperor Xiao knew that Han Zhan knew his mind.

But even if he knows, he is the son of heaven. Is it the king's land in the world? Han Zhan's is his. If he really wants it, does Han Zhan dare to give it up? It's just that I don't want to do too much because of the hard work and high achievements of the Zhongyong Hou house and the loyalty of the whole family to the girder.

I thought Han Zhan was a smart man and would take the initiative to send Chu Zhi to his bed. Now it seems

Because of this meal of emperor Xiao's pen, the ink on the tip of the pen dropped on the painting to be completed. A good painting was destroyed.

The palace people present saw it and knelt down one after another for fear of his Majesty's anger.

Xiao Huang looked at the group of ink. His old eyes had no emotion. He slowly said, "what a pity..."

I don't know if it's a pity for this painting, or if Han Zhan accompanied Chu Zhi into the palace and made him lose the opportunity, or because Han Zhan is not smart enough and doesn't know how to choose

The imperial concubine Xiang Xian was having a quarrel with the crown prince. This was the first time she blushed with the crown prince, but she couldn't control herself when she knew that the crown prince had no intention of abdicating the throne and even wanted to abdicate.

She worked so hard for the crown prince for so long. Besides, it was originally the crown prince's thing. Why did he let it out? Does the prince naively think that if he abdicates and gives way to the virtuous, the fourth prince can let him go?

It's naive!

The current situation can't be decided by them at all. Whether the prince wants it or not, he must sit in that position, but at the thought of the prince's decisive tone... The virtuous imperial concubine closed her eyes tired.

Just then, the palace man came and said, "my lady, my little Marquis and my concubine have come to say hello to my lady?"

"Why did they come?" the virtuous imperial concubine was exhausted because of the prince, so she waved her hand. "If you don't see it, you say I'm resting."

[author's digression]: Thank you for your message