Pokemon-Money Is Supreme Chapter 136

Name:Pokemon – Money Is Supreme Author:
Uh...Despised by a little Pokémon, the referee suddenly made a big red face and immediately pronounced: "Then the battle between Gengar and Lugia, because Gengar lost the combat capability , So Lugia won!"

Recovering Gengar, Drake showed a wry smile and took down the Poké Ball hanging from his neck. "I didn’t expect that you would almost be strung into a gourd string, but the last one Fighting consternation is not so easy. Come out! My most loyal partner, Dragonite!!!"

Drake’s Dragonite grew up with him since Dratini’s period. Not only does it have a tacit understanding of cooperation, but also strength. Yes, almost reaching the Elite level.

"wu~ ~~"

The appearance of Dragonite caused the audience to burst out suddenly. Many times, Drake relied on Dragonite to complete the sweeping situation and challenge the challenger. Blocking the victor's Imperial Palace, speaking of which Drake became the chief Trainer Dragonite of the Orange Alliance.

Dragonite came out and stood beside Drake quietly, looking at Lin Xiao with a very unkind face, but no matter how it changed, Dragonite’s face was still a simple and honest look. People can't feel the ferocious look.

Lin Xiao also took out the last Poké Ball and shouted: "Then let me see how strong your Dragonite is!!! Come out, Dragonite! The last battle is you. "


The huge Dragonite just came out, and the huge size and weight made the venue shake.


The huge Dragonite blinked, glanced at Drake's Dragonite, and screamed softly.

This made Lin Xiao glance at it suspiciously, then laughed, is Drake's Dragonite female? It depends on the situation, otherwise the giant Dragonite would not be so kind.

Normal, when two male Dragonites meet, they will burst out a thick medicinal smell, just like the giant Dragonite and the Dragonite of Professor Oak. Until this time, the two Dragonites are lying on their own unless necessary. On one side, don't interfere with each other.

This is not the case for the big-mi’s mother. The Dragonite who crossed had almost fought with the giant Dragonite when he was in Gym. It seems that the opposite sex attracts more than human beings, but for the little Pokémon. The same works.

But now it’s fighting, it’s not time to pick up girls!

Lin Xiao slapped the giant Dragonite on the back angrily, and said: "Be serious, now it's time for battle."

The giant Dragonite nodded Lin Xiao, indicating that he understands. .

Then his smiling eyes changed to seriousness, looking at Drake and his Dragonite.

"I wanted to fight with your Dragonite for a long time, but now it is finally realized. Let's see whose Dragonite is stronger!!"

Drake is a little excited Looking at Lin Xiao, he split his mouth and smiled.

Lin Xiao slightly smiled, "Of course my Dragonite is stronger, you will know soon."

The audience looked at the stadium quietly, wanting to know two Dragonite battle scene.

Sundae looked at the giant Dragonite curiously, and asked Kona, "Sister Kona, do you think it’s Uncle’s Dragonite or Drake’s? I feel that both are really strong!!"


Kona pulled the sun hat on his head and smiled slightly, "To be precise, every Dragonite is very powerful, otherwise it will not be so rare. Trainers with Dragonite are usually very strong. As for them..."

Kona glanced at the two Dragonites, affirmed: "Lin Xiao's Dragonite is stronger, and the strength of the two Dragonites is not on the same level."

Sundae blinked and said in surprise: "Sister Kona, how did you know? Can you tell by looking at it? Then why didn't I see it?"

Sundae series The question made Kona smiled. "Actually, you didn't pay attention. Lin Xiao's Dragonite is really strong. As long as you observe more, you can discover it."

"Observation again?! !!!" Sundae pouted dissatisfiedly, "Observation is so important?" Kona shook his head slightly without answering, and turned to look at the stadium.

After the referee announced the start of the game, Drake immediately shouted: "Dragonite! Hydro Pump!!!"


Drake’s Dragonite, suddenly Spit Up A thick jet of water rushed towards the huge Dragonite.

"hehe ~"

Lin Xiao cracked his mouth and said calmly: "Thunderbolt!!!"

