The next day, at 9 a.m., shangguangkun tower's public trial was held in Nansan city's Supreme Court.

There is no media, no permission to listen, this is a secret trial.

But there are hand-painted drawings on the scene, which are published to the media official website one by one through the official website of the court in the form of e-mail.

The global media are looking forward to it.

Only when particularly important international criminals are tried will the court pictures be transmitted in this way.

Billions of people all over the world watched the pictures transmitted in real time simultaneously, but the distorted pictures did not achieve the desired effect.

On the contrary, outside the Supreme Court of Nansan City, there was a scene that the whole world did not expect.

At that moment, people all over the world were surprised, on the Internet, on various social media, and then quiet, fell into thinking.

They are the representatives of residents who live in the Golden Triangle all the year round. There are 2000 people, respectively from 150000 square kilometers of the golden triangle, representatives of all walks of life, and citizens of the Golden Triangle special zone of Laos.

They live in the rainforest of the Golden Triangle all the year round. They know shangguangkun tower well and they are a group of people who have a voice.

The middle-level representatives of these people, who speak fluent Chinese and English, Burmese and Lao, stand neatly at the gate of Nansan Supreme Court. Outside the trial of shangguangkunta, these dark brown people, holding banners, jointly petitioned in the hope of sentencing shangguangkunta for a life sentence.

Media from all over the world are now focusing here, interviewing these people who came to the Far East spontaneously to petition for shangguangkun tower.

A sophomore at Yangon University, holding a sign in Burmese that said, "the godfather has built 168 primary and secondary schools in the whole golden triangle region. After graduation, Kunta will invest money to send them to overseas universities. I am one of them. Without Kunta, maybe I am still in the rainforest We grow tea in it. He changed me. He's a respectable person. "

A nurse from the Lao Special Administrative Region said, "there are also medical facilities all over the country, and roads extending in all directions have been built for the poor and backward golden triangle. Can't we say that the world can't see these?"

Another hospital from the Lao Special Administrative Region said, "our hospital was originally funded by Kunta. Every year, the hospital can get donations from Kunta, which is millions each time. I don't want to speak for the drug traffickers. He can't be forgiven for his drug trafficking. His nuclear explosion and blood washing of the golden triangle are the blood washing of other drug traffickers. The four governments are taking advantage of the advantages, and now they have to stop grinding and killing the donkey Is that right? "

A civil war veteran who lost his legs was pushed to the scene by his family. "There are special rehabilitation sanatoriums for veterans in the golden triangle, and recovery centers for patients injured by mines. I don't say that in the Far East, at least in other central and southern countries, no one will be as good as Xiang Kunta has been to us. No one will set up a mine sanatorium. I just hope you don't want this You can't see that he's a drug dealer, but he's always making atonement for himself? "

Reporters at the scene also released news of spontaneous petitions from the people all over the world, and such petitions can be found everywhere in Myanmar and Laos.

Some of the people who could not catch up with the Nansan court in the Far East organized a "life imprisonment proposal" petition rally in the local square, including Aung Shan square in southern Myanmar. , the fastest update of the webnovel!