Pokemon-Money Is Supreme Chapter 187

Name:Pokemon – Money Is Supreme Author:
"Do I really wrong yet?"

Majestic absence of sitting in the cold Ground, looking at the loss of combat capability of Skarmory.

through people relaxed Bridge, sundae fiercely's scared terrified, and looked across the bridge, the Majestic absence of Lin Xiao said: "uncle, you do it will not be cruel a little? "

" does not! "

ahead of Lin Xiao slightly smiled," I was good for her, if she was in hurry to come out confused, then she will grow a lot, not only small and Attribute grams of Pokémon battle to enhance the strength, she thought world is too small. "

serious look about to enter the forest, Lin Xiao look dignified He said: "Rather than worry Majestic, might as well think about how can we pass through this forest, Ursaring this period, but will hit something Rage of the attack, we'd better be careful, Ursaring are social, but also and Houndoom as to provoke a mess is equivalent to a group. "

sundae spit spit their small Xiangshe, do not care to do a grimace," Nurse Joy is not to say do not experience Ursaring morning? and I believe you will protect us. "said bounce running in front.

There Arnold, Alec, Rayquaza in, Lin Xiao naturally worried, but not as a last resort when Lin Xiao do not want them to help, if everything rely on them, so he still why travel out directly with them to get down Kanto champion of the place is it better? Jarno with strength, Alec and Rayquaza, even if Lin Xiao Trainer Level can not keep still allows them to grind burst any championship, Elite.

reluctantly shook his head, Lin Xiao to take subjects and snow beckoned, trot to keep sundae.

Some case of forest very quiet, and no traces Ursaring Growl.

"It seems Joy says good morning Ursaring they really will not come out, but we better be careful,"

Lin Xiao vigilance looked all around, of said three women.

bon voyage without incident, until noon, a few people have not encountered any Ursaring, although would like to direct one-time through the forest, but some not realistic, this forest a few people at least to two days to go out.

picked a seemingly safe place to rest, Lin Xiao open the bag out of food, said:. "You take a break, the food will be ready soon"

In this place Lin Xiao dare not use firewood to cook, Ursaring nose, but very spiritual, many Trainer is because of this attack.

small point on the gas stove, the kettle on, Lin Xiao start cooking.

're joking and snow sundae suddenly his face changed, and his face becomes somewhat unnatural, and after a light snow muttering ran into the woods.

followed sundae snow into the woods, be considered to help her lookout, in case someone suddenly appeared.

They can go this is the old quite a while, wait until after the return of Lin Xiao good meal.

sundae look happy out of the woods, and the snow behind her face is somewhat strange, to see the eyes of some wrong sundae.

not aware of Lin Xiao call them over for dinner.

"uncle, I tell you, I caught a little cute!"

gnawing ribs sundae, happy to Lin Xiao said.

After listening sundae, then snow immediately bowed his head, do not say anything, eating their own bread, and Lin Xiao and families take the two looked puzzled.

"What little cute how you go on a toilet for so long?!?"

The dishes on the floor, sundae out of Poké Ball, said with a smile: "of course, because it ah! or I and snow elder sister would have come back."

said sundae Poké Ball holding a press, a red light flashed after she appeared to say little cute in a few people's eyes.

snow helpless hand over his eyes, bitter in my heart secretly thought: "Eldest Young Lady, you can not later chance to show off?"

looked at the ground sitting little fellow, and take Branch Lin Xiao froze.

sundae said little cute actually a Teddiursa, little fellow eyes blinked a few times, Meng Meng looked at a few people.

Lin Xiao wry smile, asked: "? This guy is where you got it"

sundae to Teddiursa hold up, he said with a smile: toilet "on hit, I just fed it some food to rein it, and I very difficult to deal with it. "

" very difficult to deal with !! "

Lin Xiao bitter shook his head and shoved and shouted: "hurry pack up and run away ah !!! sundae tells you fool I do not know the forest and then put it out of it or else I'd say two minutes of its parents!? will be with a group of Ursaring rushed here !!!! "

said Lin Xiao Fangxiawankuai, still eating away the little Pokémon who attend to the rest of the meal direct all fell in the bag, onto the floor.

