Qiao Yanze hurried forward a few steps, but stopped and looked back at the rescue vehicle that had disappeared in sight.

He touched the handsome face she had kissed, and there was a ripple in his heart that he didn't even notice.

"Young master." Qiao Yanze's confidant big left came over, "small left secretly counted, the mob arrested 38 hostages."

Big left and little left worked in Qiao's family since childhood. When Qiao's family had an accident, they were also dismissed. When Qiao Yanze came back, they learned the news and went back to work with him again.

Qiao Yanze's face is quiet and his eyes are dark, which makes people unable to see his inner feelings. "They want to compromise us with 38 hostages now. If they succeed, our efforts in the first two months will fall short. Now the only way is to commit danger with their own lives!"

Big left immediately led, "young master, let me go!"

Qiao Yanze raised his hand and his long and thin peach blossom eyes narrowed. "No, I'll go myself."

Ji Wei, who came to carry out the task with Qiao Yanze, came over and heard Qiao Yanze's words. She was shocked. "Minister Qiao, there are more than 20 thugs in it, all of them are extremely vicious. You can't venture in. Let me go!"

Qiao Yanze takes a look at Jiwei. Although he has no love for her, as a working partner, Qiao Yanze appreciates her.

She is bold, fearless of life and death, and brave to fight. She has the blood that ordinary women don't have.

Qiao Yanze tells Jiwei and Dazuo about the plan to subdue the mob. He whispers, "wait till you see my gesture and act according to the plan. No matter what happens, you are not allowed to act without my instructions!"



According to Qiao Yanze's order, Jiwei lies quietly under the window and pays attention to the situation in the hotel.

Qiao Yanze was searched behind him and walked in with his hands up.

Dozens of guns were aimed at Qiao Yanze's forehead.

Qiao Yanze has the same complexion, and his eyes are dark. He is not in a hurry. It's Jiwei. Her heart is in her throat.

The tyrant leader came out to negotiate with Qiao Yanze. He asked Qiao Yanze to release their prisoners. Otherwise, he will kill all the hostages.

Qiao Yanze put forward, "let go of all the hostages here, I will be your hostages alone. Don't kill the innocent, or you will kill one person, and the mob in custody will die one pair. "

His eyes were cold, and his handsome face had an air of irresistibility. Clearly he was in a weak position, but he was not timid at all. On the contrary, the silence on his face was chilling.

After nearly 20 minutes of negotiation, Qiao Yanze persuaded the thugs to release all the hostages, leaving only Qiao Yanze alone.

They hate Qiao Yanze. If he doesn't order their release, they will let him die today!

The leader of the mob asked Qiao Yanze to tie his hands with a rope and walk up to him with a gun. "Minister Qiao, we have released innocent hostages. Now, it's your turn to fulfill your promise..."

Before the leader of the mob finished speaking, Qiao Yanze, who secretly broke the rope, snatched the gun in the leader's hand with the speed of thunder. He clamped his neck with one hand and put the gun in his temple with the other.

He stunned everyone with a series of amazing movements.

"Tell your men to put down their guns."

Seeing that the hostages had captured their leader, the thugs looked ugly one by one. They wished to shoot Qiao Yanze, a cunning and versatile man, on the spot.

"Head Joe turned back and wanted to take my life and let you go. You can't do what he wanted. When I die, you can elect a new leader. We must fight to the end! "

When the thugs heard the leader's words, they all raised their guns and aimed them at Qiao Yanze.

The atmosphere in the air, tense and stiff, is on the verge of hair.

Qiao Yanze looks at Jiwei outside the window and makes a gesture to her.

The lights in the hotel suddenly went dark.

BAM BAM, a lot of guns.


The safety camp is located in a temporary prefabricated house in the suburb.

The rescued people hid in the room, and none of them dared to come out.

The little girl saved by Cenxi has found her family. He's a young single dad. He lost his daughter. He almost collapsed.

Later, I saw Cenxi's daughter in her arms in the security camp, and I was very grateful to Cenxi.

Cenxi stands on the second floor, looking to the direction of Zhenli hotel.

She seemed to hear the gunshot.

Her hands were unconsciously clenched into fists, and her palms were sweating. I don't know how Qiao Yanze is now?

Those thugs are extremely vicious and regard their lives as ants. They have taken so many hostages. Qiao Yanze, as the minister, must not only rescue the hostages safely, but also deal with the thugs. The situation must be quite dangerous.

Cenxi is a person who can't sit still. She dawdles and runs downstairs.

After the rescue car sent all the hostages to the safety camp, it was ready to return to the town hotel again. Cenxi hid in the car quietly while no one was paying attention.The car is a minibus. She hides in the back. The driver can't see her.

After driving for about 30 minutes, the car stopped outside the hotel.

The two sides seem to have stopped fighting, and the air is still filled with smoke. After the driver got off, Cenxi got off.

She stood in the back of the car, afraid to act rashly.

The ambulance in the town came. Cen Xi saw several people in anti riot black uniforms being carried into the ambulance.

Cenxi came forward and asked a nurse, "how is the situation inside now?"

The nurse's face was very proud. "Minister Qiao is there. The thugs want to make trouble. It's a daydream. They're not dead. They're all under arrest. "

Cenxi is happy.

I have to admit that Qiao Yanze is brave and resourceful.

"Is minister Joe hurt?" Cen Xi asked again.

"Here comes chief Joe."

Cenxi followed the direction of the nurse's fingers and saw Qiao Yanze coming out of the hotel, holding a woman in his hand.

Cen Xi hurriedly went away and hid in an inconspicuous place.

After seeing who the woman Qiao Yanze was holding, Cenxi slightly twisted her eyebrows.


Qiaoyanze puts Jiwei, whose leg was shot, on the ambulance. Jiwei's face is a little white. She holds qiaoyanze's arm and doesn't care about her injury. She only cares about qiaoyanze's body. "Do you have any injuries? Would you like to go to the hospital with me and have a check-up? "

Qiao Yanze's arm was indeed bruised by a bullet, but for him, it was just a minor injury and he didn't need to go to the hospital. Besides, there are still many things that need to be handled by him.

"I'm fine."

"Yanze, you can leave the matter here to the big left and they will deal with it. You can go back to the safety camp and have a rest as soon as possible."

Qiao Yanze nodded, "I will arrange for you to take good care of yourself. I'll see you in the hospital when I'm done. "

Cen Xi sees the picture of two people 'hard to part', she turns around and leaves in a complicated mood.

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