Pokemon-Money Is Supreme Chapter 3220

Name:Pokemon – Money Is Supreme Author:
The third place middle grade Spiritual Artifact Yin-Yang Sword ··········These 100 colleagues are only selected from the team members, except for Vice Captain. "


"The blood red Captain is really interesting. I have something to say hello in the future. I, Zhang Si, have absolutely nothing to say! . "

"I, Li San, would not be worthy of wearing this skin if I had a partial refusal..."

"Blood red even took out the body protection clothes. This time I really laid down my capital. It seems that he is determined to win Small Captain. "

As soon as Vice Captain's words came out, no one said he was unrecognized. Many ghost catchers suck in a cold breath, and some were so touched that they almost turned in blood red. Underpants are showing loyalty.

What is the relationship between handing in underpants and showing loyalty? The color and size of the underpants have been told to you, are you not loyal enough?······

Just Even Fatty was surprised. Lin Xiao has experienced the cruelty of war. Of course he knows what a defensive suit represents. This is equivalent to a few more lives. The defensive Spiritual Artifact that can save lives, There is always a price but no market. You cannot buy it if you have money or Spirit Pill.

As for Vice Captain not participating in the selection, there is a certain reason. If Vice Captain participates, most of the rewards will be I have to let Vice Captain take it away. It is estimated that the leftovers left to the players in the end are not attractive. Of course, Vice Captain has been prepared for them a long time ago. This is the unwritten rules of the ghost catcher. , Captain brought the team members to help, how can you not express it well. Otherwise, next time there will be riots, they will send you dozens of low-level ghost catchers, and you will have nowhere to cry.

Thanks to Normal, no Captain will come out with this body protection garment that is very important to him. Blood red is to increase his prestige and show his generous side. It is to tell these ghost catchers; follow me in the future, The benefits are great.

"Now, please Crimson Captain award the first prize, the best star ghost catcher. Crimson Captain, please come to the stage to present the award. "

"pa pa pa ····"

After Vice Captain finished reciting, he first applauded, and the ghost catcher in the audience naturally followed suit. Not to mention, formalism has become popular with Three Realms, and all the great gods can’t stop it.

Blood-red came to the stage amidst applause, waved his hand, and the audience immediately calmed down. He knew who was the first. He’s clear, and he’s not wordy. Directly announce;

"Now, I announce that in this battle, the star-rated best ghost catcher who contributed the most to kill the enemy is... ······"

After the blood red said, his eyes were shot under the stage, and when he reached Lin Xiao, he had a deep pause. A group of ghost catchers who killed more than 100 ghosts in the audience had expressions. I was nervous, especially when I just watched the blood red, all my faces were flushed. Lin Xiao was very settled. He thinks that those four-star ghost catchers must kill more than himself. This kind of good thing will be his turn for a nobody.

"He is the three-star ghost catcher Lin Xiao from the Earth team. Let us invite him to the stage with enthusiastic applause. Let's witness this hot-blooded man who successfully defeated the four-claw ghost with the three-star ghost catcher cultivation base, and the great hero who saved the entire team with a flying spear at the last minute. "

I have to say that every leader is a sensational expert. The group of ghost catchers mentioned is full of enthusiasm, and the female ghost catchers are even more flustered. ..