Pokemon-Money Is Supreme Chapter 948

Name:Pokemon – Money Is Supreme Author:
This girl really didn't take her words to heart. Is it on purpose?

Looking at the unclosed door, Lin Xiao smiled bitterly. Dudao Kongzi is a person with a criminal history. She doesn’t want her to break her bones into pieces, so it’s better not to Think about the crooked place.

Keeping the hidden door closed, Lin Xiao left the room and went to the first floor of the hotel, planning to get something to eat. The duo wandered around the venue of the tournament, and then went to Training around, although it is past noon at this time, lunch should be made up.

"young man, are you getting along with your girlfriend?"

After Lin Xiao came to the first floor, the enthusiastic old woman stunned him. I want to come to this old woman just now when she saw that her face was bad and the slap print on Dudao Kongzi's face thought she was quarreling with Dudao Kongzi.

Although he and Dudao Kongzi are not in that kind of relationship, Lin Xiao is not easy to explain and can only helplessly nodded.

“It’s good if you close it together. Now the youngster is noisy with Uproar. It’s all people who have to live for a lifetime, so it’s all over.”

A plate was brought out under the counter, "This is your lunch. I have always kept it for you. Although it looks bad, my craftsmanship is good for old women."

Iron Place a few side dishes and two bowls of rice on the tray, a bowl of soup covered with a lid to prevent spilling, a simple home-cooked side dish, although simple, it is very warm to eat.

"Thank you, mother-in-law, this is rice money." Lin Xiao took out a banknote and placed it on the counter, lifting the tray and walking upstairs.

This time, the old woman didn't refuse the money Lin Xiao gave. It was okay to give it two free times, but it will definitely not work after a long time. After all, she also needs to live.

"Hey! young man, look for your money!!!" Lin Xiao gave a denomination of 100,000 yuan, but the old woman only charged 3,000 yuan for the meal.

"Mother-in-law, please accept it first, and then you can buckle it directly from the inside. I'm sorry."

Lin Xiao lifted the tray, slightly smiled, turned and walked up. stairs.

After hearing Lin Xiao's words, the old woman took the money and took out a small notebook to keep all Lin Xiao's remaining money in order to prevent she from forgetting.

The room was poisoned by the island Suiko did not go to the Rest, rubbed a little medicine on the swollen face, sitting on the sofa thinking about something.

Lin Xiao did not reluctantly see this, put the tray on the table, uncovered the tablecloth, lifted the food out, Dudao Kongzi silently lifted the rice, and took a bite with chopsticks. .

Could just chew, her beautiful little face was wrinkled together, Lin Xiao’s slap used a lot of force, now Dudao Kongzi’s face is swollen, eating will be involved The pain on her face made her small face tangled together, willow brows slightly wrinkle.

"Do I need to eat some porridge?"

Put down the dishes, Lin Xiao looked at Dudao Kongzi, her current situation is better to eat something in the porridge , I just wanted to wake her up, but I didn't expect to use a bit stronger force unconsciously.

"I'm fine. I can just use the palm print on my face to alert myself." Slightly shook his head, Dudao Kongzi's heart seemed to have changed a lot, and Lin Xiao gave Lin Xiao a faint smile. With a smile, Lin Xiao has a little haircut.

Pretending not to see it, Lin Xiao lowered his head and started eating, but Dudao Tongzi didn't say much. In order not to get a puffy face, he could only take small bites.

After a meal was finished in this weird atmosphere, Dudao Kongzi put the tableware and chopsticks away on the tray, and then walked towards the room, when he walked to Lin Xiao’s side, He said: "You can come in and sleep at night. The sleeping on the floor is not good for your health. I hope you can help me to grow up."

It seems that my slap in prayer is not small, Lin Xiao He looked at his hand helplessly, smiled and shook his head, and he didn't have to say that he would help her too, even if it was for the friendship of his partners, he would not just sit idly by.

But where should I start? Before Lin Xiao only told Dudao Kongzi about some things that need attention, and let her gradually explore the others, so that she can experience the joy of being a Trainer.

Now it’s time to say everything, and what should be taught is also taught. It is indeed time to make some other improvements.

"I will go out for a while, don't worry about me, I am not a road idiot."

Just when Lin Xiao thought Dudao Kongzi was already Rest, she walked out of the room, Pick up the Poké Ball on the table and move towards outside.

Let Lin Xiao "swallow it back if I was careful."

But Lin Xiao soon regretted it. I really shouldn’t let Dudao Kongzi run out alone, she I came back less than two hours after going out.

She came back with a lot of scars on her body, and her clothes were scratched in tatters. At first glance, she knew that a battle had taken place. Shouldn't this girl rush up to fight with Pokémon with a knife by herself? Bar? ! ! ! That's crazy.

Although Lin Xiao thought he was biased, but the facts are basically not too far off.

If you want to become stronger, you must first have a powerful little Pokémon. The little Pokémon in your hand is limited, and they are basically little fellows. This makes Pokémon poisonous island think to subdue the little Pokémon. .

So she left the town directly and came to a group of Houndooms not far from the town to challenge the strongest leader of Houndoom. It seemed that her determination moved Houndoom, the leader. Houndoom agreed to her battle to subdue.

The combatant was Charmander, and what made Houndoom shocked was that when the battle started, Miyako rushed up with a katana with a scabbard, and joined Charmander to fight Houndoom.

Although it is not stipulated that Trainer cannot participate in the battle when Pokémon is fighting, it is too weird to do so.

"Don't ask me what I did, remember to help me grow up tomorrow." Dragging her tired body, Dudao Yuzi walked directly into the room.

This made Lin Xiao who wanted to ask questions could only ask Celebi to help her heal her injuries and let go of the questioning mind.

Is it right or wrong for you to let the poison island fight today? At night Lin Xiao lay on the floor of the living room, feeling very helpless. If it weren't for today's battle, the poison island Kiko would not have become like this, but how can he grow up without fighting? ..