Pokemon-Money Is Supreme Chapter 1453

Name:Pokemon – Money Is Supreme Author:
"This is the legendary forest god Celebi." Zoey felt extremely shocked in his heart. He didn't expect Lin Xiao to be with this little Pokémon all the time. Wouldn't it be What kind of injury can Celebi be treated directly? No wonder Lin Xiao dared to let Pokémon conduct high-intensity training unscrupulously. It turned out that it was because of the existence of Celebi, the best doctor in the world of Pokémon.

The last time I saw Celebi by the River, I have been treating the little Pokémon. Help Dawn to subdue the swimming gas ferret. At that time, I didn’t know Celebi. Lin Xiao didn’t explain much, so I put my mind on Dawn’s subduing swimming. In this regard, Qi Weasel deliberately checked after he left, only to find that it was actually Celebi, the god of the forest. Not only could he heal all kinds of injuries and illnesses, it could also carry out space-time travel. It was simply a poacher gang. The first big goal.

It seems to guess what Zoey is thinking, Lin Xiao slightly smiled, hugged Celebi and said: "Actually, Celebi is not a panacea. Although little fellows can make space-time travel, they can’t find the shuttle location. In other words, your out-of-control may be inaccurate, and you still need help from Paluchiya. As for treatment, there are many diseases that Celebi can't do, such as some viral infections."

There is another sentence Lin Xiao did not say, that is about poachers. There are many people who want to capture their own Celebi, but few really dare to take action. I have encountered it several times, but The fate of those guys is very tragic, only the next life is left, and the present life is lost.

"How is it? Do you feel better? What did you do to train so hard that you twisted your foot like this?"

Zoey was embarrassed, "Because of the gorgeous tournament of Hearthome City It takes two Pokémon to do two-way cooperative performances, so I will work hard to train Pokémon here, but I didn’t expect to twist my foot."

I let Dawn start training the dragon and the Pokémon doubles and cooperation. The gorgeous tournament of Hearthome City here requires two-way cooperation. Isn’t it a coincidence? But Dawn's training is really worrying, and I can only pray for her in my heart that she can achieve good results.

Slowly got up, Lin Xiao introduced: "This is my wife Shirona, this is Zoey, the friend Dawn met on the way to the gorgeous tournament."

The two are still the first We met this time, so Lin Xiao gave a special introduction.

Shirona blinked, showing a slight smile, and said: "Hello, I am Shirona, you can also call me Lanzhu."

Zoey was shocked and swallowed. Saliva, dumbly replied: "You...Hello, I am Zoey, I am glad to meet you." He glanced at Lin Xiao specifically, and saw that he shrugged his shoulders and put his arms around Shirona's slender waist, annoying When Shirona came with an angry look and motioned him not to mess around, Zoey suddenly felt confused.

What's the situation?

She herself trained in the forest for a few days, and she didn’t have a computer or anything with her. Naturally, she didn’t know the shock from Alliance yesterday. At this time, she saw the closeness between Lin Xiao and Shirona. Speechless in astonishment, Sinnoh Region champion Shirona is actually Lin Xiao’s woman? ! Is there anything more shocking than this?

Facing Shirona’s divine might threaten, Lin Xiao didn’t care, smiled sly, and took a sip of fiercely fragrance in her face. "Bo~~" Shirona was immediately ashamed and embarrassed. In private, the two often make some very shy moves and intimacy, but in private, Shirona is still shy in front of outsiders, even if she is the female champion of Sinnoh aloof and remote, she is still only 23 years old. Women do not have the kind of psychology to achieve ignorance of everything.

Lin Xiao’s actions almost blinded Zoey’s eyes. The extremely shocked Zoey stared blankly at Lin Xiao with a smirk and Shirona speechless with a shy face. I'm afraid the two are intimacy now. Has a big Earthquake happened to Alliance, right?

Shirona has the right to fall in love, but unfortunately that person is Lin Xiao who is the most hated by all Sinnoh Trainer. As a result, a contradiction arises. Goddess puts himself in the arms of the most annoying person, probably Sinnoh Many people in the Region will be weeping bitter tears. Fortunately, they are a woman. It is the little Pokémon who coordinates the Trainer, otherwise I really can't stand it.

Zoey relaxed, squeezing out a weird smile, "It's nice to meet you."

Looking at the time, Lin Xiao suggested: "Just after we had lunch here Let's go again." I happened to meet Zoey to have a meal together, and it would be nice to have a chat.

"Well, it's okay." Shirona is now following Lin Xiao's advice, looking like a family daughter-in-law, and everything starts with her own man.

These two people, do you show your affection in front of you? Zoey didn't know whether to cry or laugh nodded, and agreed. Although he is a man, his usual behavior is no different from that of a male child. In the end, he is still a girl, or would he be envious?

Since the two of them have no objection, Lin Xiao simply took out various ingredients and pots and bowls on the spot, and began to prepare for cooking. When she saw Shirona smiled and took the ingredients from Lin Xiao's hands, she took the initiative to clean them. At the time, Zoey felt that his world view was about to collapse. All Sinnoh knew that their champion Shirona would not even wash dishes and vegetables, but now...

Is this the power of love? Zoey asked himself silently in his heart, but what made Zoey puzzled was how to see the love between Lin Xiao and Shirona, he couldn't help but feel like he wanted to try it out?

Shirona doesn’t know how to do any housework, and she won’t even wash dishes and vegetables. She herself said this before in interviews with the media. At that time, many people thought Shirona Very frank, without any pretentious performance, very frank.

But it’s past tense. After traveling with Lin Xiao, in order not to be treated as a special person, Shirona still learns actively. Outsiders don't know it.

"Lin Xiao, when did you and Shirona..." Zoey approached Lin Xiao quietly, and wanted to say when it was good, but it felt strange to ask. As a result, he swallowed back before he finished speaking. Zoey was very curious about how Lin Xiao took down Shirona from aloof and remote. Don’t you know how to turn back and envy many people? ..