Pokemon-Money Is Supreme Chapter 3304

Name:Pokemon – Money Is Supreme Author:
Lin Xiao learns the flute to improve the Extrreme Speed, and soon learns a few simple music. Then, under the guidance of Mulang, practice using the flute to play the'arrogant dragon roar'.

2nd day, Tengyun turned back to his true body and let Lin Xiao ride to the Qin Mansion, while a group of disciplines followed behind with gifts. Lin Xiao has truly become a White Horse Prince this time, and a lot of admiration has been aroused along the way. Along the way, the crowds can be described as vast crowds. Those who fight Lin City are almost all sent out to watch the most luxurious family-seeking team ever called by the good deeds. After all, Yang Ling, Young Master of Aristocratic Family, led the horse for Lin Xiao, Emperor Zhang Jin of the Tianlan Empire carried a load of gifts, followed by Zhang Hong, the highest commander of the Imperial Army, holding two unicorns and fighting. Lin Dun’s host Lan Hai and Guanglin Dun’s host Li Wo each carried a huge wine tank. The other hosts from time to time released several beautiful magics to clear the way for Lin Xiao, Azure Dragon, Phoenix, and White Tiger. , Lao Hei, and Po Bird turned back into real bodies and danced high and low from time to time. The old black who became a super Divine Beast is no longer a snake, but a Black Dragon about the same length as Azure Dragon. Such a luxurious courtship team is not only unprecedented, it can definitely be said to be unprecedented!

Those great characters are nothing more. Those demonic beasts are definitely the best visual impact. Have these ordinary people ever seen Divine Beast? Therefore, the performance of two dragons, one phoenix, one tiger and one eagle drew thunderous applause. At the same time, he was also guessing what rare treasure the gift the emperor picked would be.

I finally came to the front of Qin Mansion, but saw that the door was closed, and a teenager in front of the door, wearing a red-clothed suit, paid a salute to Lin Xiao, and Lin Xiao was busy getting ready The boy received the red envelope and laughed hehe and said: "Uncle Xie gives a reward. However, I have to ask my uncle to do me a favor and help me solve this problem." After speaking, he flashed and revealed the chessboard behind him. Lin Xiao glanced, isn't this a life-and-death problem of Go? Fortunately, this life-and-death question is not very difficult, probably equivalent to the amateur three Level 10 chess test question, and I have played Go on Earth for a few years with Old Master. So after thinking a little bit, the child placed pa pa pa. After reading it next to him, the boy said: "My uncle is good at chess." Then he shouted, "First test passed!" Nine children, each holding a musical instrument. After these children gave Lin Xiao a gift, Lin Xiao was asked to choose a musical instrument. Lin Xiao first distributed the red envelopes to the children, and then smiled and took out a bamboo flute from the cultivation space. This bamboo flute is not an ordinary bamboo flute, but Lin Xiao carefully crafted it based on the principle of transforming the piano . After the song "Ao dragon roar" was played, hundreds of thousands of people onlookers applauded and applauded. The children shouted "Pass the second test!" Immediately, four children ran out from the side door, each holding the four treasures of the paper, inkstone and inkstone. Laughing hehe said: "Please leave the calligraphy."

Lin Xiao smiled bitterly and touched his head, but he had no choice but to act as a plagiarist again. He secretly said that he was offended to the poet Li, so he wrote in silence. . Every time Lin Xiao finishes writing a sentence, the child will recite it aloud. When everyone hears'My flower-dappled horse, My furs worth a thousand, Hu'er will exchange for some wine. 'When the audience burst into thunderous applause. When the child recites the last sentence, without waiting for the child to call the third test pass, the closed door has been opened with a creak.

The door opened, but I saw a dressed middle-aged couple looking towards Lin Xiao with a smile, behind which was a team of drummers playing and beating. Just listen to that costumed middle-aged man with said with a smile: "Won't the son-in-law come to visit your husband?"

Lin Xiao secretly exclaimed a long breath, walked over to push the Jinshan and jade pillar to start. Kneel and worship. At the right time, the drummer played the welcome song, and the starting bricks for asking for a kiss were knocked out, and the onlookers gradually dispersed. Unexpectedly, You Yaren composes this song "Bring in the wine" on the music and sings it everywhere in the Tianlan continent. The great poet Lin Xiao's name has become a household name, and it has become a good story.

Enter the lobby, and after rebirth, Zhang Jin several dísciple one after another to send the Present. First, I opened a jar of wine and scooped out a few bowls of wine for the people of Qin Family to taste. These people have never drunk such a Top Grade wine before, and they all smiled. Then nine Flying Swords were unveiled. This time, there was something special about the appearance. Zhang Jin transformed the nine Flying Swords into nine dragons flying around in the hall, and Azure Dragon and Lao Hei also got together in time to make fun of them, and let everyone see. Dumbfounded, the atmosphere pushed up to a high level. Followed by six calligraphy and paintings, Qin Family patriarch Qin Guangyuan was overjoyed at first sight, and even claimed to be thankful. Then, two unicorns appeared on the stage. Zhang Jin pointed out that he was making pets for his sister, sister and brother, and asked Qin Guangyuan to call the two of them to the Recognizing Master.

Only for a while, a child came out with a white clothed elder sister. The plain-clothed girl's eyebrows are like distant mountains, her muscles are like fat, especially her face with a hint of shy panic is especially moving. What's more, the bright eyes seemed to bring a strong scent of literature. When facing her, she seemed to sink and float in a sea of ​​poetry, while the slender and flexible fingers seemed to be playing a piece of well-known music, which was refreshing. Seeing such a beautiful woman, Lin Xiao was silly all of a sudden. When the beauty came to Dabai shyly and wanted to squeeze out the blood for Dabai to recognize the Master, Xiaobai asked differently: "Who are you? My sister made my Mistress younger brother a pet."

The kid said excitedly: "Oh, it turns out that he made a pet for me, so you made a pet for my elder sister?"

Xiaobai looked towards Qin Guangyuan suspiciously and asked: "In-law, where's your daughter? Why didn't you call it out?"

Qin Guangyuan was even more confused by the second monk, and said in surprise: "Isn't this a little girl?"

Bai shook his unicorn into the rattle Normal and said: "It's weird, the girl clearly said that she would propose to Qin Mansion in three days. Is there a second Qin Mansion in Lin City? Sect master, what can we do?"

Qin Guangyuan wakes up when he hears it, and happily says: "The person you are talking about is the god of dance preached by outsiders." ."

"Hehe, God of Dance is the little girl’s maid, it’s not wrong for her to ask you to come to Qin Mansion to propose marriage."

Hearing Lin Xiao’s answer, Qin Guangyuan’s face suddenly turned dark. After sinking, Lan Yi used the method of soul sound transmission to come over in a hurry: "Sect master, how can you forget this common sense? Our rule is that maids serve the master for life, you married Young Lady Didn’t Qin just marry God of Dance? God of Dance must be married. "Although men dream of the blessings of the Qi people, their lover came here as a dowry..