Pokemon-Money Is Supreme Chapter 2520

Name:Pokemon – Money Is Supreme Author:
Yes, maybe Beibei is still young, maybe when he grows up, he realizes how attractive and useful this throne is, maybe he won’t be like So simple and cute now.

Léa took Babe to Witch Doctor's place, at least Witch Doctor didn't care about him. Then go to Witch Doctor and hold Babe. When I arrived at Witch Doctor, he immediately cried and said: "You must save him, I beg you, even if you want anything, you can exchange anything with me as long as I have it!"

The Witch Doctor here is different from the Normal doctor. Normal doctors only need to use medicine ingredient to cure it, but the Witch Doctor here uses witchcraft. No money is needed, only a price. As long as your price is enough to satisfy him, nothing can be done for you.

So the average person is not willing to come to Witch Doctor, the property price Normal is very expensive. Such as youth time, life and Yangshou. So Léa came to find her, the more afraid his younger brother, Beibei, was something. If it is not an emergency, people will not come to him.

"Do you want to save your younger brother? I am more curious about why you want to save him? Your six elder sisters dislike him very much. Why do you want to save him? I never believe in this There will be kind people in the world. I only know that in this money-first society, only power and throne are the most practical. I don’t believe in others. If you can tell me why you saved him, if you answer If I am satisfied, I will save him, without your price!" Witch Doctor said.

"Because he is my younger brother, my only younger brother, now only she and I depend on each other, I must save him, I don’t care if he is the future king, I only care about her To grow up healthy and healthy, to grow up with me, will always be my good younger brother, that's enough!" Liya said.

"He is your good younger brother? I never believe that there is real family affection in this world. Real family affection is only based on interests. Parents grow up to them in order to raise children. To provide for the elderly, the child, in order to grow up, listen to his parents!" Witch Doctor said.

Witch Doctor said as he raised his hand and pulled Rhea in front of him, put his hand in front of his heart, and said to Rhea: "You better not lie to me. If you lie to me, the consequences It's very serious, are you lying? I will know when you see it!" Witch Doctor said.

Then Witch Doctor closed his eyes. Followed Lya's hand and entered her heart. It was the heart of a scarlet, and it burst into flames. It seems that his heart is really red. He is a sentimental person. Such a person is really rare now. It can be for her younger brother. , Whatever the cost, such feelings are really moving. Witch Doctor thought.

Then suddenly the Primordial Spirit of the Witch Doctor returned to his body. Then he looked at Rhea with tears in his eyes.

Said to Leya: "Thank you for allowing me to see a kind heart. For so many years, I have never met someone as kind as you. I can save my younger brother in order to save me. At all costs, even life, from your eyes, I have seen the hope of seeing the future of our serpentfolk family."

"You can rest assured, I will heal your younger brother, kind people don’t Should be buried, not to mention being as kind as you, I, really see you for the first time, don't worry, leave everything to me, your younger brother will be fine!" Witch Doctor said.

"Thank you, you are my life saving benefactor, thank you so much!" Liya said gratefully.

Then Witch Doctor gave Beibei a try to spell. Leya helped Babe to sit up, and asked Babe to move towards Witch Doctor with her back and face moved towards herself. He held her body, Babe's forehead started to heat up. I started to sweat all over.

"Now your younger brother's injury is a bit serious. He fell from such a high place. There are several places on his body and he has broken bones. Even if I cure him now, he will need a period of rest. It's okay, and during this time, his mood can't be hindered in any way." Witch Doctor said.

"Okay, okay, okay, then you can treat first and leave the rest to me!" Liya said.

Witch Doctor put a few runes on Beibei's body, and then said incantion, what time? Rune followed Beibei's body into Beibei's body. With a scream, Beibei fainted on the ground.

"Witch Doctor, Witch Doctor, how is the problem!" Liya asked anxiously.

"Okay, it's okay now. You can hold her back. After you go back, you must stay at home for a week. You can't eat sugar or fishy things, and you will recover completely in a week." Witch Doctor said.

Léa hugged Beibei and left the Witch Doctor's house. I insisted on holding Beibei and returned to my home, after returning home. The baby put it on the bed and went to find some towels by himself. After soaking it with Scald, put it on Beibei's head. Lean over and sit on the edge of the bed outside.

Léa touched Beibei’s head and said: "Baby, you will be fine!" ..