Chapter 342

Especially at night, when I was alone, I often talked to myself. For a while, I scolded Chu Xi, Chu Zhi, and aunt Zhou. She said that Aunt Zhou had done it. She and the master became so vicious that it was impossible to describe.

The more normal Wu is in the daytime, the more crazy he is at night.

This matter is extremely confidential. Mother Qin is afraid of being discovered and dare not make a public announcement.

The old lady doesn't like her at all. The master is also eccentric towards her. If someone knows that her wife has become like this, what if she is sent to the temple? Then the lady is completely over.

Mother Qin could only suppress it secretly.

No, Wu was very happy to hear that Chu Zhi was married.

Then he said to mother Qin, "mother Qin, please follow me to zhier yard. Now she is going to marry the little marquis. I, a mother, must give more advice for such a big wedding."

Wu said, dressing up in the mirror, opening the jewelry box and taking out a pair of earrings to match the headdress to see which looks better. It looks young and delicate.

"When I received the order earlier, Chu Zhi was called by the old lady as soon as the noble man in the palace left. I didn't even have a chance to speak." Wu's eyes crossed a touch of gloom.

When Chu Qing was born, she was taken to her knees by the old lady. She said that she had no aunt since she was born. She said that Wu had to worry about Yan'er and housekeeper. She was afraid of tiring Wu, oh! In the final analysis, it's not that I doubt that Aunt Zhou's death is related to her. I'm afraid she'll do something to Chu Qing. That's why I held her in the past. Once this happened, Wu will never forget what the whole Chu House said about her.

I have a good plan. A daughter born from a concubine was recorded in her name and became a legitimate daughter. She was brought up by me. Now she has become Mrs. Hou of Zhongyong Hou house. When others talk about it, they will only say how the old lady can raise children, but they forget her legitimate mother and keep her in her name at least! Now Chu Zhi is the same. He cut off people's beard only after the imperial decree was issued. Why? Want to repeat the old technique and ask Chu Zhi to forget her mother? This is absolutely impossible!

"Mother Qin, what are you still doing there?" Wu said coldly when he saw that mother Qin didn't move. "I can tell you, I have to talk to zhi'er Haosheng today. I can't ask the old witch to sow discord and want to draw my biological mother aside? Dream!"

Mother Qin felt helpless and worried at the bottom of her eyes. She knew that Mrs. Qin was a little obsessed now, but she didn't listen to advice. The more you advised her, the more she had to follow her own wishes. Moreover, although mother Qin was an old mother brought by Wu from home, she was rejected by Wu because she advised Wu too many times for mother Qin, and now she can't be reused by Wu, So even if she can say these words, she can't say them.

Only in another way, he said gently: "madam, you are the biological mother of five girls. No matter where five girls go, you can't change this fact, just..."

"Just what?" Wu's eyes were cold. "Do you want to persuade me again?"

It was her own Mammy. As soon as she opened her mouth, Wu knew what she was going to say.

Mother Qin quickly denied, "why do you want to persuade me? What do I advise you to do?"

Hearing the speech, Wu's face was a little Ji: "what are you going to say?"

"The maidservant just felt that this was the old lady's plan?"

"What do you say?"

"Madam, you also know that you are a slave and can't say nice things. You grew up as a slave. Now the whole family has to say who is loyal to you. You want to make your wife live well. Therefore, you may not like what you say below, but you have to listen to whether you love you or not." mother Qin sighed heavily, ignoring Wu's frown, Avenue, "Everyone knows that there was a lot of trouble between you and five girls at the beginning. Five girls are not good at talking. There is a misunderstanding when they come and go. The old lady takes five girls seriously. That's why I will talk to five girls before you to make you misunderstand. If you find five girls and say something bad about the old lady, or talk to five Gu at this time My mother had a conflict. Didn't she fall for the old lady's calculation? The big girl grew up in front of the old lady and was not close to her. Now you can't even have five girls divorced from you. Who else will be around you then? "

"Isn't there Xier?" Wu took over the conversation and said, "so, Xier is still clever and sensible. You see, since she married to the fourth Prince's house, although people can't come back, as soon as there is anything good, think of me first and bring something to me every three or five times. Who can compare with her alone?"

Hearing Chu Xi, mother Qin pursed her lips and said in her heart: yesterday, five girls beat a head to honor you! You forgot all about it.

But mother Qin could not say these words. She would be angry again if she said them.

She is such a person. She doesn't admit her mistakes and can't say it. If she says it, she will turn against you. What can you do with her?

Fortunately, Wu believed what mother Qin said and didn't worry about it: "just listen to you. According to you, it's really like the old witch deliberately provoking discord!"

