Gu Sinian couldn't see Su Su's eyes. He did something wrong and couldn't refuse. He had to listen to Su Su's words and went to the guest room with a heavy step. Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night. Separated by a wall, the two of them are thinking about their own affairs. The room is shrouded in a low pressure.

Su Su in the master bedroom is sitting on the bed in the bedroom. Her eyes are empty, and she doesn't know what she is thinking. She is just like a lifeless doll, still and motionless.

Gu Sinian in the guest room is not so good either. He is in big characters on the bed and looks straight at the ceiling. The whole person is like a statue, which makes people not feel his existence. Gu Sinian really loves Su Su. He never wanted to cheat Su Su on these things, but before he could figure out how to open his mouth, the matter was poked out like this. It can be said that this is the worst way. He was not ready at all. Now, all his explanations have become pale excuses. It feels like you know you are right Yes, but no one believes you. It's like being abandoned by the whole world.

Gu Sinian's brain was so sore that he was about to explode. When he told Su Su Su about it just now, he was observing Su Su's expression all the time. However, the horror was that he couldn't understand what Su Su was thinking. For the first time in his history, he felt empty in his heart. It seemed that he was going to be unable to catch the person in front of him, as if she would disappear at any time. After hearing what he said, Su Su didn't shed a tear, but the sadness in her eyes couldn't be hidden. Gu Sinian remembers that it seems that someone said that real sadness can't shed tears, it will only quietly lurk in your body. When you see familiar people and things and familiar scenes in the future, then your tears will stay behind without warning and can't be controlled. This kind of sadness is engraved in your blood, and will not disappear with the passage of time, this kind of sadness is the most eternal.

Su Su's performance makes Gu Sinian extremely flustered. When such a thing happens, he regrets it. He blames himself, but he never thinks of giving up Su Su for a second, never. However, if Su Su Su can't forgive himself and give up on himself, this is what he can't master and what he is most afraid of. In this quiet night, Gu Sinian felt hopeless for the first time in the future and deeply lonely for the first time. He had already entered a desperate situation. He had no way to go back, but he had nowhere to go. He did not know what he would be waiting for after daybreak, whether it was su Su Su's forgiveness of wrongs, or his decision to leave, or any other bad result. Now he is the prisoner waiting for sentence, waiting for Su Su, the judge of his destiny.

In fact, Gu Sinian doesn't want to leave Su Su alone in the room. He doesn't want to give Su Su a chance to think about it alone. Because Su Su Su's character, he knows that he can't say two things, he hates betrayal and cheating, but he almost takes all of them. Gu Sinian's self reproach is going to drown him, but his benevolence for a moment makes him in a hopeless situation . He really wants to stay in the night, at least Su Su is still by his side, even through a wall, but he can feel Su Su's breathing and temperature, which is enough for him.

Gu Sixian was trapped in remorse and remorse, but Su Su was in despair and sadness.

She tried to recall what Gu Sinian said. He said that he had cheated himself. His new secretary was Che Xiaoxiao. He was the one who accompanied him and helped him open a room. What's more terrible is that they were still sleeping in the same bed. Su Su Su couldn't breathe when she thought of these things. She held on to the clothes on her chest like a life-saving straw, and her tears came down at last. Su Su felt that her heart was no longer her own, otherwise how could it hurt so much.

Su Su has always believed in Gu Sinian. Although he was suspicious at the beginning, he still chose to believe in Gu Sinian and believed that he would not cheat himself. Of course, she hinted to Gu Sinian more than once and told herself the truth, but every time Gu Sinian chose to escape, which was the most disappointing thing for Su Su. If he had told him earlier, he would not have been so passive and embarrassed.

Su Su has been silent tears, do not wipe, let the tears wet the pillow. It's too hard for her. She can't believe that the man who has been sleeping with her all the time is sleeping with another woman. Even if he says he doesn't know and is drunk, it actually happened. Think about Gu Sixian's commitment to himself, his affectionate confession, and his concern and care for himself. At this time, it seems to be extremely ironic. The sweeter it used to be, the more painful it is now. As soon as Su Su thought of Gu Sinian calling "baby" affectionately and saying "I love you", she couldn't control her tears. Su Su from the beginning of the silent tears to now is crying, she needs to vent their emotions, need to vent their sadness and disappointment, she is now a mess of brain, only in this nobody's night crying a, can let himself sober.

After crying, Su Su began to think about the future of herself and Gu Sinian. She was sure that she loved Gu Sinian and that Gu Sinian loved herself. But now that something like this happened, Su Su knew that she could not pretend that nothing had happened with Gu Sinian. It did happen, just like a thorn in their hearts. Every move would hurt.

Su Su didn't know how to face Gu Sinian. As soon as she saw Gu Sinian's face, she would think of the picture of him with other women. She couldn't stand this kind of torture, which would drive her crazy. Tonight is doomed to be a hard night to sleep, but also a painful night. Su Su knows that she needs to make a decision to solve the relationship between herself and Gu Sinian, but this is undoubtedly a difficult choice for her. No matter how she chooses, the result is not good.The night went by slowly in their own mind. The day was getting light. Su Su looked at the sky outside and dried her tears. She had made a decision in her heart. Gu Sinian's heart was already locked together. He heard Su Su's cry outside the door. The cry pierced his heart like a knife. He wanted to go in and hug Su Su, but he knew that his appearance would only make Su Su more painful. Gu Sinian stood outside Su Su's door all night in the silent night, and now it's daybreak, Gu Sinian knows su Su Su already has an answer. All he can do is to accept it and make Su Su happy. Gu Sinian took another look at Su Su's door and turned to the next room.