Section and snow also get up quickly to help Lin Xiao, sundae was made three moves surprised a moment, "why do you so nervous, Is it parents will know where it is?"

snappily the glare of a sundae, Lin Xiao urgent: "Do not hurry to close up it, it had the air of taste, along with their parents can make a quick taste of clansman catch here come. "

sundae surprise! Immediately Teddiursa away, the back of his small backpack, along with Lin Xiao run away together.

Lin Xiao back pack, take the lead and ran toward the way through the woods and let the three women fast to keep up.

"ao !!!!"

a few people ran not far behind sounded Ursaring Rage's sound, but to the Ursaring not one, but a group of ! ! !

Lin Xiao suddenly scared the soul flew away and scattered, with three women accelerated.

At this time a group of Ursaring are just a few people to cook kept sniffing where they hunt down Teddiursa smell came here, I did not sense a special Teddiursa body odor, which makes them Ursaring furious.

Although they usually dig nests Beedrill silly like get the honey, but these guys can be very smart, no Teddiursa suddenly smell the taste of a few people along the way chase.

"bang!!" "Bang! !!!"

Many of the trees in the way they have been broken boom, imperial color shade of damage if not the same as money desperately indiscriminate spraying.

At this time, no matter what stand in their way forward they will be destroyed, the forest of small Pokémon were all moved towards another assured ran for fear of affecting fish pond.

Behind constantly listening to the sound of explosions sounded, Lin Xiao wry smile, looked at the gasping sundae, said with a bitter smile: "Do you like Teddiursa and I say, ah, I can help you catch is now in trouble. "

" I do not know it so ah! I was on the toilet when met Teddiursa, will look at it very cute with the food lure, it's confusion, who knew this would stir up trouble. "

sundae slightly panting, face some Ju Yi, obviously scared.

"Snow can not tell you, Teddiursa can not release it yet?"

Today, Lin Xiao into what else to say, and even now Teddiursa put it back, Ursaring were also will not let himself and the others.

"snow sister, have told me that there ......., ....... but I forgot." Sundae some frustration, if she had not come to show off Teddiursa, such a thing will not happen.

Although few people even with all one's strength are out, can Ursaring speed run faster than a few people, a few people quickly approaching.

"Charizard! Use strongest smoke !!!" Lin Xiao took out a Poké Ball press, shouted.

We do not know what happened, leading to Lin Xiao several people rush to life, Charizard can still listen to the words of Lin Xiao Spit Up black smoke, will become close to a dark, then fast to keep up with Lin Xiao and the others.

all around are trees, let Charizard can not fly, but to big stride forward ran to see people running up twist twist Charizard looked laugh, can laugh Lin Xiao, Charizard continue to cast away the pace to get ahead.

Smoke Although not offensive, but it can stop the forward speed Ursaring.

within the mist of Ursaring have a lot of time is even more irritable in smoke flower, having left not abandon moved towards a few people to chase down.

Gradually sundae, snow, families get tired faces are exposed look, straining gasped, charming little face is out of the sweat.

Lin Xiao again thrown Poké Ball, "Ice Pokémon! Running while using a knife !!! Sceptile fog near the leaves off the branches, in the way !!"

Ice Pokémon mouth spit out a lot of white, slightly cold fog, as it covered a few people running the road behind.

"What exactly !!"

Sceptile fast in the trees Bounce, knife on the arm leaves Dangqi white light, like two sharp machetes, some thick branches all cut off and landed on the road.

may be the well known barrier Ursaring's forward speed is added to ice fog Pokémon, greater results can be achieved.

to keep the rear Ursaring who suddenly rush a whole, greatly reduced speed.

Finally, under ice Pokémon and Sceptile of Help, a few people finally get rid Ursaring catch.

Ursaring did not kill, Lin Xiao a fart, stocks sit on the grass along the roadsides, and breathing heavily backpack who will give sundae, and families get snow.

compared to Lin Xiao, three women even more unbearable, supple hair get a little messy, regardless of whether a clean on the grass, lying directly on top of heavy breathing heavily, his chest huge non-stop the up and down.

happening outside in the natural escape Jarno Master Ball, Alec, Rayquaza eyes.

Rayquaza boring fight Yawn, shook his head, "I do not know is who the two classes would grow so soft lump of flesh in the chest, that thing is not only poor defense, but also drag yourself ... ...... "

If families take, sundaes, snow Rayquaza know idea and will definitely angry vomiting blood. ..