The old man glared.

"Such a disappointing thing!" How can a man be widowed? Why do you want to compete with other men? There are so many ladies in the world, only you, snatching the wives of others every time. Again and again, you don't know how to go back on your words! "

He gasped and looked blankly at his father.

That's right, there were so many ladies in the world, why would they take someone else's wife every time?

His body slowly stopped moving.

It was snowing outside the window, and the carpet was as cold as his already cold heart.

At this time, his voice had completely calmed down and the smell of alcohol on his body had been driven far away. "Dad … But you don't know... Little Treasure and Yue Ming were different... Little Treasure, she's always been my wife … Meanwhile, Yue Ming has always been someone else's wife … "


"Originally, our children should already be quite a few years old … "Dad, all these years, I've never forgotten her …"

The old man's heart trembled.

He was about to raise his palm and slap him again, but his palm fell and only his snow-white brows wrinkled.

As he left, he was still sighing to himself.

He really didn't know what kind of crazy demons this fellow had encountered in his previous life. Every time he faced one, he never regretted it.

Although he had a splitting headache from a night of drinking, Qu Cunzi still insisted on going to work.

On February 14, the atmosphere in the company was also very special. Every female employee had a strange smile on their face, while every male employee had a warm smile on their face. An ignorant smile.

Everyone talked about roses or chocolate or dinner.

According to the customs of the company, there was a pile of red roses at the entrance of the lobby. As for the female employees, each of them received a bunch of roses as a benefit.

When Qu Cunzi came in, he saw that the female employees had lined up to receive roses. Someone noticed him. He gently waved his hand and left through the elevator.

Sitting in the big swivel chair, but distracted.

The office had never felt so empty, so vast.

Over the years, he had paid special attention to everything he had received — when accounts were frozen, life was depressed, and blood was flowing — and everything around him was fragile.

Reputation, power, even love — they are not waiting for you like steel, never giving up on you at any time; on the contrary, if they are not careful, they will be destroyed.

Even if he was the second generation's successor, he might not be as stable as Mt. Tai.

Therefore, he had redoubled his efforts and sweat over the past few years. However, up until now, he still couldn't sit on this CEO's chair as he pleased.

But today, he suddenly felt tired.

Any way to make money seemed boring.

There was already a thick stack of documents on the table. He casually flipped through them and his gaze fell onto a separate folder in the middle of the table.

He opened the folder and his expression changed slightly.

Inside was a picture of a person.

Dozens of chapters. However, it was clear that this was not the same time period.

From top to bottom, they were arranged in order. It was a complete experience of growing up.

At the beginning, it was an extremely youthful and lively young girl. She wore a sports coat, had a ponytail, and was pretty and delicate. She was no different from any other high school student. There were seven or eight of them, all of them about the same.