Pokemon-Money Is Supreme Chapter 559

Name:Pokemon – Money Is Supreme Author:
Mengdie keeps pushing the cute movements of Lin Xiao's face to make everyone laugh more joyously.

"You are not allowed to father, you should fight!" Lin Xiao smiled and patted Xiaomengdie's ass lightly, handed her to Xiaoxue, and helped Kona said with a handicap. with a smile: "Everyone, come in, don't stand here anymore."

"So are you, you have a big belly and run around."

Feel Lin Xiao's Concerned, Kona showed a sweet smile and walked into the villa relying on Lin Xiao.

Others followed into the villa.

When he came to the living room on the second floor, Lin Xiao helped Kona sit on the sofa and asked: "There is nothing wrong at home recently? What about linen?"

Linen Not long ago, he ran into his villa, but Lin Xiao did not see her.

Delia carried a pot of tea and walked into the living room said with a smile: "There is no major event. Miss Flax has already gone to Oak for research on the 2nd day, ready to help grandfather as an assistant. She has been there for a long time. , Grandfather said that she has quite an innate talent. Breed should be a good researcher for a while."

"That's good." Lin Xiao nodded, sitting next to Kona, his original plan was the same. , Didn't expect Lin Lin ran away on his own.

"What about you? Is Yuanrong ready?"

"Already ready! Master, you can wait for me to bring back the trophies of each Region tournament! "Yuan Rong knew what Lin Xiao was talking about, and immediately patted his chest as a guarantee.

Lin Xiao is also very happy to see him so confident. What I fear is that Flinch shrinks, "Then I will wait to see your trophy."

"And Xiaoming, you , When will your wedding with Xun'er be held? Your villa has been repaired!"

"Oh!!" Don’t look at Xiao Ming as being a little rough, but when it comes to feelings, he will be shy. , With a hint of irritability on his face, he said embarrassingly: "I discussed with Xun'er and waited for Sister Kona’s child to be held together at the full moon."

"Happiness? Not bad. ....."

"Well, I won't take a break when I come back, just like an old fogey." Sabrina saw Lin Xiao still wanting to ask, so she couldn't help but push him.

"Okay, I won't ask." After Sabrina reminded Lin Xiao that it was a bit inappropriate to keep talking this time, I just got used to it.

"Badge collected?"

Touching his stomach, Kona turned his head and asked.

"Well, I have collected it. Then I will wait for the opening of the Silver Conference 3 months later, and then I will go to participate in the competition. Then I will go to Fangyuan Region. I have not worked hard at home."

Lin Xiao took Kona and Sabrina's hands, feeling very ashamed and guilty.

"cough cough!! That...forgot that there is something in the Gym. There are so many people who are approaching the beginning of the conference to challenge. I'm going to work now."

"I still have training. Master give me the Poké Ball. I will feed the little Pokémon before going to train."

When the atmosphere is not right, Xiao Ming and Yuan Rong immediately found excuses and prepared to go away. .

Giving Poké Ball to Yuanrong, only Lin Xiao's family is left in the entire villa.

"As long as I can follow you forever, I will be satisfied." Sabrina leaned in his arms and murmured softly.

Although the others did not speak, the meaning in their eyes was similar to Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao was moved and nodded. He didn't speak, and glanced around the women, feeling extremely fulfilled in his heart.

The few women also knew what Lin Xiao meant. They didn't continue this topic, and picked some interesting things to say, but the topics were basically focused on Xiao Mengdie, who was crawling all over the floor.

The five-month-old Xiaomengdie has very strong bones. Since learning to crawl, she has become very naughty. She climbs up and down in the villa all day, and likes to touch everything when she sees it. , Someone has to guard her all the time.

The few Pokémon eggs that Lin Xiao bought for her to be her playmates hatched out, and they only had to wait for her to be older before they could play together.

"Yi and Sundae called and said that their studies will be over soon, and they can accompany you on a trip to Fangyuan, saying that they can just look at you so as not to steal fishy! "

Delia massaged Lin Xiao's shoulders, thinking of Yayi and Sundae and couldn't help but laugh.

"Yi should be over when I go to Fangyuan, but Sundae probably will have to wait for a while." Thinking of the two naughty girls, Lin Xiao's mouth showed a reminiscence smile.

"By the way, Delia, Ash has found a girlfriend too!"

"Ash has found a girlfriend?!!!"

As soon as these words came out, Except for Xiaoxue and Xiaomengdie who crawled around, the other three looked at him in amazement.

“It’s Misty who traveled with Ash. It’s been good for a while, Delia seems that you will continue to increase travel expenses for Ash in the future.”

Lin Xiao takes care of things Tell a few people to joke Delia by the way.

Did my son find a girlfriend? Delia didn't care about Lin Xiao's jokes, she felt a little weird, mainly because Ash was too young. Although Misty was a bit older than Ash, it was not much better.

However, the atmosphere in this world is very open. Delia didn’t think much about it and smiled. Helplessly said, “I don’t want to give him more money because the child has money and likes to spend, but now he has a girl. My friends really want to add some more, otherwise you don’t even have the money to buy the Present, and you will be ashamed."

"hehe! Delia, it looks like you will be grandma soon!"

Kona immediately teased Delia and came over, which made Delia a white look, speechless saying: "What are you thinking about, Ash is only twelve unsatisfied!"

Ending Ash’s topic, Sabrina rely on In Lin Xiao's arms, stretched out his hand and scratched his palm, Lin Xiao would suddenly laughed heartily, and moved her towards the room by holding her on his shoulder.

Throwing Sabrina on the bed, Lin Xiao ran out to Delia's exclamation and dragged her into the room.

"These three people..." Kona looked at the closed door and shook his head helplessly, said with a smile: "Xiaoxue, let's go sit upstairs.

Xiaoxue knew what would happen next, smiled, holding Xiaomengdie, let Kona hold her back, came to the study on the third floor, and talked about what happened along the way...