Pokemon-Money Is Supreme Chapter 2506

Name:Pokemon – Money Is Supreme Author:
"Come on! The first time I met, please take care of me!!" Leia looked at Lin Xiao, stretched out her hand, and she also reached out to respond to Lin Xiao. Shakes hands with Lin Xiao.

"I haven't eaten yet, I should be hungry, our dinner today is grilled fish? Come, you can eat some, I will get it for you." Lin Xiao said, turning around When he arrived at the stent, he picked up a fish and brought it to Reya.

"Wow, what a fragrant fish!" Liya said.

"Quickly eat, you just came over, your body should still be very weak, eat some fish to make up for your body." Lin Xiao said.

"Well, okay." Liya said, picking up a fish.

Liya said and picked up the fish. After taking a bite, although this grilled fish is far inferior to the royal family of Lya Serpentfolk, the food is good, but here, he met many friends and even saved his life, which made him feel a little warm in his heart.

Eating grilled fish here is also particularly fragrant now, and it is more fragrant than her standard nutrition at home. Maybe people are like this, everything is impermanent, maybe one day you will fall into disarray. It's not as good as the average person's family, but in order to live, even if there is no standard food for big fish and meat, the broccoli still feels fragrant.

This is the person, no matter how noble you usually are. It's the same when you enter the bathhouse, and it's the same when you're down. It's the same after death, nothing.

Liya ate the fish. Although she didn't put any condiments, she still felt very fragrant. That kind of meal with friends, no matter how noble or cheap the meal is, this memory will make you feel very good, even with very cheap ingredients, you can eat noble taste.

After everyone has eaten, they are all ready to rest.

In the summer night, the sky is full of glittering stars, like a Milky Way paved with fine quicksand lying on the azure sky. The earth has fallen asleep. Except for the gentle breeze blowing in bursts, the cold sea is silent.

The sea in the summer night is so beautiful and so vast.

The endless sea, the surging waves, and some white waves splashed into the sky, it seems that everything is doomed, and it is so harmonious and beautiful. Like the sea, its surging surging is indispensable. The waves raised by the sea are more than a few meters high, and the entrained mud and sand surge up and roar.

Lin Xiao stood on the beach, looking from a distance, the sky is connected to the sea, the sea is connected to the sky, the sea and the sky are the same color, and the view is endless, and the scenery is extremely magnificent. Moonlight was sprinkled on the sea, like a layer of silver, sparkling. A sea breeze blows, and rows of waves are surging, like tumbling snow waves slamming on the silver mountain, it's so beautiful!

Looking around, the sea water changed from clear to green, from green to blue, from blue to blue, without seeing the edge, the waves on the shallows rolled gently, and you chased me. Lin Xiao's instep, Beach is soft, like stepping on soft cotton. The sea of ​​this summer night reminds Lin Xiao of many interesting childhood stories.

Lin Xiao and younger sister Lin Ran were at the beach when they were young, you chased me and played. Some childhood memories, scenes after scenes emerge in front of our eyes. When Lin Xiao was a child, he often went to the beach with his younger sister Lin Ran.

The two played on the beach, splashing water on each other until they were too tired to play. The two lay on the soft beach, watching the green sea and blue sky, resting comfortably.

Lin Xiao and younger sister Lin Ran, watching the birds fly by, so free and happy. Until they grew up, they never played again, the kind of innocent and unaffected, children's words carry no harm when they were young, and now everything has gone by in a flash and can't go back.

Lin Xiao think about it, since she grew up and separated from her younger sister, she hasn’t seen each other for many years. I don't know what that girl has become now? Is it beautiful, taller, and more beautiful? I don't know where he is now, how is his life, is he still as cute as before? Lin Xiao thought to himself.

After Reya ate the meal, her body became much warmer. Gradually, it eased, except for a little superficial wound, nothing else was a big problem. Can't sleep at night, get up and take a walk.

Lyya slid around and saw Lin Xiao who was depressed by the beach, and walked forward to greet Lin Xiao.

"Hi! Are you still up to sleep so late?" Liya said.

"Oh! I'm going to sleep, I'm going to sleep soon. I can't sleep now, so I went to the beach to blow the hair. Are you asleep?" Lin Xiao said.

"Everyone spread a blanket and was ready to go to bed. I have been asleep for several days, and I am not dozing off yet, so get up and go around!" Liya replied.

"Well, ok, sit down, since you can't sleep, let's stay here for a while, today's night is pretty good, we can look at the moon here and chat!" Lin Xiao said.

"Okay! It's true that I haven't been to the beach for a long time, and it's been a long time since I appreciate the nighttime scene. If it weren't for some changes in the house this time, I don't think I will come here for the rest of my life. "Liya said. ..