Chapter 987

Name:Pokemon Urban King Author:lqing
Shaymin, wait a minute!

Bai Mo’s was about to take the opponent’s Cologne Professor, but he didn’t pay attention to Shaymin for a while and let it run away. When he reacted, Shaymin had fallen into the petalless cluster below.

The occurrence of this scene makes Bai Mo a little speechless, but he is not a stupid protagonist, and he will not turn the cart before the horse and mess things up.

At the wrist, six Poké Balls appeared on Bai Mo’s hand!

Chapter 1035 Cologne, Divine Beast Origin of Space!


With the sound of an explosion, there was no accident. Under Bai Mo’s absolute strength, all of Team Galactic’s people were taken down by him again.

Only escaped the Cologne Professor.

The Cologne Professor finally took out a strange fragment and detonated it to win a part of the opportunity for himself.

But these are actually not big problems for Bai Mo, but he is very curious that the Cologne Professor is here to choose what to accomplish and what purpose, so he deliberately let him go.

Shaymin, little Shaymin, are you all right! Bai Mo came to the two Shaymins and asked.


Shaymin put the little Shaymin behind him, looking at Bai Mo warily.

Although Bai Mo’s previous performance was obviously to help them again, Shaymin was very cautious after experiencing what happened before.

Mimi~~Little Shaymin exchanged a few words to Shaymin quickly, as if he was explaining something. When it was finished, Bai Mo said: Don’t worry, I don’t have Malice! !

Speaking, Bai Mo released the power of Arceus!

Feeling the comfortable feeling in the power of Arceus and the power that makes him unconsciously close, Shaymin finally relaxed his vigilance.

After that, Shaymin and Bai Mo talked one after another about the interior of the space…

Bai Mo showed interest in his eyes.

At this time, the people in Floaroma Town, led by Joy and Officer Jenny, finally rushed to the flower field. The movement made by Team Galactic before was too much, even in the middle of the night, everyone Was awakened!

Notice the arrival of these people, Bai Mo and the two Shaymins said, the figure suddenly disappeared, not simple!


Still on the island, in the secret base!

Professor in Cologne returned by special means hiding from the artist hiding in his own laboratory, what a crazy researcher.


He has one after another red shards in his hand. Among the red shards is a green ball of light, which is destroying Shaymin’s space. Something afterwards.

In fact, the purpose of Cologne has never been Shaymin, but these two distinct things.

As for Suixing and Huoxing, they don’t even know that he is finally!

At this time, the Cologne Professor was trembling all over, with an expression of excitement, reaching out his hand as if to touch the prisoner of Green, but tried and tried but didn’t dare to touch it!

Finally he stood up, raised his laughed heartily with his hands up:

It succeeded, I finally succeeded!

Cyrus, Charon, you two idiots, I will let you know immediately that my wisdom and my research are truly invincible!

What about Bai Mo? I really want to thank you. Originally, I was thinking about how to conceal the two ladies Huoxing and Suixing, but now I have lost you!


With a wild smile on his face, the Cologne Professor stretched out his hand and grabbed the green ball of light in front of him. He would not press on the part of the heart because he tore his clothes!


Following the actions of the Cologne Professor, the ball of light began to gradually sink into the Cologne Professor’s chest, and a strange rich green light began to spread from his chest. Come.

Under the nourishment of these rays of light, Cologne Professor’s skin that had lost its wrinkles regained its firmness!

There is more luster on it, and the muscles that have begun to shrink have become full, and they seem to be full of power again!

What’s even more exaggerated is that one of this guy’s white hair began to gradually return to a bright brown, and his eyes, which had been somewhat muddy, became clear again, and they also emitted a divine light!

In a few breaths, the Cologne Professor’s physical condition has recovered from the old to the middle age, and then from the middle age to the middle age!

Finally reached the pinnacle moment of life.

Power, this is the power of Eternal Undying!

In youth, from now on, I am God!


The size of the Professor in Cologne, his voice is no longer old at this time, but it is as loud as a bell, and it is full of imposing manner!

He can’t help clenching his fist, feeling the explosive force in his body that he hasn’t known for many years, it’s so cool!

Professor of Cologne roared in excitement, but…

In just a moment, this guy’s roar turned into a scream, and his youthful body suddenly began to swell. The balloon couldn’t hold up and burst, and it started to inflate!

Professor’s skin in Cologne is still shrinking, getting tighter and tighter!

Those capillary blood vessels ruptured first, and his whole body became extremely red. Aiya Ah, Professor in Cologne, what’s wrong with you? !

At this moment, a voice full of surprise and teasing came to mind in the Professor’s laboratory in Cologne.

Professor in Cologne hurriedly turned his head and saw Bai Mo with a cold smile, Dai Ze on his face like a cat show Teacher Normal.

…You are…Bai Mo! ?

How is it possible, how did that come in? !

When Bai Mo suddenly appeared, the door of the research room was still closed. The Professor in Cologne couldn’t help being surprised and angry. His laboratory is a secret laboratory built by him privately, no one knows!

It seems that you really don’t know anything about me! ! Bai Mo shook the head, with a cold look and contempt for me as a Psychic!

Psychic person! ?

Professor from Cologne made his expression again, and then showed a bleak smile. At this time, the arteries in his neck and meridian began to burst open!

This is just the beginning. Soon the blood vessels all over his body began to explode, and a lot of blood mist erupted through his skin!