Chapter 1358: Madam Zeng is not going to make it

Name:Power and Wealth Author:
Chapter 1358: Madam Zeng is not going to make it


Outside of the compound.

Inside the second ambulance.

Hurry and get in.

Be careful. Watch the step.

Lie down. We need to set up the IV drip.

Dong Xuebing got into the ambulance with the help of Yao Cui and the medical staff. He did not want to lie down, but the rest made him. He laid on the stretcher and felt a pinch on his arm. A nurse had inserted a needle into him and hung the drip. Another nurse cut his pants and started treating the wounds on his leg. The bandages earlier were temporary. They need to disinfect the wounds again and stitch some of them. It would be done at the hospital.

Only Yao Cui and a County Government staff followed in the ambulance. Secretary Meng and Mayor Jiang had other things to handle. Dong Xuebing could not see them from the ambulance.

The door closed.

The ambulance was about to drive off.

Yao Cui wiped the blood stains on his face.

Dong Xuebing smiled at her and closed his eyes to rest. He was exhausted.

One second

Two seconds

Three seconds

A medical staff sitting beside Dong Xuebing asked the driver. Why is Old Zhao not driving?

The ambulance driver looked to his side. Doctor Wang is signaling to us, asking us to wait a while.

Huh? What are we waiting for? The nurse was puzzled and felt something was wrong. Its been a while. Why are they not moving?

The doctor frowned. He was also puzzled, too. The patient in that ambulance suffered more severe injuries. Her stomach was almost pierced through, and she should be sent to the hospital for emergency surgery. Its been two to three minutes since they boarded the ambulance. Why are they not moving? They had transfused blood into the patient and secured her to the stretcher to prevent any movements. They should not be so slow. Blood transfusion, secure the patient, set up the IV drip these should take around one minute.

The nurse asked. Did something happen?

The doctor said. Go and ask them. Why are they asking us to wait? We also have a patient with us. How can we wait?

The nurse nodded. All right. I will take a look.

The doctor said. Tell them that we will go off first.

The nurse exited the ambulance and walked over to the other ambulance.

Dong Xuebing opened his eyes. Xiao Yao, go and see what happened.

Yao Cui hesitated for a second and nodded. She followed the nurse out of the ambulance.

A few seconds later, the nurse ran back. Doctor Qian, Doctor Wang asked you to go over for a while.

The doctor asked. What happened?

The nurse replied. Their patient is not going to make it.

The doctor quickly instructed the other nurse to take care of Mayor Dong and ran out of the ambulance.

But how can Dong Xuebing stay put after hearing this? He sat up and tried to get out of the ambulance.

What are you doing? The nurse quickly grabbed him.

"You said Jinhua only had ten minutes left. How is she going to wait for half an hour?

Doctor Wang did not reply. He knew the chances of saving Madam Zeng were almost nonexistent.

After entering the ambulance, Doctor Qian quickly examined Jinhuas wound, blood pressure, and heartbeat. He concluded similar to Doctor Wang's. "We found her too late. If only we were twenty minutes earlier."

"Give her another injection," Doctor Wang instructed the nurse.

Doctor Qian asked, "How many injections is this? Can the patient withstand it?"

"It's not about whether she can withstand it now. It is about how long we can keep her going." Doctor Wang replied.

Doctor Qian sighed but didn't say anything. He watched as the nurse administered another injection to Jinhua. Her body spasmed briefly, and her blood pressure and heartbeat improved slightly. However, this was only temporary and would not solve the underlying problem.

Jinhua was as pale as a sheet, showing little signs of life.

Jiang Fangfang turned to her secretary and said, "Drive to meet the surgical specialists from the county hospital. Once you meet them, bring them here immediately. Use Mayor Dong's car. It's faster."

Meng Rui asked, "Is there enough time?"

Jiang Fangfang replied, "Any time saved is better than none."

Li Xiaona quickly got the keys from Yao Cui. The keys were in Yao Cui's hands, and she handed them over without hesitation.

Li Xiaona immediately entered the Land Rover with two county government staff. They sped out of the family quarters courtyard, almost flooring the gas pedal.

However, even with a Land Rover, making the round trip in ten minutes was impossible.

A car was still just a car, and no matter how fast, it couldn't catch up to an airplane. Everyone knew that Madam Zeng's situation was dire.

At that moment, the nurse attending to the unconscious Jinhua suddenly exclaimed, "Blood pressure thirty-five, heartbeat forty-three. Thirty-five, forty, it's not working!"

Doctor Wang's expression changed. "This is bad."

The two doctors in the vehicle immediately began emergency procedures.

"Blood pressure is thirty-three and still dropping," the nurse exclaimed in shock.

Jinhuas condition was deteriorating rapidly, and the situation seemed hopeless.

Chu Peng's eyes turned red as he shouted, "Jinhua, you must hold on!"

Cheng Fuguang suggested, "Give her another injection."

Doctor Qian replied, "We've given her too many already. The patient cannot take it and might

Desperation filled everyone.

Seeing this, Dong Xuebing had already squeezed out of the crowd.

"Mayor Dong!"

"Why did you come down?"

"You should get back to the ambulance quickly. Your injuries are severe.

Dong Xuebing didn't say anything. He passed by Meng Rui, Jiang Fangfang, and other county leaders and boarded the ambulance. He pulled the two doctors aside and examined Jinhuas blood pressure and heartbeat. He then pressed his fingers firmly on a few acupuncture points.

Both accompanying doctors were taken aback. "Mayor Dong, what are you doing?"

Others were also puzzled by Duan Xuebin's actions. The next moment, the young nurse, looking at the monitor's blood pressure index, exclaimed, "Thirty-five, forty, forty-five! The blood pressure is rising!"

Another nurse was also dumbfounded, "Heartbeat is fifty!"