Pokemon-Money Is Supreme Chapter 1401

Name:Pokemon – Money Is Supreme Author:
No words for a night, 2nd day early in the morning, Lin Xiao got up early, put on clothes and brought all the Poké Balls, and was about to wake up Hunter J who was awake but still pretending to sleep. , "Dididi~~" This is the mobile phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

Looking at the phone number, Lin Xiao answered the call, "Lin Xiao, what is said in your message is true?" The person who called was Shirona, after receiving Lin Xiao’s message She has been thinking about it, not because she doesn't believe Lin Xiao, but because the information Lin Xiao gives is too scary.

It’s not surprising that Shirona will call Lin Xiao. After all, this kind of thing can’t be a joke. There are not many people who have access to the equipment items used by Hunter J, and there is no one who can bring it out. I noticed that there are very few people who can do this, only a few people, and even the people who develop it cannot do it. Anything that needs to be taken away needs to be registered.

"Well true, the possible shock will be a bit big."

"What about Hunter J?" Lin Xiao's words made Shirona relaxed, but she frowned soon. Why are weird things coming one after another recently? The problems of Oreburgh City have not been solved yet, new troubles are coming again, and they are even more troublesome.

"By my side, I will watch and deal with it, and then contact me if I have something to do." Hung up the phone, Lin Xiao touched Hunter J with his foot, and said: "Don't pretend to be asleep, we need to get up today. Hurry up."

Calling Hunter J, Lin Xiao did not ask her any gentle questions, and left the tent as usual, started washing, making breakfast, and moving towards the next stop after breakfast. Set off.

However, Lin Xiao deliberately walked around on the way. A gorgeous tournament is being held in a small town at this time. Although it is not formal, there is no ribbon Badge to take, but Dawn can be used to practice.

Lin Xiao and Dawn talking and laughing along the way, Hunter J followed behind them like a little follower. At noon, the three came to the town where the gorgeous tournament was held. Dawn immediately went to register and prepare for the competition with great joy. Although there is no ribbon Badge to take, it is not bad for practice, just to test the results of his hard training in the past few days.

Dawn, who went to sign up, came back soon, but Ash and Brock were also mentioned to her.

"Lin Xiao, I didn't expect to meet you here."

"Neither did I." Looking at the excited Ash, Lin Xiao did not expect this guy to be serious Come to participate in the gorgeous tournament, thought he was just a momentary impulse to make trouble.

Handed Lin Xiao the number plate that he had signed up for, Ash said happily: "I have signed up too, and I am going to participate in tomorrow's gorgeous tournament!"

Standing aside Brock’s weak sighed, I don’t know which one of Ash’s muscles is wrong, and suddenly clamored to participate in the gorgeous tournament. The biggest problem is that this girl who participated in the gorgeous tournament did not do any training in this area. He is still a trainer. Battle-style training, which made Brock couldn't help but squeeze a cold sweat for him. Can this be done?

"Then you have to cheer, let's find a place to eat first, and there is still an afternoon you should be able to do a little special training to deal with tomorrow's game." For Ash, he wants to participate in the gorgeous tournament Lin Xiao I didn't give too many comments. After all, I have participated in it. Sometimes it is good for Trainer's growth to change my thoughts and ideas.

"But who is this big elder sister?!" When several people were looking for a restaurant in the town, Brock suddenly found hunter J, who was not far behind Linxia, ​​and his eyes popped up. Heart.

Since in the small town, we can’t let Scizor look at Hunter J anymore, Lin Xiao had to put Scizor away, but Palkya was always outside, staring, except to prevent Hunter J from escaping. , Has been guarding against her subordinates and people in the organization to rescue her.

As a hunter J, the low position in the organization is definitely not low. She has a problem here. Someone will definitely be anxious and want to do everything possible to rescue her, lest she leak some invisible things secret.

This is the reason that Lin Xiao stayed Hunter J by his side, but was not too anxious to ask. Time slowly passed, and some people would become more and more anxious, and someone would come to the door naturally. Hunter J only needs to do himself as a bait to attract prey.

Lin Xiao glanced at the frowned hunter J and smiled. He didn't say a word and didn't stop Brock. Perhaps it would be good to let Brock disgust her.

Seeing that Lin Xiao didn’t say a word, Brock was overjoyed, knowing that there was a scene, and knelt down happily, showing me a very handsome look, holding Hunter J’s little hand, and said sincerely: "Beautiful big elder Sister, the elder's name is Brock, what is the name of the big elder sister? Can you leave the phone number and mailbox number for the elder sister? The elder is willing to be with you all his life........"

Brock's sudden confession made Hunter J stunned and suddenly speechless.

The first time I saw Brock revealing this look, Dawn was shocked, stared wide-eyed with his mouth open, watching this speechless scene.

"It’s okay. This guy’s character is like this. It’s like this when you see a woman who is older than yourself." Lin Xiao slightly smiled and explained, indicating that Dawn doesn’t have to worry. This is the characteristic of Brock. He is a complete sister control! Only interested in women who are a few years older than themselves and who are beautiful.

Lin Xiao once observed that there are a lot of cute and beautiful little girls, but Brock didn’t react at all when he saw them, and behaved very well in front of others, but as long as he met someone who was older and beautiful Women will become like this.

Hunter J quickly came back to his senses, and a trace of murderous aura flashed in his eyes. He really wanted to trample Brock to death with a few feet, but he dared to take advantage of the old lady! But her identity at this time was not good, so she had to look at Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao shrugged his shoulders and showed her apologetic expression that I could not do anything.

"Ah beautiful Goddess! Your beauty has been deeply imprinted in my heart, I...Ah!!!" Brock's words became more and more numb, unbearable hunter J fisted fiercely in his eye socket, causing Brock to let out a pig-killing horror and Growl fell to the ground.

"It's so cheap!" Lightly snorted Hunter J strode forward, but didn't want his feet to be hugged immediately. ..