Qiao Yanze stares at the small hand that Cenxi holds him.

In the eyes, the mood turned, but soon, the bottom of the eye sank, like the beast waking up in hell. With struggle and rage, he shook her hand away.

"Not scared? Is it still painful? "

She could not see his appearance, but the irony in his voice was obvious. The face under the mask must be extremely indifferent. He went to her, crouched down, and grabbed her jaw with his fingers. He was very hard. "Don't you feel hypocritical when you say these words against your heart? This face, I look at all nausea, you say you are not afraid? "

He gave a low smile. Because of the effect of the medicine, he not only changed his appearance, but also his voice was extremely hoarse. "You said that you used to have feelings for ordinary Johnson. If he became this way, you would still be moved?"

His big hand on her chin was very hard, his eyes were scarlet, like an angry Beast, roared and growled, "I don't need your sympathy, pity, and guilt. If you don't roll, I'll roll!"

He's out of control, afraid to stay with her any longer, he'll do something drastic.

Standing up from the ground, he turned and left.

Cenxi once again pulled him, his eyes were sore. "I won't roll, I will prove with action that what I said is true!"

He shook off her hand again, didn't want to say another word to her, and strode away.

Cen Xi fell to sit on the ground, palm pressed a branch with thorns, pricked out blood. But the pain on the upper body, the heart, is the real pain!

What is she going to do to make him believe her?


More and more from Cenxi, Qiao Yanze dare to stop.

Cover the chest with colic and look back.

The face under the mask is a little broken. Those words he said, he knew how hurt her heart, he himself, also not easy to suffer!

Although she said she was not afraid, she was just a girl in her twenties. How could she not be afraid?

He's a monster now.

People are afraid of monsters.

Qiao Yanze's hands are clenched into fists and his thin body is shivering.

He fell back in the distance and walked down the mountain.

The reason why he chose to die quietly was that he didn't want the most concerned people to see his own embarrassment.

However, he has just revealed the ugliest and disgusting side to her.

At the beginning, when he saw the changed appearance and ferocious green tendons, he was so disgusted that he hadn't eaten for two days.

In his present state, he can't get along with her peacefully.

Qiao Yanze returned to the school, found the principal and asked to leave again.

The headmaster was embarrassed and said, "there are two parents whose children have not come to school..."

"I'll try to persuade you later. I should be able to persuade you today. I'll leave later. " Qiao Yanze looked at the principal. "Please don't tell Miss Cen about it."

Cen Xi donated a sum of money for the school, and the principal made her a VIP. Last time he deliberately left him behind, he was not confused.

Qiao Yanze comes out of the headmaster's office, and the big left and the small left come forward immediately.

Small left see Qiao Yanze body thin a lot, he immediately red eyes, "young master, you go back to the capital with us, maybe there is a miracle?"


Qiao Yanze has no hope.

His body, his own mind.

It won't last long.

The blood vessels will burst if the tendons get thicker.

When he dies, he will be a hundred times more embarrassed than he is now.

He had thought that if his life came to an end, he would burn himself with a fire.

"You two, protect Cenxi well in the future." With that, he left.


It was evening after Qiao Yanze's family visited the two parents who didn't want to send their children to school.

The weather is changeable recently. It rained heavily again when I came back.

Walking to the playground, I saw the drenched left and left. Qiao Yanze asked in a hoarse voice, "what are you doing?"

"Young master, Miss Cen is gone."

Qiao Yanze eyebrows a jump, holding umbrella big hand, unconsciously tighten, "what do you mean?"

"We thought Miss Cen was resting in the dormitory this afternoon and didn't dare to disturb her. When it was dinner time, we went to call her, only to find that she was not in the dormitory. Call her and turn off the phone. "

Qiao Yanze's umbrella fell to the ground.

Cold rain, falling from his head. He was drenched through in a flash.

He went up and grabbed the big left collar. "What's her missing?"

"We searched all over the place for an hour, but still miss Cen disappeared."

Qiao Yanze's heart, unconsciously tightened.

"Did Houshan find it?"


Qiao Yanze releases the big left and grabs the flashlight from his hand.He walked quickly to the back mountain.

Big left small left Leng for a while, also followed past.

There will be mudslides on the mountain at any time after the rainstorm.

Danger at any time.

The more Qiao Yanze thinks about it, the more anxious he is.

It has been several hours since he left in the afternoon.

Does she stay on the mountain all the time?

It rained and it was hard to walk, but he didn't dare to stop.

Soon, it was in front of the big stone where he had sat at noon.

There is no Cenxi figure.

"Cenxi!" He shouted in a hoarse voice.

At the bottom of my heart, I began to be afraid.

Afraid of what happened to her, I will never see her again.

When he finds her, he must teach her a lesson! Knowing the changeable weather in the mountain, why don't you leave in time?

After nearly half an hour's searching, when he called her name again, a faint voice answered him.

Qiao Yanze is stunned, reacts, hurriedly walks toward that voice.

After Cenxi left in Qiao Yanze, she went to the deep place in the mountain.

She wanted to vent her emotions and yell. I didn't expect to step on the empty step when I went down the slope and sprained my foot when I fell down.

My feet hurt so much that I couldn't stand up.

She simply sat there to see if Qiao Yanze would come to her.

But she sent a message to big left and small left in advance. She didn't really go missing.

Qiao Yanze finds Cenxi. She is sitting in a pile of weeds. She is wet all over and looks embarrassed. How can she still be beautiful when she comes to school at noon?

When she saw him coming, she put her hands around her knees and buried her face in it without looking at him.

But her slender shoulders were trembling.

Qiao Yanze looked at her weak and helpless in the wind and rain, and her heart suddenly softened.

He came up to her and crouched down.

He raised his big hand and patted her on the shaking shoulder.

It's very light. I'm afraid of disturbing her. It hurts her.

Cen Xi slowly raised his head, two people four eyes opposite. She reached out her little hand to take off his mask.

He put his hand in the way, but he couldn't stop her.

The mask was removed by her. She said nothing. Her slender arms were around his neck, pulling him forward and kissing him on the lips.

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