The wind blowing through the treetops, will su Jiu heart suddenly closed window also blow open.

She looked at Ding Hanyu and said, "thank you."

Ding Hanyu nodded faintly, "let's go down. It's cold here."

"Good." Su Jiu smiles.

Now she is the same as Su Jiu.

Back at the door, shangguanrao ran over, "how are you, Xiaojiu? Are you ok? "

Shangguan Rao's anxious look falls into Su Jiu's eyes, and suddenly warms up somewhere in her heart.

These two days, although she deliberately closed herself up, although she was indifferent to other people's care, but this does not mean that she did not feel.

Shangguanrao is so worried about her, she knows.

"Shangguan, I'm ok." Su Jiu said softly.

Shangguan Rao stares big eyes. She looks at Fu Jingchen standing on one side incredulously, "Fu, Fu Jingchen, did Su Jiu talk to me just now?"

"Well." Fu Jingchen looked at Su Jiu one eye, "she spoke."

Shangguan Rao's eyes are even bigger. She looks back at Su Jiu and grabs her. "Xiao Jiu, say one more word and tell me one more word."

Su Jiu laughs and repeats, "Shangguan, I'm ok."

Shangguanrao almost shed tears.

These two days, her heart for Su Jiu hanging up, at this moment, finally fell down.

"Su Jiu, you scared the hell out of me." Shangguan Rao stares at Su Jiu, but there are tears in her eyes.

"Shangguan, I'm sorry to break your heart. Another day, I'll invite you to dinner, OK?" Su Jiudao.

"What to eat! Don't you know that women don't want to worry? It's easy for me to get old by worrying! You buy me a mask, the one I often use! Buy a hundred Shangguan Rao said.

Su Jiu should be full of, "OK, as long as you are happy."

This words say, is let go of official Rao in the heart more sad.

"Xiaojiu, don't do that again. Really, I thought you would never come out again. If you always do that, what should I do?" Shangguanrao said, "I only have you as my best friend. If something happens to you, I don't even have anyone to say a word."

She shangguanrao proud life, can let her in the eyes of the people are not many, let alone in the heart?

She knew so many young ladies, but none of them made her feel that she could be intimate.

Only Su Jiu.

"Well, I promise you, never again." Su Jiu said, "wait for me all the time, haven't you had breakfast yet? I'm starving. Go in. "

"Can you not be hungry? You haven't eaten in a day. " Shangguan Rao can't help but stare at her, but the words are mixed with concern for her.

Su Jiu smiles. She turns around and wants to ask Ding Hanyu to eat with her, but she finds that her side is already empty.

She's gone.

Fu Jingchen said, "go in. Ding Hanyu is like this. He doesn't like too many people."

Su Jiu did not speak.

She doesn't have much communication with Ding Hanyu. Today, she has heard the most from her since I met her.

Ding Hanyu's heart is actually very delicate, but she is used to hiding. She doesn't really like to be alone.

Su Jiu slightly revived, and shangguanrao went in to have breakfast together.

After dinner, Fu Jingchen took shangguanrao back to make up for sleep.

Yesterday, because worried about Su Jiu, shangguanrao lost sleep all night.

He won't allow her to make fun of her body.

After dinner, Su Jiu didn't go to the company.

Su Jiu called Ye Haonan to explain some things.

"Xiaojiu, you Are you all right? " Ye Haonan asked hesitantly.

Although he didn't know what happened, he just heard someone talk a few words. In addition, sun Meili and Ge Erdan looked sad. He only thought that Shen Jun would pester her and hurt Su Jiu's heart again.

"Xiaojiu, be open-minded. There are many better men in the world than him. Shen Jun is not worthy of you." Ye Haonan said earnestly.

Su Jiu smiles. Although the comfort is not on the spectrum, the feeling of being cared for is still very good.

"Uncle Ye, I see. Thank you." Su Jiudao.

Ye Haonan comforted Su Jiu and threatened to introduce her boyfriend!

I talked for a long time before I hung up.

Su Jiu thought about it and called Nighthawk.

She wants to see him now!

The Nighthawk did not come, but sent someone to take her to the palace.

Take the bus to Huangfu Jue's living room.

The sentry of the guard is the same as before. Everything seems unchanged.

Su Jiu hasn't been here for a long time.

Now push open the door, looking at the uniform male layout, suddenly a little more emotion in my heart.Huangfu Jue is still in a meeting at the moment. Su Jiu asks Nighthawk not to tell Huangfu Jue about her coming here, so as not to distract him.

But Su Jiu didn't know that Huangfu Jue was still worried about her at the moment. How could it be that she was not distracted?

Huangfu Jue's room is very clean. She doesn't need to clean it at all.

Su Jiu didn't take a bath yesterday night. She went to the cupboard, opened the wardrobe, took a man's shirt and went into the bathroom.

When Huangfu came in, he heard the sound of water.

At this time, the Nighthawk just went out to carry out the task, and had not had time to tell Huangfu that Su Jiu had come.

Huang Fu Jue was upset at the moment. He only remembered Su Jiu in his heart. He was going to see her when he was ready to change his clothes.

At the moment, he had to pay attention to the strange things in the room.

Zhao Zhenzhu broke in directly twice, which made Huangfu Jue more impatient with the situation at the moment.

"Who!" He whispered, with a strong warning in his voice.

The sound of the water stopped, but there was no more movement.

Huangfu Jue thought that someone was not afraid of death, and his voice became colder and colder. "Put on your clothes and come out, otherwise, I will let everyone around you!"

There was still no movement in the bathroom.

Prince Huangfu lost his last patience and strode out.

Just then, the door opened.

"Huangfu Jue." The familiar voice rang out slowly, and the footstep of Huangfu Jue suddenly stopped.

The dense heat came out, but huangfujue didn't have the courage to turn around.

"Why, do you want me to get dressed?" Women's voice slightly up, with a little provocative meaning.

Huangfu Jue slowly turned around and saw Su Jiuzheng looking at himself with a smile in the heat.

He has been worried about the woman, now in this way in front of him.

Huang Fu Jue suddenly didn't know what to say.

Su Jiu deliberately frowned, "why, President, do you really don't like me like this? Forget it

Then she would close the bathroom door.

The door broke open in a moment. Huangfu Jue took Su Jiu's waist and put her on the wall. The hot water fell down and wet them all. , the fastest update of the webnovel!