"Take another look and I'll cut your eyes out."

It is clear that the whole body is injured, lying in bed can not move, speak out, but extremely cold arrogant.

It's strange. He can feel that she saw the wrong place when he blindfolded him.

Gu Meng is young and vigorous. She is the famous little sun in the fishing village. She is not afraid of men's threats at all.

"You can't sit up now, and you dig people's eyes. You are used to it. You think everyone is afraid of you!" Gu Meng said, drawing the knife in his hand to the ground where he was shot in the leg.

The man is stuffy hum a, do not have what the lips of blood color tightly purses a line.

Gu Meng knows that it hurts. She has no anesthetic, but in the process of taking the bullet, the man didn't make any sound except for the first murmur.

Sweat on the forehead, mixed with blood, flowed down together.

An hour later, Gu Meng took out the bullets on his legs and applied them with herbs.

She tied his broken ribs with her own simple chest strap.

After all, Gu Meng pulled the black cloth from his eyes and applied the mashed herbs to the deep wound on his face.

When she got closer, she found that the man's facial features were very good-looking, especially his eyelashes, which were like paint, long and narrow, dark, thick and dense, as if they were longer than her, deep eyes, like a pool, could not see the end.

After applying medicine to his face, Gu Meng saw that he was in a state of embarrassment. She went out again and poured in a bucket of water.

"I'll wipe your body for you, good man."

From his neck to his clavicle, chest, arms, hands, his hands are big and slender. It's cold to feel, just like him. It's cold, without any temperature or human feelings.

From chest to abdomen, he has well proportioned and strong muscles, thin and powerful. Gu Meng dare not look at them more. He crossed important parts and wiped them on his legs.

His legs are long and long. It seems that this man is much taller than the man in the small fishing village.

After wiping his body, Gu Meng is too tired. Fortunately, it's summer vacation now. She has plenty of time.

Take out a thin blanket from Zhulou, and cover it on the man, "well, I can only help you here. I'm gone. Good luck. "

The man is still puckering his lips, saying nothing.

This man is too boring and boring.

Gu Meng put the bamboo basket on his back, clapped his hands and left.

When I got home, I could smell a chicken soup as soon as I came in.

"Mom, what's the best day to drink chicken soup..." Before Gu Meng finished speaking, his mother came out of the kitchen, grabbed Gu Meng's ear and slapped her in the face.

After Gu's mother, Gu Jiao, less than ten years old, saw that her sister was beaten again, giggled, and Gu Meng stared at her. She also made a face at Gu Meng.

"Mom, why did you hit me again?" Gu Meng's mouth is shriveled. He doesn't know where he makes his mother unhappy.

There are three brothers and sisters in my family. My mother doesn't like her the most.

Gu's mother poked Gu Meng's forehead hard. "I heard from the village that you saved a man from unknown sources. Are you full?"

"I saw the villagers beating and kicking him, but I can't help them!"

"All day long I know is to make trouble for my family!" Gu's mother glared at Gu Meng and said, "I will punish you for not eating tonight!"

Gu Meng's stomach growled, and she pulled her mother's sleeve pitifully. "Mom, I won't grow up if I don't eat."

Gu's mother shook off Gu Meng's hand with cold face, turned around, grabbed Gu Jiao and entered the kitchen.

Gu Fu and his younger brother Gu Che have gone to sell fish in the town. They won't come back tonight. If they don't, no one will help Gu Meng.

Gu Meng can't help licking his lips when he hears the fragrance from the kitchen.

In the kitchen came the conversation between Gu's mother and Gu's daughter, "Jiao Jiao, you should be careful when you walk in the future. Your arm is bleeding. Drink more chicken soup to make up for it."


Gu Jiao just fell in love, and her mother stewed chicken soup for her.

She came to the physiological period, shed a lot of blood, abdominal pain, want to drink some brown sugar water, mother is not willing to buy with her.

Gu Meng doesn't understand why his mother is always so partial?

Gu Jiao finished her meal, drank chicken soup and came out of the kitchen. She spits out her tongue at Gu Meng, makes a gloating expression, and runs away laughing.

After a while, Gu's mother also came out of the kitchen and looked at Gu Meng with a bad face. "Come in and have a meal, and then wash the dishes."

Gu's mother went out to the door.

Gu Meng goes into the kitchen and finds that there is not a drop of chicken soup left. There are still chicken bones on the table. There are only a few cabbage and radish sticks left in the dish bowl. Gu Meng's eyes are flushed and he sucks his nose. He soon recovers his spirit.

No chicken to eat it, anyway, from small to large, she has been used to it.

After eating a bowl of rice, Gu Meng suddenly thought of the man with scars. He can't move. He can't go out to find food. Will he be hungry?Can't save him, let him starve again!

Put down the dishes and chopsticks, Gu Meng sneaks into Gu Mu's room and steals two eggs from the cardboard box under the bed.

When the eggs are cooked, Gu Meng puts them in her pocket and cleans up the kitchen, she sneaks out.

From childhood, she was beaten and scolded by Gu's mother. She was used to it. She was turning into a brown sugar. Although she was a little sad occasionally, she also became more self-employed. She could do whatever she wanted, and Gu's mother could not control her.

Gu Meng goes to the house where there is no one in the back of the mountain. She pushes the door in. The man seems to be asleep, but as soon as she steps in two steps, he opens his narrow eyes like dark.

His eyes were thick with precaution and cold.

Gu Meng crouches beside him and stares at him for a while. "I saved you earlier. How can you look at me with such eyes? I'm not your enemy. "

She took out the hot eggs in her pocket and shook them in front of his eyes with a smile, "do you want to eat them?" Usually mother does not give her to eat eggs, only brother Gu Che will give her eggs cooked by his mother secretly. For her, eggs are a top delicacy.

The man saw the egg in her hand, slightly frowned, cold face, showing a trace of disdain.

Seeing this, Gu Meng glared at him discontentedly, "how can you dislike my egg? Then I won't give it to you. "

The man closed his eyes, cold and cold, as if he had no interest in her eggs.

"Did you have a lot of money in your family before? Are you tired of eggs?" Gu Meng peeled the egg shell, broke a small piece and fed it to the man's dry mouth. "Even if you are tired of eating, you have to eat. This is the most delicious food I can get out. Don't look down on it! I don't want to eat yet! "

The man opened his eyes to the chirping girl. This time, I began to look at her directly.


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