Tang Yu's Adam's Apple moved up and down, warning himself that he must not be moved.

Gu jiuci chuckles. It seems that everyone is very satisfied with her ~

Andy looks up at David and says, "do you give up?"

David shrugged and picked up the camera.

"Let's start shooting..."

now he has forgotten his bet with Andy and just wants to keep the most beautiful picture of the moment.

Gu jiuci then changed three or four suits according to Andy's request, but the suit took the longest time to shoot.

An hour later, Gu jiuci changed his clothes and came out. Andy and David were sitting in front of the computer to pick up the photos.

"Use this as the cover."

Andy assigned a cover and looked up at Gu jiuci.

Gu jiuci said to himself, "aunt Andy, I have a small request. Can I talk to you?"

"Tell me."

Andy leaned back against the desk and stared at her with his hands on his chest. He didn't say yes or no.

"I'd like a set of negatives that my mother took in vogu."

It's said that my mother filmed several sets in vogu, but only one set was released at last. Although my father bought many magazines to collect them, there was some regret in the end.

She wanted to give these pictures to her father as a gift.


The negatives of vogu and less external display, Andy did not hesitate to agree, and even took her to vogu's archive, she carefully took down a file box from the highest shelf, and slowly opened it.

The photos inside are well preserved, as if they were just taken.

"Your mother is a once-in-a-century superstar, but God has left her too little time."

Andy sighed, rarely showing his soft side in front of outsiders.

"If she were alive, she would be in the world of film! Now in the international movie world, it's not enough for an ordinary person without talent to occupy the magpie nest. "

"Ordinary people? Do you mean? "

Gu jiuci raises his eyebrows slightly. Who is it that makes Andy so annoying?

"Odela, formerly Li Chunli. If your mother was alive, where would she be today? "

Andy said disdainfully, picking up a document box from another shelf and handing it to Gu jiuci.

Audrey, isn't that the American superstar who just starred in "the big lady"? Although she is Asian, she looks very special in Europe and America. Gu jiuci didn't pay much attention to her.

Gu jiuci opens the document box, which contains the cover of vogu magazine. On the cover, Audrey still has brown eyes and long curly hair, which is quite different from her appearance now.

Gu jiuci stared at the cover, wondering where he had seen her recently?

"It turns out that ordinary people are ordinary people. Even without your mother in front of her, she still hasn't made a name!"

Andy's unkind comment, Gu jiuci didn't comment, obediently put the box back. Didn't take this odela to heart.

On the same day, the official account of vogu magazine released the cover in advance, which attracted wide attention unexpectedly