Pokemon-Money Is Supreme Chapter 3336

Name:Pokemon – Money Is Supreme Author:
There is no one who has ascended Transcending Tribulation. Thinking of the dangerous situation just now, Lin Xiao was scared from now on. If there were more Spiritual Consciousness to fight for, and these Spiritual Consciousness, if they were not intrigue with each other, I am afraid they would not be able to persist, then this body would change hands!

Lin Xiao was surprised that although these six people all lived in Immortal World, none of them had ever been to Xianhua Star, and they were all on different planets. It turns out that Immortal World refers to the planet of immortal life. Like Mortal World, there are countless immortal planets.

It is very funny that, apart from Hou Yi and Hui Ke, the other four immortal just ascended up, because they lost the memory of mortals and became unconscious newborn fairy babies, and the cultivation speed was very slow, so After growing into Earth Immortal, they all become slaves like Miner! The worst of them is Hu'er, who has been a Miner for 80,000 years! Speaking of tigers, there is another particularly interesting place. During the ascent, he was almost stunned by the high-speed flying. He put the umbrella-shaped weapon out and covered his head, which greatly reduced the flying speed, and in order to keep the umbrella-shaped weapon from being reduced by the higher and higher pressure, Efforts to cultivation, and keep putting true essence into umbrella weapons. It happened to coincide with Lin Xiao's ascension. After arriving at Immortal World and spending his adult life, because of his poor Aptitude, no one wants to accept him as a disciple. As a result, Aptitude, a mediocre and unintended tiger, was still an Earth Immortal after 80,000 years of mining! Seeing batch after batch of immortal have improved in strength and stayed away from Miner's life, Huer naturally gave birth to Spite. Later, perhaps God opened his eyes, Hu'er unexpectedly dug up a Top Grade fairy crystal, and the tiger who had been complaining for many years even ventured to Swallow that piece of Top Grade fairy crystal secretly. After continuing to mine for a hundred years, his skill advanced by leaps and The tiger in bounds escaped and wandered around. Later, fortunately, I met an Immortal Emperor who was about to die and gave instructions on the tiger’s cultivation technique. Hu'er cultivation according to the law, the skill growth rate is faster. After a thousand years, the tiger whose cultivation base has reached Immortal Monarch Realm has recovered the memory of Mortal World. Since then, the cultivation base has grown even faster. After another six thousand years, the Transcending Tribulation will successfully ascend to God World.

The other three started their immortal lives from mining, but their Aptitude is a little better than Hu'er. After only 10,000 years of mining, they were collected as dísciple and separated from Miner’s career, 90,000. Many years later, they also succeeded in Transcending Tribulation soaring to God World.

Although Hui Ke became an unconscious fairy baby when he first arrived at Immortal World, he has only passed the adult tribulation in just 30 years, and he was admitted as a dísciple on the day of Transcending Tribulation. , Saving the miserable life of Miner. Under the guidance of the famous teacher, Hui Ke was promoted to Immortal Monarch and restored the memory of Mortal World in just ten thousand years. Since then, the cultivation base has progressed even faster, and it took only 60,000 years to successfully Transcending Tribulation soaring to God World.

And Hou Yi is in another situation. Like Lin Xiao, he was a fleshy body that soared up, and the planet he soared up did not have immortal immortal waiting in the ascending pond to salvage newborn fairy babies like Xianhua Xing, but he climbed up by himself, in order to survive. He crawls around the soaring pond every day, picking wild flowers and weeds to satisfy his hunger. This made the self-esteem of Hou Yi, who was admired by many people in Mortal World call the wind and summon the rain, hit hard. In order to quickly improve his strength, Hou Yi climbed to the cultivation Divine Art by the soaring pool every time he was full. He spent only one year in adulthood, and was lucky to kill a cow that had just ascended on the day of Transcending Tribulation. Son. After eating this cow, and cultivation by the ascending pond to swallow Divine Art for one year, it becomes a Heavenly Immortal capable of flying. Since then, Hou Yi relied on his superb shooting skills to get a lot of wind and water in the Immortal World where strong beasts are like forests. After not knowing how many strong beasts have been swallowed by fighting and swallowing, Hou Yi succeeded in Transcending Tribulation soaring into God World.

From the memories of these people, Lin Xiao learned that the life essence of immortal is not endless. Even if you can successfully survive the adult catastrophe, you will die of old age if you can’t achieve Transcending Tribulation in 100,000 years. . Another point is that these immortal have repeatedly mentioned Life Spirit Bead as a fresh term. According to Hui Ke's description, it is very similar to his Upper Dantian, and the immortal cultivation speed of Life Spirit Bead is relatively fast. Thinking of their dozens of disciplines, Yang Ling and Lu Jianshe didn't have Upper Dantian, so they believed it a little bit in their hearts.

Although after understanding and digesting these immortal memories, Lin Xiao learned a lot of immortal cultivation technique and cultivation experience, so that Lin Xiao without a Master can avoid many detours in the future. But Lin Xiao didn't feel any joy, but was even more frightened. The memories of the five people who did not ascend to Immortal World disappeared, and the six people who successfully ascended to Immortal World consciously competed for control of the body this time. What does this mean? The message indicating their death did not appear, there was still consciousness! It is possible to regain consciousness at any time and come out again to fight for control of this body! The terrifying thing is that these six people have soared to God World. Thinking about the difficult cultivation of immortal, only one or two immortal in 100,000 immortal can successfully Transcending Tribulation to ascend to God World. It is conceivable that the people of God World will have much divine ability, then they will compete for this body again. How can I be opponent when I am in control? The most terrifying thing is that once one's own consciousness is killed, then the new owner of this body will have all of his own memories and emotions, isn't his wife cheaper to others? And his wife would not even know it! My own discipline of grand disciples will respect the new owner of this body as much as I do now. too terrifying! Too unimaginable!

Thinking that the memories of these people, Mortal World and Immortal World, only appeared after three days. Maybe, their memories of God World will appear in a few days. What should I do? The saddest thing is that Lin Xiao still doesn't know how to deal with the struggle between consciousness. Also, where is the consciousness of these people hidden in the body?

Calm down, Lin Xiao carefully recalled the two conflicts of consciousness. After tossing and repeating it thousands of times, Lin Xiao worked out a little doorway. Although this consciousness is invisible and intangible, it is like True Spirit is the core of this body and consciousness is the core of True Spirit, or the True Spirit in True Spirit.

Furthermore, all the memories I get, the first are descriptions such as mountain topography, flowers, plants, birds and beasts, and then the ordinary experience of interacting with people, and then the language And etiquette customs, followed by the cultivation technique, and finally the deepest emotion and cultivation experience. Third, Spiritual Consciousness sees the world more clearly than with naked eye. Then, it is very possible that two consciousnesses can understand each other by drilling around, ..