Pokemon-Money Is Supreme Chapter 1087

Name:Pokemon – Money Is Supreme Author:
stood looking at the Rock of Absol, Lin Xiao it nodded, very grateful that it put all tell humanity, to make themselves able to block the advance disaster. Shows

face Lin Xiao good, Absol, quietly looking at him, long jumped Rock, a few jumps disappeared in between the mountains.

Unfortunately, the evil of the name of the first victims of it, Lin Xiao sighed, but these are not themselves change, even if because of the emergence Absol let people know in advance the outbreak of the disaster, but afterwards it still or disaster beast, No one can go change.

first thing to know about to be washed underground spring apart position and shape of the dam go come.

Lin Xiao with their own Aura Force, began to explore the sense within infiltrated Rock, spring just below Rock, wave after wave of groundwater at this time continue to impact on Rock, Rock is because of this and slow slow to leave.

to find a location, Lin Xiao little thought for a while, throw Poké Ball, "Come out Tyranitar, Arnold."

with Tyranitar got into the mountain, the mountain of change structure, all sealed directly to the spring, this is the best way, but may cause instability so that groundwater spring broke out, this time to Arnold played with spring water to stop down.

It may be a little difficult for other small Pokémon is, but it's easy for Jarno it.

"Tyranitar, inside you got into the mountains, in the mountains, using day collapse Fissure, forced to change the outcome of the mountains, the spring completely sealed."

thought of this Lin Xiao start assigning tasks, he turned and said:. "Arnold, during which either fall or spring Rock collapse collapse, you have to rely on groundwater outbreak of the"

". I know"

Arnold nodded, with a Psychic Lin Xiao will bring back to their own, fly sky, always be prepared. After

"class !!"

Tyranitar patted his chest, two huge paws fiercely in the Rock a beat, "pèng!" A loud noise, Rock suddenly broken off, Tyranitar directly moved towards Rock Smash at the use of burrowing Unique Ability, drill into it.

Rock does not stop it along the way, and soon Tyranitar disappeared in the place, leaving a big hole in place.

Originally Lin Xiao also want to help out with Little Overlord, but think of the way will hit the water, or there could be flooded when the outbreak of groundwater.

Tyranitar learn Surf, water has no sense, but it is not the son of Little Overlord, that little fellow now even if Lin Xiao water body will help it wipe restless writhing and moaning published their grievances.

If flooded to, though not fatal, but the little fellow afterwards must be very unhappy, so Lin Xiao directly Tyranitar to change the structure of the mountain, Little Overlord or so later learned Surf Unique Ability immune to water after the job.

forcibly break open Rock, Tyranitar soon got into the body of the mountain, from about eruption groundwater close the channel.

here Tyranitar no longer move on, get under a huge Rock himself dug a big hole forcibly blocked, so as not to wait for the next groundwater leaking from Spit Up go here.

"classes !!!"

do all this, Tyranitar body in the mountains, uttered a deafening roar, who formed the energy level drab, it's body wrapped in one, with the roars and Tyranitar Source Power of the outbreak, which began at the foot of the Rock trembled.

feel Tyranitar has already begun, Jarno also ready.

without any hesitation, Tyranitar launch landslides Fissure most formidable power of its own.

"tear ~ touch !!"

With the launch Tyranitar landslides Fissure most formidable power of the mountain immediately issued a sound wave fabric is torn, torn open come, a few huge Rock fall bash on the mountain, emit a loud noise.

"Bzz Bzz ~~"

With the outbreak of landslides Fissure of origin and Tyranitar release of huge mountains in actually slightly trembled, like a strong Earthquake occurred Normal.

"hong long!!"

After a loud noise, groundwater and Lin Xiao guess as to forcibly change the structure of the amount of time in the mountains Tyranitar, broke out, Jarno immediately with their powerful the Psychic force the eruption of groundwater blocked.

In front of the natural disasters of nature, the human is very small, very advanced technology can not stop, but for those legendary Pokémon really small things with no difficulty of.

"touch! Touch!"

With the continuous landslides Fissure launch, a huge block of Rock is torn, falling down, Jarno immediately doing two things at the same time, while blocking the groundwater side with Psychic will not let them catch the falling amount Rock rolling down the mountain.

otherwise rolling down the mountain immediately once the Rock will be below the village breakthrough, let the village in ruins.

mountain more and more intense, immediate surrounding several smaller peaks collapsed, had sharp peaks was forced to pull off under the landslide Fissure Tyranitar, straight stumble down.

Let the mountain peak from the peak into a circle, but all does not end in the mountains in vivo, Tyranitar standing groundwater choppy in force with a huge body of Rock Hill near distance, a little bit of underground passage to the landfill, so that they could never explode.

Rock closer and closer, slowly underground water channel is blocked, there is no follow-up of momentum, almost always to be spewing out of the groundwater quiet.

"pèng!" Driven Tyranitar, the huge Rock fast final coming together to tightly close the underground passage blocked, leaving no trace of the gap, the groundwater all stuck in the channel Inside.

Tyranitar done all this only to re-open their big hole dug out of the mountain body.

At this time, the whole mountain has changed shape under Landslide Landslide Fissure Tyranitar, had very sharp hilltops have disappeared together with several peaks surrounding the collapse of the mountain seem to make a lot of change garden .

but rapidly dropped many peaks height.

Groundwater exits blocked until death, only those Jarno Rock slowly down.

I am afraid that this time could not recognize those villagers come back before the mountain is a mountain behind the village, has changed so much, and this is the reason Tyranitar intentionally controlled, otherwise the mountain is very polished easy thing.

Fortunately, there Tyranitar or else this thing is really hard to get that time Lin Xiao only let them use Jarno Unique Ability to force the mountain turned down the job. ..