C335 You don't like bald men

Fang Likun had never felt that it was so hard to pass this time after work. Some evenings she sat on the windowsill, staring at her cell phone. However, Qiao Zhi still did not come back. It was as if he had disappeared from the world, and his corpse could not be seen even if he was alive.

She had never called him, no matter how much it had been tormenting her, but she had never taken the initiative to make a call either.

At that time, Mu Qiaozhi had just walked out of the conference room's door.

It was an important closed meeting, held on a private island under a large group. Those who were invited did not know each other's information beforehand.

This large consortium, which focused on the industry, had developed a new drug, known as an epoch-making contribution, that would overcome all the problems with cardiology.

When the technical details were being discussed, the argument was extremely intense, to the point of not taking a break for three days and three nights. There were a few mad scholars who didn't stop at all. They ate sandwiches and drank coffee when they were hungry, and they kept their own opinions until everyone's eyes were as red as a rabbit's.

Qiao Zhi also did not sleep for a few days. Although his physique was good, in the end, he could not hold it in any longer. He struggled to lie down on the round table and fell asleep.

He finally walked out of the meeting room and saw the clear blue sky. The gentle sea breeze seemed to wake up from a dream, making him feel as if he had returned to the human world.

He hurriedly turned on his cell phone. Countless missed calls and countless messages were constantly beeping.

More than half of the text messages were from Jiang Yueming. They were all passionate, but they had a sense of propriety.

He was not completely unaware of what Jiang Yueming meant. He scrolled through them one by one and then deleted all the information.

Only a few messages had come from Likun, the first few days, and then there had been no more. As for the phone, she never called once.

The two of them had been together for more than five years. This was the first time that they were so distant and unfamiliar.

In the past, no matter how busy or tired she was, she would always call every day to tell her to eat or rest. But this time, she never called him.

Deep in his heart, he felt a faint unease.

Ever since he had left the Qu’s Mansion that day, he knew that an invisible gap had already appeared between the two of them.

This chasm was not caused by Qu Cunzi, nor was it caused by him, but was caused by him, the week he secretly went to the hospital to take care of Jiang Yueming.

He sat casually on the beach, the sea breeze blowing on his face, and slowly he began to clear his head.

The past was like the wind, bits and pieces of it all suddenly rushed up.

For many years now, he had been flying back and forth from north to south. Whenever, anywhere, he came home, he would see her waiting, a hug, a kiss, a cup of coffee, a tap. Mo, a dish of side dishes... Thus, even more fatigue was swept away.

This habit had already sunk deep into the marrow and could not be changed.

Just like this moment he missed.

It was as if the first thing he thought of when he woke up was her smiling face, irreplaceable.

After a long while, he slowly stood up.

It was a very quiet duty-free shop. He walked over to the jewelry counter. The waiter enthusiastically took out the jewelry. He carefully chose the items, and after a long time, he chose a pair of rings.

Marriage, the thought, he had never changed, never intended to.

He took out his cell phone and was about to give her a call, but after thinking for a moment, he decided against it.

This time, he definitely had to give her a pleasant surprise.

When he was done, he put on a relieved smile.