C402 3 million USD 1

Lawyer Zhang quickly returned with the news. That guy denied everything, he only said that he was Jiang Yueming's fan. The results of the investigation also showed that he was indeed a fan of Jiang Yueming.

This guy was a pure diaosi, with a monthly income of only 2,000 yuan. He never went out, never had a girlfriend, and his room was filled with all sorts of posters and newspaper clippings of Jiang Yueming.

Lawyer Zhang asked: Boss Qu, do you want to send a letter to Jiang Yueming? This fan is real, but her identity is suspicious. I'll continue investigating. "

Qu Cunzi thought for a while, then told him to release the person, and not to pursue the matter.

After hanging up, he touched his chin. Could he really be a fan?

If he was a fan, would he know his own whereabouts?

However,, this might not be a big deal, she had just gone to a foreign country, even if she was playing dirty tricks, it would not be so low. grade.

Who was the mastermind?

At that time, Jiang Yueming would begin her leisurely and sweet foreign journey.

The Copenhagen's scenery was like a painting, it was exactly like how it was described in the fairy tales. The University of Copenhagen was also famous for the famous academic arguments between Bohr and Einstein, the two great scientists.

However, the novelty of such a big city soon passed.

No matter how much food was promoted, only pork balls, boiled cod with mustard, crispy roasted suckling pigs, stewed beef with potatoes, beef burgers with onions, and so on. He ate it for many days without feeling a place for his chopsticks.

This was not the most important thing. The most important thing was the environment.

The people here were simple and honest. The nightlife here was not colorful, one could not see any ostentatious wealth, nor was there any extravagance, much less luxury goods like LVs that filled the sky.

Especially on the university's campus, everyone was rushing back and forth with thick books in their arms, reading and reading … Everyone was studying and reading, lying on the benches and in the cafeteria as they slept. If they woke up, they would continue to study …

This is the cradle of the elites, the hot soil of science.

Apart from their academic interest, they had no interest in anything else.

However, how could a superstar that had been in the limelight for more than ten years stand such a silence?

There was no freshness. Flowers, no applause, not to mention a banquet full of celebrities. She even washed her hair clean and changed into a pair of jeans and a sweater as she walked down the street. She didn't pay any attention to him at all.

The snowy skin, the big nose, the big eyes of the people of the country... All foreign girls are like that. In the midst of all the white people, this striking beauty was bland.

Forget about it, the one who could not tolerate it the most was Qiao Zhijun.

In the first few days, he did his best to take Jiang Yueming on a tour of Northern European countries. However, it was clear that his mind was preoccupied. He had been silent for a long time, and his previous enthusiasm and straightforward attitude had disappeared. Even if Jiang Yueming was extremely amused and tried to please him, he would only force a smile.

If that was within acceptable limits, then something even more terrible had happened.

Love rivals.

More dangerous than love rivals.

That was Qiao Zhijun's job.

The moment she finished her vacation, he immediately went back to work. For the next seven days, Jiang Yueming did not see any trace of him.

Even if he came back, it was still the middle of the night. He fell asleep once and left again.

He talked about his work, she did not understand, she had no interest in it; of course, he said nothing.

She wanted to talk to him about the latest yacht, the best jewellery, and he was not interested, so the two gradually fell into silence.