C565 Old Quang Appears 10

Honor and money could be shared with her.

He himself had become an outsider.

She and he were just temporary beauties. The product of lustful sex appeal and high hormones had no emotional basis at all.

Although the outside could decide how long the two of them could be together, the inside could decide how long they could be together.

Qiao Zhijun had long since gotten tired of her.

Jiang Yueming's face flushed red and then paled again and again.

The most terrifying thing was that she suddenly remembered the $3 million prize money and the vacation villa.

The organizing committee just now obviously meant that the prize money had already been given to them, but why didn't Qiao Zhi mention it at all?

Where did this money go?

All of them were given to Fang Likun?

What was the point of a woman if she couldn't share her husband's money and honor?

She really wanted to rush over to grab Qiao Zhi and ask him about it, but she couldn't do it. This was not a place to make a scene.

Fortunately, at this moment, everyone suddenly quietened down. The banquet was about to begin, and there were two empty seats in the main seat. Everyone thought it was the king and queen.

Mu Qiaozhi also shifted his gaze to the door.

Jiang Yueming finally let out a sigh of relief.

With the arrival of the king, the two would no longer be the main focus of attention.

However, when he looked again, he suddenly felt that something was amiss.

It was not the queen who accompanied the king, but an old man with a walking stick: he was a man with a white beard, a long white robe, a godly figure, and fair hair.

When he entered, the entire room was silent.

The king was polite and full of smiles. His attitude towards him was incredibly polite.

All of a sudden, the sharp-eyed members of the media was stirred. Someone shouted in a low voice, "Oh god, Elder Qu is here too …"

"It really is Elder Qu …"

Even the overweeningly wealthy Mr. Li stood up and strode over to welcome him. One must know that Old Qu was a man of great character. After so many years, he was rarely seen in public, yet this time, he had to put in a lot of effort.

Legend has it that the Qu Family had already invested a lot in all of the different countries in Europe and bought almost half of them. Beside them, even with the Prime Minister.

He was the king in the dark — the financial emperor who turned the tide.

These days, the only people who could shake the earth with a stomp were Wall Street bosses.

And Elder Qu, was the biggest one among those big hands.

Even Fang Likun didn't think that Elder Qu would come here.

Just when her eyes were wide open as she was searching for her acquaintance – her family —

Just like a lost child who suddenly saw his parents — haha, I really have arrived at the base of the mountain.

When she had been distressed and had no one to accompany her, Elder Qu had joked that if he was ten years younger, he would definitely accompany her there. But unexpectedly, at the critical moment of the banquet, he actually arrived.

She immediately stood up. Originally, she had always been a little nervous in this kind of environment, but now that she saw Elder Qu, her mood could be imagined. She immediately calmed down.

It didn't matter if it was blond haired or blue eyed foreigners, the chasing media, ridiculing Madam Mu, or even Jiang Yueming who purposely showed off her skills … At this moment, all of this was no longer a problem.

Elder Qu is here.

She understood that Elder Qu had come here solely for her — to give her a great surprise.