Pokemon-Money Is Supreme Chapter 1112

Name:Pokemon – Money Is Supreme Author:
Today is the last day of the registration deadline, but it’s already noon. Why didn’t you see Ash and the others, and the phone couldn’t be reached. Lin Xiao took Michelle and Golduck with the weight on his back. After registering, looking around, sighed, this guy is really worrying.

I thought it would be convenient to connect with a phone, but who knows that I can’t get through at all, and I don’t know if I’m too lost, and I haven’t seen the silhouette until now.

"Don’t worry too much, Ash is not the Rookie Trainer who traveled in the first year until the importance of the matter, and Brock is around to promote him?" Michelle took Lin Xiao’s big hand. Leaning on his side, looking at Golduck, who had difficulty walking in a heavy suit, held his own smile.

Although I have watched it for several days, I still feel like laughing every time I look at it. The weight of Golduck is the weight of the armor specially built for it by Lin Xiao, so Golduck must wear it whether it is eating or Rest. It turned into an armored duck directly.

Lin Xiao and Michelle go together very well originally, attracting a lot of envious eyes. In the past, Michelle would ignore those eyes directly, but she enjoyed it now.

I felt so many envious eyes and sweet in my heart. I was very fortunate that I had made up my mind for a while.

With the addition of a strong but armored Golduck, Lin Xiao and Michelle Golduck directly became the focus of the registration center.

"Step on! Step on!"

The armor is very heavy, which causes Golduck to make great efforts every step of the way. After nearly half a month of hard work, Golduck is all The fat was reduced by Lin Xiao in various hell-like ways. Fortunately, Golduck is a little Pokémon, with a good foundation. If people lose weight like this, it is a strange thing to die.

Now Golduck has regained the former strong and sharp-eyed Golduck, but the training for it is not over yet, this armor will follow it for a long time.

"I hope so." Lin Xiao nodded said to Michelle: "Let’s take a break there and see when Ash will arrive. I can contact."

Bring Michelle and Golduck to a rest area of ​​the registration center. Lin Xiao went to buy two ice creams and handed them to Michelle. Although Golduck wanted to eat too, but now It can only see with bulging eyes, can only see but not eat.

Michelle took the ice cream and looked in a certain direction, and secretly approached Lin Xiao, whispering said with a smile: "Husband, you see that Meowth is so cute!"

Lin Xiao turned his head and saw a boy about his age with a Meowth who seemed to be waiting for something. It is normal to have Meowth, but it is strange that this Meowth is wearing leather shoes and wearing a hat. The styles of those western cowboys from previous lives.

Not only big leather shoes, but also hats are very similar. Putting on a shawl, Lin Xiao feels like he has seen a cowboy version of Pokémon.

But this guy didn't know that leather shoes would cause Meowth's claws to be flattened, and the touch gradually decreased?

"Hey! Ash! They are here."

Just when Lin Xiao was in a trance, Michelle pushed Lin Xiao a bit and pointed in the direction of the door.

Sure enough, the three of Ash are not, they are four. A fatty who Lin Xiao doesn't know came in with them, but the appearance of a few people seemed pretty miserable, and they should have just arrived here.

Lin Xiao and the others saw Ash and the others, and Ash and the others also saw Lin Xiao and Michelle sitting in the rest area and immediately walked up.

"Hey! Lin Xiao, I didn't expect you to be here."

Lin Xiao cast a blank glance at Ash, who smiled and said hello to himself, and said: "You don't know Is the registration deadline this afternoon? I will call the police if you don’t show up again. I really don’t understand how you came here at this time. I have done half a month training."

"hehe!" Ash sorry scratched his head and said with a slight embarrassment: "Because of an accident on the road, I got lost a bit late."

Lin Xiao was immediately defeated, sighed, and pointed to the counter. Joy, "Hurry up and sign up." If it weren’t for Delia, Lin Xiao wouldn’t care about him. He was a very uncomfortable guy. Look at Gary, although he is stubborn sometimes, but he basically won’t worry the family. , Who were all born on the same day, why is the gap so big?

"I see."

Ash was about to sign up and suddenly reacted, pulling the fatty beside him and introducing: "This is my friend Morrison, Morrison will have a chat with everyone Hello, this is one of my big brothers, the kind that is very close. Well, um, the sister-in-law of the big brother."

Michelle ran away when she heard the three words for the sister-in-law, and said angrily:" Who is his sister-in-law, I am his wife!!" Morrison, who was about to say hello, was taken aback and glanced at Ash, or is it your big brother, can't even tell the sister-in-law? Immediately loudly said: "Good big brother, good sister-in-law, I am Morrison."

This made Lin Xiao couldn't help but think of, "We are all from the Northeast~~"

slightly smiled, nodded said: "Hello, my name is Lin Xiao, this is Michelle, Ash, don’t talk nonsense, hurry up and sign up, let’s go to dinner together, and see if you make it like a wild man , If your mother sees you like this and doesn’t scold you to death."

I admire Lin Xiao and give him a thumbs up. Ash took Morrison to sign up, admiring Lin Xiao’s ability. It's only been a long time since my sister-in-law has become a wife. That's amazing.

"By the way, Lin Xiao, when did you guys...Yi and the others?"

Brock and Misty's eyes were glanced around and then discovered No, how many people are missing.

The problem between herself and Michelle Lin Xiao slightly smiled and did not explain, "Yi said that she was homesick, so she went back. May and Kongzi also passed by, and the three planned to travel in Yixiu after the conference was over. It's."

"Ixiu, it's so far. Even a normal trip has to cross the Sinnoh Region. I'm really curious about what beautiful Water Type Pokémon is there." Misty's eyes flashed. After a trace of yearning, I obviously wanted to see Yixiu.

Unfortunately, this wish is a bit difficult to realize. Even if she has been traveling with Ash, she will have to pass through Sinnoh before embarking on Yixiu's path.

There is still a difference of one hundred and eighty Norman in the middle, not to mention that Kanto Region has an expansion area. ..