Chapter 1394: Dong Xuebingg’s work summary

Name:Power and Wealth Author:
Chapter 1394: Dong Xuebingg’s work summary

Next day.


Zhen Shui County. The Party Committee's family quarters courtyard.

Early morning, Dong Xuebing stretched lazily and sat up from the bed. Still feeling a bit sleepy, he didn't get up right away. Instead, he picked up a pack of Zhonghua cigarettes from the table, lit one, and casually turned on the old 29-inch color TV. Using the somewhat faulty remote control, he changed channels. Whether it was due to the low battery or the aging remote, he had to press hard for each channel change, which was quite troublesome. Moreover, the TV picture wasn't very clear, with many channels flickering. However, after spending over two months in Zhen Shui County, Dong Xuebing gradually gotten used to the impoverished environment. A TV was considered good. Many families in towns and villages couldn't afford one.




When he switched to the fourth channel, it was the morning news from Mei He City TV station.

The first news was about the major incident in Cheng Gang County yesterday. It didn't just skim over the details as yesterday's news did. Instead, it provided a detailed description of the situation during the accident. Even the fact that Li Zhixin and senior members of the construction company were detained was mentioned. Finally, the cause of the accident was disclosed. The preliminary investigation results indicated significant issues with the construction materials. Many failed inspection, revealing problems such as cutting corners and reducing quality.

Sure enough.

Dong Xuebing shook his head inwardly. If it weren't for his involvement in this matter, these problems might never have been exposed.The roots of this story extend from novell bìn origin.

These guys.

Simply lawless.

This time, he had truly acted on behalf of justice.

Dong Xuebing turned off the TV and stubbed out the cigarette. He then got up from the bed and brushed his teeth. The accident investigation didn't find any other abnormalities. Naturally, it couldn't be traced back to him. Dong Xuebing felt relaxed. Knowing they wouldn't find anything, the building had become a ruin, and his ability to reverse time had vanished, drowned in the debris. It would be strange if they found anything suspicious. Even if they did, it would be related to problems with the construction materials. Of course, they wouldn't think of a divine figure who could reverse time.

This time was pretty good.

In the future, he should try to avoid involvement as much as possible.

Otherwise, there would be too much attention on him.

After coming out of the bathroom, Dong Xuebing heard his phone ringing. He didn't know how long it had been ringing. He quickly threw the face towel on the bed, reached over to unplug his fully charged phone, and unplugged the charger from the three-pronged adapter. Only then did he take a look.

It was a call from Xu Yan.

Dong Xuebing slapped his forehead, just remembering that Sister Xu seemed to be coming to their province for a new position recently. He was so busy that he forgot about it.

"Hello, Sister Xu."

"Xiao Bing, are you awake?"

"Just woke up, brushed my teeth, and washed my face. Where are you?"

"I am in your provincial capital. Hehe, just arrived."

"Ah, it's not even 8 o'clock. Did your plane arrive so early?"

"I was originally planning to book a plane ticket, but I heard your place has a slightly higher altitude than this side of Beijing. Sister had a bit of altitude sickness when she went to Tibet last time, so I thought it would be safer to take a train."

"No need. The car is waiting outside for me." After saying this, Jiang Fangfang asked about Dong Xuebing's wife's condition before leaving.

Watching her charming figure, looking at her raised beautiful butt, observing her calm and elegant temperament that remained unperturbed in any situation, Dong Xuebing couldn't help but feel a bit envious. He immediately gave himself a slap on the forehead, no longer letting his mind wander. After getting into his car, he turned the steering wheel and headed straight for the county committee compound.

It was past 9 a.m.

At the office.

There weren't many people working overtime today, just a few scattered individuals.

As soon as he exited the car, several staff who knew Dong Xuebing greeted him.

"Mayor Dong."

"Good morning to you."

"How is your wife doing?"

Dong Xuebing also greeted each of them one by one.

Everyone's expressions showed no particular surprise or suspicion, indicating that they didn't link the recent events in Cheng Gang County to Dong Xuebing. This was the result Dong Xuebing hoped for. His presence in Zhen Shui County had attracted too much attention, and now he needed to keep a low profile for a while.

Upstairs, in his own office, after sitting down, Dong Xuebing's stomach growled a bit hungry. He had intended to grab breakfast at the unit's entrance, but the breakfast vendors weren't there since the government offices were closed today. Well, he would have to go hungry. After drinking a few sips of tea, Dong Xuebing began working.

He reviewed the files that had piled up over the past two days a personnel transfer within the county government office, several expenditure requests from the finance bureau, and some reimbursement receipts.

Everything seemed in order.

Dong Xuebing signed each document without any issues.

However, one reimbursement receipt claimed over 2,900 RMB for a meeting meal. Dong Xuebing noticed it lacked a signature from the department below, so he immediately rejected it. Even a 500 RMB dinner was considered top-notch in a place like Zhen Shui County. Spending about 3,000 RMB on a meal was outrageous. Dong Xuebing couldn't allow such an expense to be reimbursed without a valid reason. Although there were no strict rules about the minimum amount for reimbursement, Dong Xuebing, being in charge of finances, had the final say.

After dealing with these matters, Dong Xuebing started contemplating the location for the family quarters project.

He had already inspected the proposed locations outlined in the plan. After careful consideration, he chose a spot. He planned to report it to Mayor Jiang later. Once the location was finalized, others would handle the project details, and Dong Xuebing would only need to make occasional calls or conduct site visits. The achievements were coming in early.

Dong Xuebing felt quite satisfied. Reflecting on his pace since arriving in Zhen Shui County, he gave himself a self-evaluation. Apart from offending some people in the county and the city, which could be troublesome, his other moves were stable. The progress of his work exceeded his expectations from when he first arrived. From securing funds from the central government, his performance in the County Party Committee, the impressive proposal before the collapse of the dormitory building, the rise of the Jiang faction, the enhancement of his authority, and taking over the family quarters construction project. Both explicit and implicit achievements demonstrated Dong Xuebing's work capabilities. He had always planned to transfer back before Huilan gave birth. There weren't many months left, and he wasn't sure it was possible.

Let's strive for it.

The momentum seems significant.

However, if he wanted to be promoted ahead of schedule in a few months, there needed to be some outstanding achievements to support it. The family quarters project was settled, and several accumulated hidden achievements were accumulated. Now, all that was left was some data-driven highlights that could drive the development of Zhen Shui County.

How should he go about it?

What aspects should he focus on?

Dong Xuebing hadn't figured it out yet. After all, he only managed a few areas. For now, attracting investment seemed the most direct route.


Let's see later.