Pokemon-Money Is Supreme Chapter 2954

Name:Pokemon – Money Is Supreme Author:
The Yellow Harrier did not give up and continued to attack, only to see her spinning in the air. The airflow around him quickly condensed.

"whiz whiz whiz" is another blast of wind blades, hitting the cylinder, and wiping out several fire stars.

"Ancient book records that Earth Dragon lives underground all year round, with unusually hard skin and unusually flexible body. It seems that only close combat can be used to harm it. No wonder Teddy attacked it just now. Will dodge." Seeing this, Shi Xiangxiang slowly explored the opponent's weakness.

"Let's go! Boss, you cover me." After Teddy finished speaking, he quickly rushed to the nearest column. When he approached, the grizzly bear illusory shadow appeared on his body, and I saw illusory. shadow Clenched both palms, forming two meat hammers, and smashed them towards the cylinder.

The cylinder is now resisting the attack of the wind blade in the air, and it seems that he has not paid attention to Teddy's attack.

"Drink!" Teddy roared and leaned slightly. Prepare to jump and smash this cylinder.

But the mighty blow that everyone expected did not appear. When Teddy jumped up hard, his whole body sank suddenly, sinking deeply into the sand, leaving only his head still outside. . Seeing this scene, the other three stopped.

Seeing this abnormality, the yellow harrier of Sky did not attack the other three cylinders, and focused all the firepower on the cylinder where the partners gathered. In order to better attract its attention, it quickly flew towards it. Come.

"I'm fine, I can come out by myself. Ah...ah...what the hell..." Teddy screamed, sinking into the sand.

Shi Xiangxiang's secretly thought was bad, and Teddy's head was firmly wrapped in green silk in his hand, using all his strength to pull out the sandy ground.

"whiz whiz whiz" was pulled out of the sand all over Teddy's body, three strong tentacles broke out of the ground, and the sharp head pierced Teddy.

Shi Xiangxiang had been prepared for a long time, and the rays of light flashed all over his body. The green ribbon stretched several feet and wrapped the Teddy layer by layer.

"ding ding ding~" The tentacles pierced on the ribbon made the sound of gold and iron.

When the three tentacles missed a hit, they quickly retracted into the sand.

Teddy was pulled to Shi Xiangxiang, Cheng Long helped Teddy up, and the four of them quickly moved away from the column.

After Shi Xiangxiang put away the silk ribbon, Teddy's legs were pierced with two blood holes, and bright red blood kept flowing out.

"Cocoa, give me treatment quickly. I have to recover completely. Don’t care if my lifespan will be reduced." Here is the dead end, and it will become a burden for the partners.

Miao Keke's heart sinks slightly. She knows that although the healing powers are fast and effective, the negative effect is to reduce the lifespan of the person being healed. Teddy asked so, naturally, he didn't want to drag everyone down. If Teddy, who is the main attacker, loses battle strength, let alone the success or failure of the hunt, even their lives will be accounted for here.

Yellow jade rod lightly tapped Teddy's legs, and new flesh immediately grew from the wound, and the original blood hole disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

Teddy only felt his legs numb for a while, and seeing that the wound had been completely recovered, he let go of Cheng Long's hand to help him.

The yellow harrier in the sky saw that his companion was injured, stopped attacking, and flew back to them. The four columns also stopped moving and stood quietly.

"It's all my fault, I didn't command well, but it hurt Teddy." Huang Yaoer was very ashamed. At that time, she recommended herself, but now the situation is unfavorable, and the responsibility is placed on her.

"Don’t blame you, if you hadn’t blown away the green liquid in time, all of us would have turned into water now. I was injured because I was too reckless." Teddy comforted .

"Yes, in fact, the responsibility lies with me. I started to act without considering the battle plan." Shi Xiangxiang blamed himself.

"Then what shall we do now?" Miao Keke looked at the four columns, wondering in his heart. Their attack just now was so sharp that they had suppressed everyone to death. Now it is unhurried attack, what is going on. ..