Chapter 173

"You are in the mood to gloat at at me here. You might as well worry about yourself. My aunt is going to see someone else for you. I heard she wants to find you a husband with a good family background, profound knowledge and good character." Han Zhan sneered, "But you don't look at it. People with good family background, handsome appearance and rich learning, why do you look at you? Why are you so arrogant or charming? Or careless without the appearance of a famous family?"

"It's your mother. My aunt thinks that you can't find a favorite among the dignitaries of the aristocratic family. Then go to find the poor children who were listed in this year's Chunwei examination. Although they were born poor, they learned well. If you marry, you must respect you respectfully for fear of neglect. In this way, no matter how rude you are, my aunt won't worry."

"Han Zhan!" Yan xiner was so angry that she didn't even call her cousin. She pointed to Han Zhan and glared, "who told you I'm going to see someone else? If you talk nonsense again, I'll scratch your face!"

"Who else can tell? My aunt's hair is bald now, and there are more stripes around her eyes. For fear that you can't get married, they all come to me to ask if there is a suitable person. Tell me what's wrong with you. Even their parents dislike you!" Seeing that Yan xiner was born into a Buddha and the Buddha ascended to heaven, Han Zhan's originally irritable and angry mood suddenly showed a warm sun and said triumphantly, "look, whose girl scratches her face as often as you? Who dares to marry you, a fierce woman? Where is it to marry a wife? It's obviously to marry her ancestors! I'm afraid your future uncle can't even enter your door."

Han Zhan is so weak that he makes a sharp mouth and gives the other party a chance to breathe.

These years, Xin'er has been honed in tit for tat with him from time to time. Seeing Han Zhan say so, she stamped her feet angrily, snorted coldly and mocked.

"Yes, it's time to see each other at the age of marriage, but don't worry. Even if you look at each other, you are ahead of me. After all, you are my cousin!" Yan xiner deliberately bit the words "cousin", "When I came here just now, Roche said that he would marry you. He planned to marry a little daughter-in-law to take care of you. He also said that he should have a good family background, beautiful appearance, reasonable knowledge and gentle personality. How good do you think Roche is to you? Are you happy? Excited? Not stimulated?"

"What?" Han Zhan's feet were unstable and almost fell.

Marry him?!

Do you want to have a good family background, good looks, reasonable knowledge and gentle personality?

Roche, a poisonous snake and scorpion, would be so kind?!

Seeing Han Zhan so, Yan xiner's heart finally went along a little, and she was optimistic about the play: "and my uncle has agreed and asked her to have full control and do it!"

"Fuck, do a fart!" Han Zhan didn't resist scolding, "just rely on her? Show me your daughter-in-law? She deserves it!"

On this point, Yan xiner agrees and nods: "I don't think she's really worthy, but cousin, don't be too resistant and excited. After all, you have a bad reputation, you don't know how to learn, and the standard mud can't help you up to the wall. What's better than this face? Besides, it's good to find a girl willing to marry you at such an old age. You'll make do with Hugh. After all, my second brother is the same The children are one year old at your age. "

After saying that, he said seriously: "I really love the girl you marry in the future. It's a bad thing for anyone to marry a dandy. It's ruined all his life. But don't worry, even so, I still hope you can get married as soon as possible. Who calls you my cousin!"

Yan xiner glanced at Han Zhan and didn't blink at anyone. How else can she say that her cousins and cousins make up a pair!

Han Zhan, the clinker, sneered: "don't worry, the girl I want to marry in the future is naturally excellent, unique in the world."

If someone else, just think Han Zhan is talking hard, but Yan xiner, who grew up with Han Zhan, immediately smelled the difference.

"Listen to you, you have the right person?" she stared incredulously. "You have the person you like?"

Like these two words, it was like a hammer. It knocked Han Zhan hard in his heart and woke him up in an instant. It was like a piece of feather and feather, falling on the tip of his heart, crisp and numb, causing all kinds of taste.

His fingertips trembled slightly. It turned out... Did he like squeaking?


Don't know what thought, Han Zhan quickly shook his head.

Seeing that Han Zhan's face was green and white, Yan xiner took a breath: "hiss - Han Zhan, don't you really mean to be in love?"

"Girls, are you ashamed?" Han Zhan blacked his face instantly. "If you say it again, believe it or not, I'll beat you!"

Impossible. He only takes Zhizhi as his sister. He has agreed to find a good husband for Zhizhi in the future.

Yan xiner doesn't believe it. Looking at her cousin like this, she knows that he has already looked at others, but she doesn't know it.

In that case, why should she be the one who pierced the window paper?

It's better to watch him quietly and see how he scratched his ears and cheeks!

Who told him to bully her from childhood and always oppose her!

I have to say, to some extent, Yan xiner is as weak as Han Zhan.

She smiled twice and took the initiative to change the topic: "by the way, I heard you have a good relationship with Miss Chu five?"

As soon as the voice fell, Han Zhan said fiercely with conditioned reflex emotion: "what do you want? I can tell you that I am just friends with Zhizhi and have no relationship. Don't talk nonsense. If you pollute Zhizhi's reputation, you will look good!"

Yan Xin'er couldn't return to God. She looked at him as if she had been struck by thunder.

It took a long time to speak in a hoarse voice: "you said you were with that Chu Wu girl..."

"She's my sister!" Han Zhan was furious. "Don't talk nonsense!"

"Oh -" Yan Xin'er deliberately lengthened the ending and blinked.

Han Zhan was angry: "what do you mean?"

"Nothing." Yan Xin'er sighed, stood on tiptoe and patted Han Zhan on the shoulder. She said earnestly: "cousin, I love you. It's really not easy for you."

It's just that you're ignorant and have a bad reputation. Now you can't even use your brain.

Poor, poor!

But she really didn't expect that Han Zhan had a crush on the five girls of the Chu family. It's really

"I heard that the Meng family girl was kidnapped by the Ma family Gang yesterday. It was Miss Chu Wu who saved her. I heard you knew her well and came to ask you what happened." unexpectedly, I asked her to make a mistake and dig out Han Zhan's secret.

Han Zhan asked, "how do you know what happened last night?"

"It's not just me. I'm afraid the whole capital knows." Yan Xin'er glared. "Don't you know? My second brother said that it's been said that Miss Chu five is a heroine outside. He also said that the sixth prince would report it to the emperor and ask the emperor to reward her."

"What did you say?" Han Zhan's eyes changed slightly.