Chapter 146

Name:Pokemon Urban King Author:lqing
“Is Toozi really here?”

After the man actually walked into the Pokemon Center, he could only find Yai’s figure.

“Where is the man in Yai?” I didn’t find Yai, the man’s frowned, and then came directly to a Trainer’s side and asked, “I ask you!?”

On the other side.

In Bai Mo’s room.

“Hey, is this Teleport? It’s amazing!!!” Seeing that her environment has changed, Mei was not at all rushed to panic, and she sighed in novelty. It’s good for Mei to also Teleport!”

“In this way, I can go where I want to go!”

“I can…”

“Really cute!” Seeing that because a Teleport exquisite began to dream of having Psychic’s bud, Bai Mo shook it funny.

At this time, in the bathroom, Toozi, who had just finished washing, heard the voice of some familiar girl outside, so she walked out curiously.

Seeing the Mei in the room, Too Zi suddenly exclaimed:


“Too Zi!” Hearing Too Zi’s voice, Mei I stopped my longing immediately, and happily ran to Toozi and hugged her arm and said, “Toozi, I miss you so much!”

“Why are you here!” Yai’s excitement, Toozi asked strangely, “I told Professor Aurea Juniper not to tell you where I am, and I remember that Professor said you went to Sinnoh, didn’t you?”

“Yi is I went to Sinnoh!” Mei hearing this immediately ordered nodded and took out a Badge box and said, “I have also collected ten Badge from Sinnoh Region!”

“But I am letting When Little Eevee evolved into an ice Pokemon, he happened to see the Bai Mo Professor’s battle video, and found Toozi in it, so I came to find Toozi!”

“Why are you still following me! “Tuozi said immediately, “Your strength is all of them are stronger than mine, you should exercise by yourself!”

“What!” Yayi said suddenly unhappy, “Tuozi is really stingy, the competition is always There are winners and losers. It will be fine if you win back next time!”

“Girl, of course you can’t travel alone. Didn’t Toozi tell me? He also said that it’s easy to be targeted by bad guys. Come on!”

“Uh!” Seeing that Yayi educates herself with what she said when she was educating her, she said a little while ago, “Then you can find other reliable people to travel with!”

“Hey, don’t say it!” Hearing Toozi’s words, Mei was immediately unhappy, “Toriko, have you forgotten that Akeno?”

“Since the end of the Alliance tournament, he has been Haunted me, wanted to associate with me, and asked me if I had any news about you, and asked me what I wanted to chase after us!”

“In order to stay away from him, I always sit on the thunder pheasant Is it good for the chicken to travel!”

“It’s annoying!”

“This time, I came to Hoenn by plane, and I met him at the Airport, and he followed again, very Annoying!”

“Aka wild!” Touzi’s brows instinctively frowned upon hearing the name Yai said.

Seeing this scene, Bai Mo narrowed his eyes and asked Chao Ze Toko, “Who is this Akeno?”

“Is one of my suitors!” heard For Bai Mo’s words, Too Zi was afraid he might misunderstand him and did not hide it at all. He explained directly, “The Young Patriarch of a first-class family specializing in Flying Type and Normal Type in Unova Region!”

“I came across a traveler by chance. Mei and I said let us be his women together, and said it was our blessing!”

“A, very disgusting guy!”

“oh?” Hearing Toozi’s words, Bai Mo’s eyes flashed with dangerous rays of light:


Chapter 0168 must defend the ownership of his own woman

Seeing Bai Mo’s expression, Too Zi immediately cared, “He is a Young Patriarch of a first-class family, so you still don’t conflict with him!”

“I don’t want that kind of silhouette to ring you !”

“Affect me?” Hearing Toozi’s words, Bai Mo shook the head, Toozi is still too limited. It is only Young Patriarch of a first-class family, how could it affect him.

“Don’t worry!” To Toozi, Bai Mo said with relief, “It is the duty of your boyfriend to drive away the annoying flies for his girlfriend!”

” You don’t have to worry about this!”

“Ah, yes!” Hearing Bai Mo’s words, Toozi immediately ordered nodded and chose to be Bai Mo’s girlfriend. When he should be obedient , Touzi will definitely be obedient.

But after hearing the conversation between the two, Mei couldn’t help but shout out, “Girlfriend!!?”

“What’s wrong?” Seeing Mei With this excited look, Bai Mo asked strangely, “Toozi is my girlfriend, what’s wrong!?”

Hearing Bai Mo’s words, Mei blushed immediately and saw In this scene, Toozi immediately seemed to have reacted to something, trying to reach out to cover Yai’s mouth, but Yai seemed to have been prepared, and instantly let go of her arm holding Toozi, and a flash came to Bai Mo’s side!

At this time, Xiao Nai and other girls all washed up and walked out. Seeing that there was an obvious gossip about to be exposed, they immediately looked curiously.

Only Serperior is calmly eating the special Pokemon food prepared by Bai Mo for her.

At this time, ignoring Toozi’s murderous gaze, Mei looked at Bai Mo sincerely and said:

“Bai Mo Professor, let me tell you!”

“When I traveled with Toko before, I met the annoying Akano!”

“I asked her how she would find a boyfriend!”

“She said at the time, boyfriend, I can’t trust it, it’s impossible to find a boyfriend in this life!”

“Yi!” Seeing that Yai said this, Toozi’s face blushed, because This face is crackling!

However, Mei did not have the idea of ​​stopping at all, and continued, “At that time, Too Zi asked Mei again what I thought, and Mei said that if there is such an outstanding Bai Mo researcher, she will change on her own. It’s good if someone who’s very difficult to deal with is a suitor!”

“Ketoko said, Bai Mo researcher, unreliable, woman!”

Speaking of this, Ya Yi deliberately gave a long note, and Serperior at this time continued:

“Women, you can’t find a man younger than yourself, it’s not reliable!”

“Yes!” Upon hearing Serperior’s words, Mei was very sure, nodded and said, “That’s what Toko said at the time!”

After speaking, Mei looked at it afterwards. Serperior asked with a blank face, “Elder sister, who are you, how do you know what Toozi said? Did she say something similar to you?”

Not waiting for Serperior to return, Noting Bai Mo’s teasing gaze, Too Zi blushed and roared, “Serperior! Yai!”

“Enough for you!”

I have to say that Yai is really out of touch. Hearing Tooko’s words, he looked at Serperior with weird eyes and asked, “Huh, Serperior? You changed from Serperior?”

“Yeah, Mei younger sister!”


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