Pokemon-Money Is Supreme Chapter 2970

Name:Pokemon – Money Is Supreme Author:
Ling Xiao has been shocked by speechless, and she is thinking, Did I shoot sky through?

The old man grabbed his clothes and flew towards the small Black spot. When he flew to the front, Ling Xiao found that this was not a small spot, but an oval Black that was about the size of a door. Unidentified object. There are dark red rays of light around the unknown object. The old man pulled Ling Xiao into the unknown object.

When I walked into it, it turned out to be a city, but the city was very desolate and there was nothing. Ling Xiao looked at the old man. What is the use? The old man slightly smiled and said, this is what you will be after Personal domain, you are the master of this domain.

Domain, master, what are you kidding about? What's the use of this thing if there is nothing in it?

The old man picked up a little bit of sand in the place and said to Ling Xiao. In the future, you still need to create it yourself. Whether this place is prosperous or lonely is where you have to work hard, let me tell you this, you know if you start from scratch.

Ling Xiao is nodded, looking at this desolate place, he is determined to turn this place into a prosperous place.

After that, the two of them walked out from here and flew back to Ground. Ling Xiao, who was still trying to learn perspective just now, has now thrown it to beyond the topmost clouds.

The old man said, you remember that now you can only release your space after 12 o'clock in the evening, otherwise you will be discovered by some law enforcement immortal in the sky.

What, there is a city management in the sky, it still makes people live, oh! Well, I listen to you, then what should I do now.

What you have to do now is to return to the position of God, and then think about your personal space.

Then how can I return to the position of God, Ling Xiao asked tirelessly.

In three days, the Conference will be held only once in 50 years in the West. Then you can go with me.

Well, I prepared more for the past few days, Ling Xiao said firmly, he didn't know the danger of worshiping the Holy Conference.

the past few days, Ling Xiao has been practicing pranayama diligently, relying on his own efforts and the help of the old god stick to be advanced by leaps and bounds, and soon he can use his breath The body was suspended in the air, although the flying height and distance could not keep up with the old god stick, but he was already satisfied.

Waiting is a kind of torment. Three days is not long, but to Ling Xiao, he is simply torturing him. He is expecting every day and counting every day, why Ling Xiao will Looking forward to this day so much, it’s not because that old god stick must eat well and drink well every day. Looking at his increasingly deflated pockets every day, he owes more and more foreign debts. Ling Xiao has already said that. I can't bear it anymore, I hope to worship the Saint Conference to open early so that he can escape from the Sea of ​​Bitterness. Looking forward to that day he finally waited.

That night, the whole god was surprisingly quiet. The old god stick arrived as expected after 12 o'clock. Today is different from usual. He did not pass through the wall, but he said in the heart. After a while, a Transmission Gate protruded in Ling Xiao's bedroom. Then the old man opened the Transmission Gate and walked straight in, and Ling Xiao followed in.

When he came out of the Transmission Gate, Ling Xiao was stunned by the scene in front of him. A golden and splendid palace was displayed in front of him. There were already many people on both sides waiting, and there was a large one in the middle. On the stage, there are a group of beautiful women dancing. Every beautiful woman has such a hot body. Then he looked at the people around, there are some weird people in strange clothes, Ling Xiao thought in his heart, if this group of people come to God. If you go to school, everyone will be sent home after the first grade of elementary school. He looked at the crowd again. In the corner of the wall, there was a man with his face covered, but from the perspective of his skin and body. It was a woman, and he slowly walked to the woman's side, but the woman touched behind her vigilantly, as if to get something. At this time, he smiled at the woman to show that he did not have Malice. The woman didn't appreciate it, and stared at him fiercely. In the end, he chose to greet each other cheeky. ..