Pokemon-Money Is Supreme Chapter 2984

Name:Pokemon – Money Is Supreme Author:
"What did my father tell you just now, why are you so interested in that thing", Seya pressed Ling Xiao's shoulder and said.

"Your father said that this thing is very good for men, let me eat more, and also said that I am good or you are good", enjoying the service brought by his lover, Ling Xiao enjoyed it very much.

"Why is this old man not serious for a day?" Seya had an ideal heart but couldn't say anything.

When it’s time to rest, Seya’s house has a lot of rooms. She arranged for Ling Xiao in the innermost room on the third floor. After he settled in, she wanted to go out, Ling Xiao She grabbed her hand and begged her not to go, but Seya did not stay, but lived in the house next to him, saying that it was not good for his father to see them. They are not real yet. Although he was reluctant, there was nothing he could do. They lay on the bed and looked at the bright starry sky outside the window. He slowly fell asleep. After a while, he felt that someone was pushing him. At this time, it must be the one who can push him. Yah, Ling Xiao grabbed the man in his arms as soon as a vicious dog pounced on food, but he felt that the man was in Struggle. He looked down and saw that he was an old man. He quickly released his hand and retreated to the side of the bed. When he fixed his eyes, it turned out that it was the old god stick of Taoist Xianji. He grabbed the collar of the old god stick before he even thought about going up.

"I almost died there, you know what, why didn't you tell me, you let me go like this is to die. Fortunately, I have survived until now." Ling Xiao is very Rage but can't speak loudly say.

"I have trouble too, I also got there, I know this together, in fact, when you were on stage, I kidnapped a group of people, or I would pretend to be dead. It's you," said the old man, crying sadly.

Ling Xiao released his grip on the old man's clothes and said: "Who caught you, why did they catch you".

"At first, I didn’t know. When they caught me, I pretended to pass out. Then I was still in a carriage by the group of people. There were several people in the car. One of them wears a mask and can't see his face clearly, but judging from his voice, I can guarantee that that person is Zeus," the old man said sadly.

"Zeus! Why did he appear in the carriage, please tell me quickly", Ling Xiao was also anxious when he heard this.

"They know that you are a descendant of Hephaestus and are going to get rid of you. It was arranged and wanted to critical strike you during the martial arts competition, but when they wanted to do it, they were disrupted by a person called a childcare. Later, they wanted to kill me, so I had to pretend to be dead. I threw it down from the carriage, it was like this", the old man fell on Ling Xiao's bed and fainted after saying this.

"old man, I still have something to ask you, wake up." After a few pushes, he didn't respond, so he didn't intend to wake him up anymore.

"It seems that he has suffered a lot in the past few days. It turns out that this competition was held for me. It seems that I am the protagonist of the whole show." Ling Xiaoxin thought of it. .

In the morning of 2nd day, Seya also came to Lingxiao’s room and pushed open the door of the room. He saw Ling Xiao sitting on a chair and an old man lying on the bed. Seya was surprised and pointed. The old man looked at Ling Xiao, as if he had discovered something, and finally explained to Seya, she was sighed in relief, and when he looked at her, Ling Xiao felt what the woman was thinking about in his head, too. I don’t want to worry about this anymore. The most urgent task now is to get back my abilities before I can hope to fight Zeus. Suddenly there is a chaos on the street, and then there are a lot of officers and soldiers posting arrest warrants everywhere, and there is a leader in it. The carriage said: "Master Hex has an order. Anyone who has seen this person must immediately report to the Three Realms. The warrant was thrown away. ..