Gu Sixian didn't get home until evening.

He anxiously took out the key and opened the door. Sue didn't go out to meet him as usual. This time, he didn't see Su Su's angelic smile. Even the rooms were dark, with no lights on, as if they were uninhabited.

"Su Su?" He cried with a guilty heart, just like Su Su woke up, but he was looking forward to Su Su's reply.

"Su Su?" He called again, but no one answered. He thought, it seems that Susu is really angry. He was really wrong.

Gu Sinian slowly pressed the switch, turned on the light, changed his shoes and put down his briefcase. Into the living room, is still dark, open the switch, empty. He still didn't find his Su Su. When you go to the kitchen, sometimes Su Su will be busy preparing dinner for him in the kitchen. Maybe now she is in the kitchen.

"Su Su," he called again, but no one answered. Gu Sixian didn't give up to open the kitchen. He scanned every corner of the kitchen with his eyes, but he still didn't find Su Su.

Gu Sinian went to the bedroom door and was about to press the doorknob to open the door, but he held on.

All of a sudden, the thought of a moment scared him.

This is his last hope. If he opens the door, like the kitchen and living room, he will be finished. He may lose Su Su forever. Because of his own stupidity, because he drank two more glasses of wine, so he lost Su Su.

Gu Sinian had no strength to open the door. He was afraid. If it's empty, he'll collapse. He can't do without Su Su, let alone lose Su Su because of such a thing. If you lose Su Su, maybe you can't forgive yourself all your life.

In fact, Su Su knew it when Gu Sinian came in. Yes, Susu was at home. Susu didn't leave in the end.

Su Su thought, anyway, Gu Sinian should give you an explanation. Even if they really change their mind, Gu Sinian will give them an account of their love. Even if you want to break up, you have to say it clearly in front of the gongs and drums. We can't just be abandoned. If you just leave, I'm sorry for what they've been through.

As soon as Gu Sinian came in, Su Su knew. The familiar sound of opening the door. Su Su was happy and angry, afraid and worried. She wanted to respond to him, but every time she wanted to open her mouth, a woman's groan would ring in her ear, so real, so vivid, so disgusting. So, she just shrunk and let Gu Sinian call herself. It's like a child who runs away from home. He wants his parents to find him, but he doesn't want to see his parents.

When Gu Sinian's hand stroked the bedroom door handle, Su Su's heart beat faster. Is this moment coming so soon? What should she do? Do you want to talk to Gu Sinian? If so, what to say? Do you want to hear him explain? If he didn't take the initiative and was really framed by his subordinates, do you want to forgive him? Do you want to break up with him now? Do you want to leave

There were countless questions in Su Su's mind. She looked at the doorknob with wide eyes. All of a sudden, she found that she didn't think about any problems all day. She didn't know what to do. She suddenly felt that in front of Gu Sinian, she was an idiot and couldn't understand anything.

Sue was afraid that the door would open. Do you want to dry your tears, pretend to be strong, camouflage yourself with a smile, or do you want to cry and show your true self so that he can see how deeply you are hurt? Su Su didn't know what kind of face to face Gu Sinian. It seemed that none of them were suitable. It seemed that any of them were suitable.

Gu Sinian, release the handle and step back.

Maybe it's giving yourself time to think. Meanwhile, Sue was relieved. Su Su thought, Gu Sinian is just like himself, don't you know how to face it? Is he afraid sometimes? I still haven't figured out how to break up with myself. But no matter what, I have to wait until this time. I must ask him to give me an explanation.

Gu Sinian stepped back two steps and prayed in his heart: Su Su, you must be inside, you must be inside. Don't give up on me so easily, I will explain to you word for word.

Take a deep breath and make a decision without hesitation. This is Gu Sixian.

Gu Sinian, step forward quickly, press the handle and turn on the light. When I saw Su Su in the corner, I felt relieved. Thank God, I finally found you.

The light was too dazzling. After all, she spent the whole day in the dark. Su Su blocked the light with her hand. When his eyes gradually adapted to the strong light, Gu Sinian saw that Su Su's eyes were swollen like carrots. It's all his fault. He shouldn't have left in the morning. He should have explained it to her. Is this silly girl crying all day at home? Did she have a good meal after daydreaming A bellyful of self blame, a bellyful of questions. Gu Sinian now wants to beat himself, because he is too careless, because he didn't take good care of Su Su.

Gu Sinian immediately hugged Su Su and said, "I'm sorry, I love you.". It seems that it's superfluous to say anything at this time.

When Su Su was hugged by Gu Sinian, her eyes that couldn't shed tears, like a new life, burst into tears again. Su Su also can't control her emotions. She pretends that she can't be strong. She shows herself in front of Gu Sinian. She's sad. She's very sad.Su Su couldn't help beating Gu Sinian. Gu Sinian still held Su Su tightly. At last Su Su gave up the struggle and burst into tears. It seems that only in this way can we let go of all the grievances that have been piling up in our hearts for a whole day. Even if you lose control like a child, it doesn't matter.

In the face of Su Su's wailing, Gu Sixian was at a loss. Su Su's cry has a kind of magic power. Every time she cries, Gu Sinian's heart cracks with her. He only knew that he wanted to hold her more tightly. It seemed that as long as he held her tightly, Su Su's cry would become weaker and her heart would not be broken all the time.

Su Su kept crying. Gu Sinian said "I'm sorry, I love you" one after another The two continued for more than ten minutes.

Maybe it's a unique way of communication between them. Maybe at this moment, they know how important each other is to themselves. There was a misunderstanding, but fortunately, the other side didn't give up easily. Love will make people stronger, and love will make us face each other more sincerely. At the moment, all Su Su's grievances turned into tears, and Gu's guilt became a "sorry". And don't want to lose each other's heart, let them hold together tightly.