Chapter 411

Last night, Gu Changyan went to Hai Xiuyan for a banquet. He just showed his intention to compete for power and position, but Han Zhan was different. He directly scolded his majesty, and even said about his future situation.

Clearly, clearly.

"You know I mean the same thing as Gu Changyan. I probably can't promise anything else, because I can't be the Lord of the prince. I can only tell you that the prince may not be a prosperous emperor, but a benevolent king. His fourth highness is cruel and extreme. If he ascends, the people's life will be worse. I don't have much ability and ambition. If you think highly of me If you think I'm selfish, you think I'm for the Marquis house, because I want to keep the Marquis house and protect the people I love and love me. I don't want to disappoint my closest and dearest people, let alone leave them regrets one day. I want them to be safe and happy and go through this life. "

After listening to Han Zhan's words, Hai Xiuyan didn't think back for a long time.

After half a sound, he said hoarsely, "you..."

"Hai Xiuyan, I really hope you can support the prince with me, just for yourself. I dare not say one thing. I can assure you that the prince will never cross the river and tear down the bridge like Xiao Yide." Han Zhan said, getting up and giving Hai Xiuyan a deep bow, "I hope you can help us."

Hai Xiuyan looked at Han Zhan for a long time and suddenly smiled, "you're right. I have no choice."

Han Zhan said, "no, you have choices. It just depends on how you choose to be a loyal minister or a cunning man."

"I didn't expect that the young Marquis hated crafty men."

"If it is a peaceful and prosperous time, it would be good to have one or two cunning men, but if it is in danger, I just hope there are more loyal officials in the court."

Hai Xiu was silent for a moment: "what about you? Do you want to be a loyal minister or a cunning man?"

"No, it depends on the situation!"

It has nothing to do with treachery. As long as it can bring health to the people, he can do it.

Hai Xiuyan understood Han Zhan's meaning and suddenly smiled: "I finally know where you are different from Gu Changyan."

Gu Changyan is very purposeful. He knows what he wants and can be ruthless. But Han Zhan can't. his heart is too soft and pure. He doesn't say anything about it. He just says he wants to make the people in the world no longer suffer and live a good life. At first glance, he hears how great and noble this ambition is, but it's too difficult to really do it, especially in this situation, Daliang had already collapsed and suffered a severe drought. Many people in various places have tried to rise, create righteousness and revolt. If they want the people to live well, they should first calm down the civil strife, then push a clear Lord, and then decide to have a good life and rectify for three or five years. In the whole process, they can't do it in ten years.

Ten years is enough for many changes.

Because of this, Gu Changyan wants to be promoted to the position of the fourth prince. As long as he is in power, those who follow me will prosper and those who oppose me will die. Don't say three or five years, it will subside in less than half a year.

Han Zhan asked, "since you know that it might be better to follow Gu Changyan, why would you promise me?"

Hai Xiuyan smiled and said, "did I promise you?"

"Didn't you?"

Hai Xiuyan said, "maybe... Because I still have some conscience in my heart!"

"Well, I hope we can work together to achieve our wishes in the future."

After Han Zhan said this, he turned and left.

When he passed haixiuyan, he suddenly stopped and said, "in fact, like me, you are an ambitious person with the world, because you have a good heart."

After hearing this sentence, Hai Xiuyan smiled and muttered to himself for a long time.

"Maybe... Who knows..."