We hurried back from the netherworld to the Underworld. As soon as we returned to the sun, we suddenly felt that something was wrong with the surrounding atmosphere. Lin Nian and I looked around, but we couldn't see what was wrong.

But after Old man Hong's house, I suddenly realized something was wrong. When we walked out of Old man Hong's house, we discovered a young man squatting at a crossroad nearby to burn paper, while Old man Hong's door was locked.

It was a good thing that the walls of their house weren't high, so we jumped over the wall and walked to his side and asked, "Does little brother know where all those Hong family members went?"

"Are you here for Master Hong as well?" The man looked up at us, his face full of surprise.

Bai Hua and I looked at each other, and then, Bai Hua nodded and said, "I suppose so, why did you come here to burn paper?

I know that she is referring to the fact that the distance from here to Old Man Hong's house is a little too close. To burn paper money in front of his house is somewhat unlucky.

"You might not know it, but I'm just burning paper for Master Hong. He died this morning!"

"What!?" Bai Hua and I were both shocked. After all, we met old man Hong yesterday, and he was the one who sent me to the Nether Realm. We didn't expect that he himself would actually send himself to the Nether Realm.

"How did he die? Senior Hong has always been in good health, why did he suddenly …" There must be a problem here! "

Bai Hua muttered a few sentences in a low voice. My heart was also in a mess, so I didn't listen carefully, but instead squatted on the ground and listened to the man who looked to be in her thirties with strong determination.

Therefore, he stood up and frowned as he asked, "You call yourself Senior Hong, could it be that you also cultivate the Dao?"

Bai Hua nodded, she was anxious to know how Old Master Hong died so she asked anxiously: "Tell me, quickly, what exactly happened?"

"Speaking of which, we are also responsible for Master Hong's death, because Master Hong is currently helping us investigate something. It might be related to this matter, and quite a few people have died consecutively."

After all, I had been in the business for a long time, so I immediately saw that this fellow knew that Bai Hua knew Master Hong, and that Bai Hua definitely wanted us to take over this matter, so we continued our investigation.

Therefore, I anxiously grabbed Bai Hua's arm and said: "Sir, we will be troubling you if you still have anything else to do. Please forgive us!"

After saying that, I pulled Bai Hua away, but Bai Hua did her best to break free from my grasp, pulling me to the side and whispering to me: "After all, Senior Hong helped us this time, he died an unknown death, we can't just leave like this. Let me take a look at his corpse, and find out how he died!"

I sighed lightly, but I had no way of refuting it. Bai Hua was right, I was purely acting out of selfishness, and did not want myself to be drawn into this mess.

My name is Bai Hua, this is my assistant Zhang Yu, we are from Beijing, and although you have not heard of me, it is normal, but you must have heard of my Junior Master Qiu Baihe!

Bai Hua walked in front of the man, and said calmly. After speaking, he handed over a name card, and after the man looked at it, she immediately laughed and said: "My apologies, my name is Feng Yi, you don't need to call me by my name, since you two have taken over this matter, why don't you two come back with me to meet our boss? If you are busy, we can meet up again."

"It's nothing, we're not busy right now. Let's go!" Bai Hua laughed faintly, and then said calmly.

Helpless, even though I know that this matter is definitely not simple, otherwise, I wouldn't even be able to beat old man Hong. Thinking about this, my heart is filled with uncertainty.

Before I could think about it, Bai Hua pulled me to a black Mercedes-Benz. The car door was opened and a middle-aged man wearing a white shirt and western pants leaned against the car.

Feng Yi led us to the man and introduced us respectfully: "Boss, this Miss Bai Hua is Mr. Beijing Qiu Baihe's junior nephew and has specifically come to visit Mr. Hong. She has already agreed to take over the responsibility of Master Hong in his investigation."

After the middle-aged man heard Bai Hua's name, he sized him up and a line of words flashed across her eyes: "What can a vase do?

I snorted, seeing Bai Hua nod her head symbolically, this boss had actually heard of him before when we first arrived here, he started her business from nothing, the black and white are both tough, so even if we don't do anything, there is no need to offend him.

The man nodded to us, his face calm. Although he didn't take us seriously, he still had some basic etiquette.

After seeing the boss, we were led by Feng Yi to another car. He politely opened the car door for Bai Hua, who nodded at him before sitting in the car. I opened the car door and sat beside Bai Hua, who quickly ran to the driver's seat and started the car, then followed behind the boss's Mercedes-Benz.

Feng Yi chatted with us for a while, but it sounded more like a ruse.

Bai Hua was happy to play along with him, because she also wanted to know more about Master Hong's death. If she thought about people like Feng Yi, as long as she wanted to, there was nothing in this county that she didn't know.

Although this person looks very refined, I could tell from his eyes that he was the kind of ruthless person. I tried not to say anything and lowered my head to read the information I got from Qin San.

They drove very fast, driving all the way to a villa on the outskirts of the city. Finally, they stopped at a courtyard. Just the courtyard of the villa was enough for them to build another villa.

The courtyard was very clean. When we entered, we only saw an old man, and judging by the architecture, we knew that the boss was a superstitious person.

The feng shui here was obviously in the format of the Feilu Bureau. It had a fountain, a grass field, and five red lanterns that could be seen every day. The structure was simple and not easy to destroy, but it also had the effect of protecting the master's home.

He was the most frightening person I've ever met, because it was difficult for you to read his thoughts from the outside. When we were doing business in the past, I was most afraid of encountering such a person, but right now, I might not be able to adapt to this kind of ordinary life, so seeing such a person, I just felt uncomfortable all over.