Yin Yanyue frowned and looked around, lowering her voice. "Be quiet."

Was he afraid that others wouldn't know that she had gastric cancer?

Fang Mo frowned at her and paused for a few seconds before explaining, "I know some Chinese medicine."

He knew Chinese medicine's pulse, so he could already tell from last night that Yin Xianyue's body was a little different.

However, Yin Yeyue was not some stomach cancer, but …


When Yin Yeyue heard that he knew Chinese medicine, she immediately understood.

"Don't tell anyone about this beforehand."

She sighed and walked towards the base's infirmary. "When the time is ripe, I will tell you myself."

Fang Mo slowly followed behind her, and from his nose came a tone. "Yes."

He did not intend to tell her about Yin Xianyue's pregnancy. Perhaps it was out of his own selfishness, but perhaps he did not understand the reason.

If Yin Xianyue thinks that she is gastric cancer, then let her always feel that she is gastric cancer.

While Fang Mo was recovering his senses, they had already arrived at the entrance of the infirmary.

Yin Yanyue took a step into the infirmary and smiled at the old doctor, "Doctor, could I trouble you to change the medicine for him?"

"He's coming."

That old doctor glanced at Fang Mo and Yin Yanyue, then got up and tidied up the medicine while saying, "I thought you guys wouldn't be here today, but his wounds looked pretty much healed last night."

"That's good enough?"

Yin Yanyue's eyes opened wide with disbelief, "He's only been injured for a few days, how is he almost fully recovered?"

The old doctor pouted and shook his head, "That might not be true. Seeing how his body is covered in wounds, he should be used to it by now."

Fang Mo had indeed recovered much faster than an ordinary person.

Yin Yanyue pursed her lips, looking at Fang Mo in confusion.

With a cold expression on his face, Fang Mo sat down on a nearby chair and took off his shirt, allowing the doctor to change the medicine for him.

The old doctor instructed as he disinfected the wound. "Although you have recovered well, you must not drag this wound into tomorrow's training. If you were to cut it again, it would be difficult to deal with."

Fang Mo lowered his head and did not reply.

Yin Yanyue was surprised to hear this. "What training?"

She looked at Fang Mo and her expression suddenly darkened. "You want to participate in tomorrow's collective training?" Who approved it? Captain Scar agreed to it? "

Letting someone like him, who had just been injured, participate in a high-intensity group training was not a good idea at all.

"You don't know?"

The old doctor, who was standing at the side, saw her big reaction and was also surprised. "Your team has already agreed. Last night, the two of them came over specially to check up on me. They only agreed to participate after confirming that he was alright."

She had fallen asleep on her way back from the city last night, and it was the viscount who had carried her from the car to her room. Of course she did not know what had happened last night.

If she had known what had happened last night, she would have stopped him and the team.

Wasn't this making fun of his body?

Yin Yanyue stood in front of Fang Mo, looking down at him condescendingly. With an unfriendly tone, she asked, "Why the hell did you insist on participating in this group training?"

Was he a masochist? Even though the collective training was such a difficult task, he still insisted on attending.

Fang Mo didn't even look at her, nor did he reply.

Yin Yanyue sighed, found a place to sit down at the side, and didn't want to bother with him anymore.

This was his choice. Since he wanted to go, then let him go.

Whether he lived or died, he would suffer!

As a result, only silence remained in the infirmary.

The old doctor saw that their mood wasn't right, so he sped up his hand speed and helped Fang Mo change the medicine.

Fang Mo stood up and prepared to leave.

When Yin Xiaoyue followed him to the infirmary, she asked to go her own way.

She no longer wanted to bring Fang Mo to visit the base. She just wanted to have a good meal, take a bath, and have a good night's sleep.

As for whether Fang Mo was dead or alive, she didn't even care.

Fang Mo didn't say anything and just stood there watching her back.

Yin Yanyue found a restaurant in the base and ordered a bowl of noodles.

She thought to herself, today she finally met someone who was more difficult to deal with than Young Noble Gong. Although he was decisive in his actions and was not kind at all, he could still be considered a cultured person, and he treated her very gently.

But looking at Fang Mo, Tian Tian just had a straight face, not knowing how the world works, not respecting people, and also a stubborn donkey. When asked ten questions, he could at most answer one.

Just as Yin Chengyue was cursing Fang Mo in her heart, a glass of juice suddenly appeared in front of her.

She couldn't help but be shocked. When she looked up, it was the viscount.

Every time, he would just say 'fuck you' and 'fuck you'. As long as she thought of him, he would appear.

"Don't participate in tomorrow's training."

The viscount sat down across from her with a serious face, "I've seen the training grounds and also listened to the training programs. With your current physical condition, it's not appropriate for you to participate."

Although he wasn't sure what was going on with Yin Yanyue, he could tell that every day, Yin Yanyue felt sick to her stomach. Something must have gone wrong with her body.

He hoped that Yen would not participate in any training until he knew the cause and cure.

Yin Yanyue glared at him, "I don't want to join either, but I'm an agent of the Scar team. There's a reason why I don't participate in the annual collective training this year due to the fact that the scarred team is lacking people. "

If she went to the hospital for an examination now, she would be able to take a leave of absence with the team so that she wouldn't have to participate in the collective training.

However, this would also let the entire base know that she had stomach cancer, including Viscount Gong.

"I'll help you explain."

The young noble looked deeply at her, still insisting, "You only need to wait for my news."

"Uncle Gu, you're not from the mark team. You don't have the qualifications to help me ask for a leave of absence."

A trace of impatience flashed across Yin Yanyue's eyes, he took a big gulp of the juice on the table, "Since you are the CEO of Gong Group, then do your job." Now that you've left the entire Palace Group by the side and are wasting time with me, have you thought about how you're going to explain it to grandpa? "

"Your noodles."

The owner placed a bowl of steaming hot noodles in front of Yin Yanyue.

Yin Yanyue caught her breath and calmed herself down. "Uncle Gu, you should put more emphasis on the big picture. Go back."

"You think my general situation is what you call the Palace Group?"

The corners of the young noble's mouth twitched in ridicule, it was unknown whether he was ridiculing himself or mocking her, "Dying Moon, you have always been smart. But every time something happens to me, you get blinded by hatred. "

"I'll tell you one last time, I didn't kill your father, and I don't have any intentions towards the Palace Group. These are merely your prejudices."

Was he here to play, after all the trouble he'd gone through to get into the Secret Service? He just wanted to stay by her side to protect her and take care of her, but why didn't Yin Yanyue give him any face at all?

A person's disappointment would accumulate.