C409 Surprise 2

But how could he allow her to refuse?

The large hand stretched out and very gently and firmly bound her.

The room suddenly boiled over.

Perhaps it was due to the excessive burning, but even if she struggled, her strength was still very small. It was as if she was half asleep and half awake, unwilling to be disturbed. He smiled and grabbed her hand, once again sealing her lips …

"Little Treasure …" I love you... "Don't be afraid, I love you …"

The night hid the blush, and the words he had been ashamed to say poured out like water.

"Little Treasure …" I love you so much... All these years, I've been thinking about you and never changed … Little Treasure... "I will treat you well for the rest of my life …"

She was muddle-headed, as if she was in a dream.

He couldn't see or hear clearly in his dreams. It was like spring. Dreams, someone kept saying, "I love you."

Was it only in dreams that people really loved?

She would rather it had been a dream.

Her docility fulfilled Qu Cunzi's desire, and after adapting to the darkness of her eyes, she stared at the beautiful body that was as white as a feather under the moonlight.

Little Treasure, Little Treasure, you are my true goddess.

He suddenly held her in his arms. It was so light, so heavy, and so swift. He was like a wild wolf that had walked in the world of ice for a long time. He finally saw a pot of delicious roast meat …

His hardness, her softness, he did not hesitate at all. Finally, he completely became a captive in her fiery passion.

In the next moment, his entire body trembled.

It was an indescribable feeling, burning hot and soothing, like a fish that was about to die from the sun's rays, finally returning to the water …

After many years, he finally came back to life.

Truly, it was absolutely not something that a figurine could compare to.

No matter how expensive, no matter how lifelike, no matter how beautiful... A doll was just a doll. How could it compare to a living flesh and blood body?

He was like a fish in water.

The fish swam happily in the water, as surprised as he had been that night. Perhaps it was due to him being estranged for a very long time, but he actually forgot how to continue.

The prodigal son instantly became a raw and immature young man.

For five or six years he had almost forgotten what it was like to be a man and a woman in flesh and blood.

Stunned, she was ashamed.

How unworthy of the flower that the outside world had once bestowed upon him. The title of "Young Master" was useless.

However, this clumsy joy was short-lived after all. The next moment, all of his primitive instincts came back to him.

At that moment, the prodigal son finally started to wave.

Just like the rain hitting the banana, just like the autumn wind, just like the first flower a bee had picked in the spring. Rui, it's drilling in. That sweet smell is firmly binding the bee, no longer allowing it to fly …

He heard a low sound. He didn't know if it was a low cry or a sigh, but he stopped and listened carefully. But it was just an illusion. There was no sound at all, only the murmuring of the autumn bugs outside the window.

He was ecstatic, like a storm.

It was a long, crazy thing to do. In a wild war, Qu Cunzi had never felt that life was so rampant and abundant, as though after being inflated to the extreme, you felt like you were about to suffocate, yet you suddenly received an extreme release.

At this moment, he didn't care if she was willing, or if she was awake, or if he was forced, or if she was a vile person, or if she was taking advantage of someone without self-respect.

He just loved her to the extreme.

He was only infinitely happy.

He just wanted her to be just as happy.