Chapter 171

"Yes," said Luo with a gentle smile, "since Lord Hou thinks zhan'er is playful and noisy, why don't you find someone to take care of him? Once he gets married, he will have responsibility. If he has another child, he will have to shoulder the responsibility and obligation of being a father. At that time, zhan'er will be old and young. Are you afraid of him fooling around outside?"

If it hadn't been mentioned by Roche, Han Zhishan didn't expect to marry Han Zhan at all. After all, his son knew fooling around all day and night. As a result, Hou Ye always felt that Han Zhan was still young. At present, he suddenly realized that Han Zhan really should get married.

"What you said is somewhat reasonable." Han Zhishan said, "but I always feel a little early."

What's more, although this bastard is covered with the glory of the Marquis house, he is used to mischief. Who in the capital doesn't know that he is the representative of a dandy?

Han Zhishan, who has a bad family background, doesn't like girls with a good family background, and people dislike them.

Han Zhishan suddenly felt a headache.

Roche understood what the Marquis was worried about, so he said: "I'm not sure about marriage. Lord Hou thinks Zhan Er is playful and noisy, but I think Zhan Er is very excellent. You are a Lord. You are no better than our wives in the house every day. It's reasonable that you don't understand some things. Others don't say it. His straight temper is like you. Who doesn't praise you outside? Besides, Zhan Er is very handsome and wants to marry Zhan er There are countless. I often go out to socialize. Many aristocratic families beat around and ask me about Zhan ER! I saw several of them and they were very excellent and very good. "

"Besides, it can't be decided for a while. Take Princess Rui for example. She visited Prince Gu last year. She didn't have a suitable one for a whole year, and she still continues to choose? So, you think it's too early, but it's not at all early. Treat people well, hire them, and get married again. It's busy and takes a lot of time, so It's better to get ready early. "

When these words came out, Han Zhishan sighed: "in the end, you are still considerate. If you didn't say it, I didn't expect it."

Luo Shi covered his mouth and smiled: "Lord Hou, don't make fun of my concubine. It's just that you love zhan'er and don't want to give up zhan'er. Besides, this is what my wife in the back house worries about. You are a person who does great things. How can you be tripped by these trivial things."

Han Zhishan nodded, "yes, I always think the smelly boy is still young." after saying that, he smiled first, "it's all right. When the child is old, he always wants to get married. You're right. If he gets married as soon as possible, he can really close his heart. Then I'll leave it to you. You look at it slowly first. If there's a suitable one, come back and tell me."

"Don't worry, Lord. As long as it's zhan'er's business, I will do my best."

After talking about this, Han Zhishan went to be busy. After he left, it was boring for Yan xiner to stay here. She planned to go to play with her cousin, but she was stopped by Roche.

"Xin'er." Roche smiled kindly, "if you're not busy, why don't you talk with me?"

Yan xiner was far less enthusiastic towards Roche than Han Zhishan. She said faintly, "I have something else to do. I'm afraid I'll excuse you."

Roche didn't care about her cold attitude: "in fact, it's no big deal. Just now you listen. Your uncle said he wanted to see your cousin's wife. You make friends with your daughter in Beijing. I don't know if you have a suitable candidate?"

"Didn't madam just boast in front of her uncle that it's good to see several girls? Since you've made up your mind and asked me what to do, I'm not marrying my cousin! Madam, don't put the cart before the horse."

Then he turned away with a sneer.

"Madam." after everyone left, mother Wei came forward, "do you really want to see the young Marquis, girl?"

"Since it's all told to the Marquis, it's true."

Mother Wei hesitated and said, "I don't quite understand what you mean."

"If you don't understand," Luo Shi glanced at mammy Wei. "If you understand, it's not me, but you."

Mother Wei hurriedly said, "slaves and maidservants dare not. Madam is smart and wise. It's not comparable to us lowly savages."

Luo Shi had long been used to the flattery of servants and said, "Zhan Er is used to mischief. If he finds someone to restrain him, he will not."

"Then you still take this hard job?"

"Hard work? HMM... it's really hard! As the saying goes, 'marry a wife and marry a virtuous man', we aristocratic families should take a good look at each other when we marry a wife. But with Zhan er's virtue, which family is willing to marry their own girls? Don't you think even the Marquis has a headache! So it's difficult to do this." Luo's voice changed, "However, there is a ready-made one. Xin'er grew up with zhan'er. They were childhood sweethearts. The Yan family is also a noble in the imperial court. They are equal to our Marquis house. Where can we find such a good marriage?"

"Madam, how can you find such a good marriage for him? He has already occupied the name of his legitimate son. Even if he doesn't study and have no skills, he is so valued by the marquis. What should we do if we still have miss Xin'er and the Yan family as our backer?" mother Wei couldn't help saying.

"I'm just trying so hard for qian'er, didn't I say that there are few misfortunes for a virtuous wife and husband. Zhan'er has been used to mischief since childhood. He has a straight and aggressive temper, and even the Marquis can't help it. Who can keep it down? Xin'er is pampered. The eldest lady has a temper and is capricious and playful. You see, which girl is 16 years old and runs to her uncle's house without even having breakfast in the morning? This If two incompatible people are put together, I'm afraid the roof of the Hou house will be lifted. "Roche smiled," the more they make trouble, the more disappointed the Hou Lord is with zhan'er, which is more beneficial to my qian'er, so I believe that only qian'er is the one who can support the Hou house. "

"But Hou Ye likes Xin'er so much. If Xin'er speaks well, Hou ye will pay special attention to Xiao Hou ye for her face." besides, Xiao Hou Ye is still Hou Ye's own son. How can a father not favor his son?

Just afraid of Luo's anger, mother Wei swallowed the second half of the sentence.

"I know what you want to say, or you can only be a slave in your life!" Roche smiled meaningfully, "Being a niece is totally different from being a daughter-in-law. Xin'er is now Hou's niece, a relative and a relative by blood. But when she becomes Hou's daughter-in-law, she will become an outsider. No matter how much Hou's love is, this feeling will be dissipated over time. In the end, she will only be disappointed with both of them. What's more, the Yan Family sees her daughter coming to Hou's house, If you live like this, do you think you can feel better? Then you will be close again. I'm afraid you'll have a pimple in your heart. "

If you ask a person to die too fast, it's a relief. You should know that killing with a soft knife is the most deadly!