Pokemon-Money Is Supreme Chapter 2148

Name:Pokemon – Money Is Supreme Author:
Unique Ability fall useless to attack each other, resulting in slow response to some of the next Krokorok not react to being turned Emolga hit him.

"pu pass ~~"

So what, immediately let Krokorok like a Normal knocked the ball fell to the ground rolled a few times, though not bring too damage, but a get covered in dirt, find any, let Krokorok gas from the ground up with Wawataijiao.

Krokorok gas yelling, turned Emolga very happy, laughter spread throughout the game, but unfortunately it does not make Krokorok wary, but became whiter irritable, feel they have been Emolga attack to guide how unforgivable thing.

Lin Xiao looked angry and yelling Krokorok some disappointment, this guy even his temper still unable to control it?

appears to be their own training negligence, and in the past, my approach to other small Pokémon is very strict training naturally very demanding, but with the strength of the vision began to rise slowly lift Lin Xiao, but Some will be easy to lose the most basic things.

From today's battle among Lin Xiao see a lot of their deficiencies, although it is somewhat insignificant for Lin Xiao, but Lin Xiao is still very great importance to these issues-based.

To know that not a day will be able to build high-rise buildings, and everything from the ground into the sky.

If the foundation is not solid then together are virtual, but will also embark on crooked road, Krokorok performance so Lin Xiao aware of, and he started to give his little Pokémon were caught at the base.

"Krokorok me to calm down the fighting opponent to not be outraged!"

See Krokorok follow guide Emolga hovering in the air and turn, Lin Xiao shook his head. silent reminder Krokorok opponent to not be affected, may seem Lin Xiao, then the impact is not great, although Krokorok calm down, looks to be no irritability of breath, no yelling, but still eyeball stop staring guide Emolga is spinning.

This makes Lin Xiao some silent, do not you feel attacked weaker than your little Pokémon to do after that is so unforgivable?

It seems really need a good education about Krokorok, continue Lin Xiao afraid of their own this Krokorok really become a rogue, BU into that, that time may be in trouble .

abandon impossible, Lin Xiao did not give up the habit of small Pokémon, even small Pokémon has serious shortcomings, Krokorok's strength is not strong among the many small Pokémon, does not mean that Lin Xiao good it is education, but it will give up, this is Lin Xiao simply can not do.

In the case of very last resort, Lin Xiao can only indulge Krokorok live in the manor, as it is impossible to give up something.

"It seems that you little rascal seems a little disobedient Oh!" Cindy children looked Krokorok performance could not help but laugh, make fun of the Lin Xiao a, Lin Xiao not angry, are they not necessary just thinking about how to educate themselves and then Krokorok.

"is a little disobedient, but you seem to have no chance of winning, right?"

Krokorok is a little disobedient, but so what? Do you have hope of victory?

guide Emolga always stop, because it is not the real owner of the Flying strength, but on both sides of his body can be opened like leather Flying wings Normal, after all, it is time-limited.

or how long it had nothing to guide action Emolga they themselves would not stand to stop.

Not to mention Lin Xiao will lead Emolga been so fly down.

"until the last who know the result? Maybe I was first thrown to the ordinary Trainer you Lin Xiao Master Oh." Cindy children can not because Lin Xiao's remarks led to his heart in chaos , in turn, also opened a joke, Lin Xiao can not help but said with a smile: "no one is invincible time, there will always be a failure, victory or defeat but not unusual."

Cindy children surprised a moment, turned to laugh, "also, victory or defeat but common, then let me be the first person you overturned it."

"I am waiting." Lin Xiao smile nodded, shouted: "Krokorok, I'll give you eyes to recover !!!"

may Lin Xiao yelled, although some were unwilling Krokorok but still obediently and honestly in their eyes from the guide Emolga body back.

Look out Krokorok was afraid Lin Xiao.

still have hope, Lin Xiao relaxed, if little Pokémon Trainer instruction to ignore the less trouble came, and now there is a manor let Lin Xiao helpless Nasdaq Ley, although Lin Xiao guy it will comply with the directive, but not the time to fight for the basic Lin Xiao is back from the dead, so Lin Xiao headache is that no matter how he tried Nasdaq Ley still or so.

This makes Lin Xiao can only say: "This guy child gas than anyone else, and my heart has been clearly put down everything, but still refused to relax on the surface."

Let Lin Xiao relaxed Krokorok is not moved towards the direction of the development of Dark Ley, Lin Xiao otherwise only be able to use some harsh little means to correct it.

"Now give me the use of a sandstorm !!!"

Cindy children want to be the first to own overturned, Lin Xiao when people can not let him smug, although victory or defeat but commonplace in battles, but Lin Xiao did not want to lose in the eyes of a group of female small Pokémon crazy as very shameful.

You do not like to fly? I think you continue to fly! !

Lin Xiao received instructions, Krokorok loudly roared, although that is not awe-inspiring sounds but whatever the outcome still roar.

Ground tiny stones and dust with some sand under the control of Krokorok start slowly circled up around Krokorok rapid rallying, quickly formed a Twister Normal rotation NS.

let into the stadium looks a bit gray, not clear.

"I think for the lead Emolga may not be so easy oh." Cindy children's performance today is very active, laughed looked into the sky, because the sandstorm lead flew guide Emolga side shouted: "guide Emolga, we will use Hurricane strong sandstorm blowing !!! "

Although the guide does not really Emolga wings, but still can use this Unique Ability, but it is not strong formidable power.

sandstorm was made to hide the side of the guide Emolga nodded immediately into action, and soon gust of wind appeared in the stadium. ..