Wu Shi thought more and more right: "you're right. I can't fall in her plan. I'm going to find zhier this time. I can't quarrel with her, but also be intimate with her. In this way, the old witch's calculation will fail?"

The more Wu thought about it, the more he felt right. When he clapped his hands, his eyebrows were happy.

Mother Qin was relieved when her wife pressed her mind to settle accounts with the five girls.

The lady seems to have been unrestrained and happy. In fact, she has been besieged on all sides. Seeing that the five girls are going to get married, if the lady has a dispute with the five girls, she will completely kill the five girls. I'm afraid the mother daughter relationship will be completely broken.

Once so, the master will be cold to his wife. At that time, his wife will really be unable to stand up.

Unexpectedly, Chu Zhi had long been cold to Wu.

Therefore, when Wu came to find himself, Chu Zhi had no waves at all.

She asked Dong'Er to pour tea, put snacks and be polite everywhere.

Unfortunately, there is no intimacy at all.

Seeing this, mother Qin sighed in her heart. It seems that the contradiction between the fifth girl and her wife can not be resolved. This is not the attitude between mother and daughter. It is clear that she takes her wife as an irrelevant outsider!

It's too simple for her to think.

Mother Qin was worried, but Wu didn't see anything wrong. Seeing Chu Zhi's hospitality to herself, she decided that Chu Zhi was trying to please her and wanted attention!

Sure enough, in Chu Zhi's heart, her mother is still the most important!

It's true that Wu's attitude towards Chu Zhi is just like that of a kitten and a dog. He can come and go as soon as he is called.

Unfortunately, today's Chu branch is no longer the Chu branch of the previous life. In these days of rebirth, Wu's hypocritical face has been clearly seen.

Wu, who felt good about himself, took a sip of tea, smiled at the corners of his mouth and said slowly, "the imperial decree has been issued. Soon you will be married to Hou's house. My mother came specially to have a look."

Wu sighed, as if with emotion: "I remember when you first returned to the house, you were so big. In the twinkling of an eye, you looked so beautiful."

At that time, Chu Zhi was thin and black. At a glance, he knew it was a local steamed stuffed bun from the countryside, but who knew that the girl had changed so much. Look at her appearance now, and think about it. When I first returned to the house, I couldn't believe it was the same person who killed Wu Shi.

"It can be seen that she is still a water breeder in the house." Wu said, "now, although she is hateful and has lost my good daughter, she is a conscientious woman who knows to tell the truth, otherwise..." Wu covered her chest and said hypocritically, "I'm afraid I can't be better in my life."

Chu Zhi slightly hooked his lips and raised a touch of ridicule.

Without realizing it, Wu continued, "mother knows you are promising. Look, who among the sisters can have your good fortune? When the Marquis dies, you are a serious marquis. What a scenery!"

At that time, with Chu Zhi, no matter where she goes, she will salute her and be served by the stars and the moon. Who dares to neglect!

"By the way," Wu remembered something important, "You're about to get married. I have to tell you in advance. Your dowry was prepared early, but I didn't expect you to be lucky to marry to the Marquis house. Now those things you prepared can't be used. My mother thought about it and thought out a compromise. When the Marquis house came to hire, how much dowry they gave, they will be carried back to you as a dowry. I Don't take any money from your father. Do you think so? "

Isn't that beautiful enough?

But you are so kind to be Wu, for the sake of Chu Zhi?

Then you are too naive!

Previously, in order to fill the hole in Linglong Pavilion, Wu spent all the cash. There was still a lot to go. Chu Xi made it up.

Now Chu Zhi is married. You ask Wu Shi to take out a dowry to Chu Zhi. How can Wu Shi be willing? If she doesn't give it to her daughter, she, a mother, doesn't even buy a dowry. How can she be a man?

So she made up her mind about the bride price.

The left and right Chu house is now controlled by the old lady, and Chu Zhang is eccentric.

I'm afraid some of the bride price will be kept by the old lady, some by Chu Zhang, and some for Chu Yan to marry. I'm afraid the rest will be given to Aunt Huang's bitch. As for the last thing in her hand, I'm afraid there is little left, or some that no one wants. In that case, don't want them. Give them all to Chu Zhi, and you can make Chu Zhi lose her benefits in one fell swoop Well, why not?

Thinking of this, Wu smiled brightly: "everything in Hou's house must be good. I heard that when Hou ye first returned to Beijing in the early years, the rewards in the palace were sent to Hou's house like running water. At that time, your mother will marry you and carry you to Hou's house. With these dowries, people in Hou's house can look up to you. No one dare to bully you easily."