Pokemon-Money Is Supreme Chapter 228

Name:Pokemon – Money Is Supreme Author:
“ka!! !”

Because Gastly is a mass of gas, the ice Pokémon’s shaking directly penetrated the past, and its upper and lower teeth immediately hit At the same time, there was a crisp sound, and then it passed, but the damage caused by the bite still stayed on Gastly's body, causing Gastly to close her eyes in pain.

"Take advantage of it now!! Use the shadow ball again!!!"

Listen to Lin Xiao's instruction to ice Pokémon particles Spit Up a gray and black sphere, and it hits instantly After Gastly was close at hand, there was no Gastly left, but she was hit by the shadow ball and fell to the ground, losing its combat capability in circles.

After defeating Gastly, the ice Pokémon was also uncomfortable. Dark night Curse also caused it to lose a lot of physical strength. At this time, he was squatting on the ground and panting slightly, his expression a little withered.

"Come back, Ice Pokémon, you have done a great job."

Lin Xiao took out the Poké Ball and took the Ice Pokémon back. The same is true for Asong on the opposite side.

Recovering Gastly, Asong took out a Poké Ball from his waist again, and his complexion began to grow dignified, but fortunately, Bing Pokémon's physical strength has been consumed almost, and there should be no chance to play.

"Haunter, I will change you next."

There is no difference between Gastly and Haunter. Haunter is still accompanied by a burst of weird laughter, more than Gengar, Gastly and Haunter Like pranks.

Ghost Gym is very troublesome. Lin Xiao also threw Poké Ball later, "Yeming, you will play the second game!!!"

Poké Ball is in The midair turned on, and after sending out a red light, it automatically jumped into Lin Xiao's hands, and after the red light flashed, Ye Ming's tall figure appeared on the court.


Looking at Haunter floating in midair opposite, Ye Ming snorted uncomfortably. He didn't like that aura on Haunter very much.

"This guy is still Charizard? This guy..."

A Song stared at Ye Ming in a daze, unable to believe that there would be such a huge Charizard. The Normal Charizard is only 1.8 meters tall, and the better-raised ones are more than two meters tall, but this guy is actually not much worse than 3.5 meters. What did he eat to grow so big?


When Ah Song said that he was not, Ye Ming glared at him unkindly and roared.

Lin Xiao raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and said, "You better be careful. This guy is not very good, and he has a lot of hatred."

.......A Song is speechless, are you a threat? But Ye Ming's appearance didn't seem to be a threat.

Although I don’t know if it’s true, it’s better to be careful, lest it will be a tragedy if this guy deliberately sprays flames at himself.

"Yeming! Preemptively, use Flamethrower, don't let it become invisible."


A thick purple red flame immediately Spit Up from Yeming's mouth, moved towards Haunter.

"Do you think my Haunter is afraid of a head-on collision? It's naive, Haunter, use the dark wave to greet him!!!" Asong looked at his Haunter, clenched his fist and violently Shouted.

"I'm here~~~~bang!!!!"

The purple red light beam of the night scream collided with Haunter's purple dark wave in midair, sending out a faint " The sound of "Zizi", the abilities of the two different Attributes collided with each other, and finally produced a huge explosion in the air.

The force of the explosion made Lin Xiao reach out and block his forehead to prevent the blown dust from drifting into his eyes.

Yeming stands motionless on the field. The impact of this explosion is dispensable for it and can be ignored directly.

The explosion not only had a powerful impact, but also brought a lot of dust and smoke, blocking the sight of several people.

When everything is calm, after the dust and smoke are gone, there is no Gastly's shadow in the arena. This guy may be hiding somewhere, ready to give Ye Ming a little bit.

Yeming lifts the head, looking around, wanting to know where Gastly is hiding, but after a few laps all around it is still very quiet, there is no movement.

In such a situation, other Trainers might have a headache if they encounter it, but Lin Xiao is not included here.

"Yeming, close your eyes. Raise your tail, the temperature where Haunter goes will be lower. You are the little Pokémon of Fire Element, and you should be able to feel the temperature change."


I glanced at Lin Xiao with some confusion, Ye Ming immediately closed his eyes, raised his tail lightly, and felt what Lin Xiao said. That kind of temperature change.

Seeing Ye Ming closing his eyes and sensing the surrounding temperature changes, Lin Xiao said with satisfaction: "Yes, that's it. You have to trust your instincts and use big characters to find the correct location!!!"

Fire Element Little Pokémon can sensitively feel the temperature changes in the air, but the distance should not be too far, and after closing the eyes, the perception effect will be enhanced.

A Song was taken aback by Lin Xiao's actions. This was the first time he saw someone use such a method to deal with the ghost-type Pokémon.

Just when he was slightly stunned, Ye Ming opened his eyes fiercely, and the big characters he had already prepared exploded towards the back of his forehead.


The big characters burst in midair and it seemed to hit something. In less than a second, Haunter screamed in pain and appeared in that place. , And there is a burnt mark on his right hand.

This is the first time Ye Ming has used such a method to find the enemy's position, and his grasp is not very good. Although the big print successfully wiped Haunter, it did not bring much damage to it.

But for Ye Ming, he only needs to find where Haunter is. As for how many attacks the opponent receives, he doesn't care at all.


Ye Ming took a sharp breath and exhaled a huge Fire Spin moved towards Haunter.

Until now, Haunter hadn't figured out how to find the seat where Yeming was, and was slightly stunned.

But Yeming's Fire Spin won't wait for it to come back to his senses before attacking.

Seeing Yeming's purple red Fire Spin moved towards his own Haunter swept away, and the distance is getting closer and closer, Asong was shocked and said anxiously: "Haunter, avoid it!!!!!! !" Hearing Ah Song’s yelling, Haunter immediately came back to his senses, but everything was too late, and Yeming’s Fire Spin directly enveloped it, leaving it with no room to dodge .

(Today’s book review area is very exciting. A few small vests that came from nowhere have made my book review area lively, saying that my book is not good, but there is nothing wrong with me. My family was also brought in. No matter what other people’s mentality, I can only bear it and I can’t scold it back. I spent the whole day braving the code word, and finally I couldn’t stand it and deleted the curse post. I didn’t expect it to be more and more lively. .......)..