Drake's brows trembled, and his heart There was a bad premonition, taking advantage of the huge Dragonite Thunderbolt did not send out, immediately said: "Dragonite! Terminate Hydro Pump Unique Ability!!! Use Thunderbolt to fight!!!"

Unique Ability is interrupted and will let Little Pokémon was hurt by the backlash, but the Hydro Pump's backlash made Drake's Dragonite slightly paused, and he recovered.

The two Thunderbolts collided in the air and finally disappeared. Then the two Dragonites stared at each other, waiting for Trainer's command.

Although there was no intense collision in the first round, Lin Xiao took a lot of advantage. Even though Drake's Dragonite was physically strong, it was not as strong as the huge Dragonite, and it was backlashed by the Hydro Pump.

"Dragonite, rush up and use Dragon Claw!!!"

The huge Dragonite immediately moved towards Drake’s Dragonite and rushed away, the huge right paw was raised high, braving White light, like Drake’s Dragonite.

"dong! dong!"

Each step of the huge Dragonite will make the Earthquake move. Whatever it encounters, Drake's heart will flicker. How big it takes Can your weight and strength be like this?

"Dragonite! Steel Iron Tail greet me!!!" Drake said hurriedly as he watched the huge Dragonite approaching quickly.

"wu~ ~~"

Drake's Dragonite whispered, and its long tail drew towards the giant Dragonite's Dragon Claw without showing any weakness.

The collision between the claws and the tail suddenly made a loud "touch!!!", Drake's Dragonite was retreated from a long distance by the powerful impact, and back again, but the giant Dragonite took a step back and forcibly twisted Lived and stopped.

"It's now! Dragonite! Use Dragon's Charge!!!" Dragonite Lin Xiao suddenly shouted, looking back and forth.

"ao!!!" The huge Dragonite, whose body is hugged by the green rays of light, rushes towards Drake's Dragonite like a missile.

Drake, the power of the giant fast Dragonite, has known from the beginning of the collision that if he is hit by the Dragon Charge, his Dragonite will definitely be difficult.

Now yelled: "Never want to succeed!! Dragonite, fly with the backward force and avoid!!!"


After listening to Drake's words, Dragonite immediately flapped its wings and flew upside down, and flew up to the sky to avoid the huge Dragonite's attack.

"You too underestimated my Dragonite!"

Lin Xiao split his mouth and smiled. If Normal Dragonite encounters such a situation, it is just Ability that it will freeze for a long time. One pot, but Lin Xiao's huge Dragonite doesn't. Its Ability is short enough to make countless little Pokémon tears.

"Dragonite! Use Extrreme Speed ​​to catch up!!!"

After a tight pause, the huge Dragonite recovered, roared, and quickly flew into the Sky with the blessing of Extrreme Speed , Chase after Drake's Dragonite.

Holding a bunch of afterimages tightly on Ground, the huge Dragonite caught up with Drake's Dragonite in the blink of an eye.

"Now, use tap!!!" Lin Xiao shouted immediately.

For the huge Dragonite that was catching up quickly, Drake's Dragonite was taken aback for a moment, and was slapped on the head by the huge Dragonite.

Drake's Dragonite whine suddenly and fell from the sky.

"I will use Ice Beam next!!!"

"How is this possible? How is it possible to have this speed, Ability has almost no time to freeze!!!" Drake was dumbfounded Looking at the huge Dragonite, with an incredible look on his face, I couldn't believe what happened before my eyes. Moreover, the giant Dragonite also learned the Unique Ability of Extrreme Speed, which is just like a plug-in. All Dragonite of the Extrareme Speed ​​Unique Ability can be learned, but very few have been learned, and Drake's Dragonite has obviously not reached this level.

Fortunately, Dragonite's wailing awakened him. Drake immediately shivered and shouted: "Dragonite, Hyper Beam!!!"

Forcibly resisted the blast of Rosa in his head In pain, Drake's Dragonite quickly twisted his body in the air and used the Hyper Beam to face the huge Dragonite Ice Beam.

The collision of two completely different energies suddenly exploded in the air, and the huge impact produced by the explosion made the giant Dragonite regress a lot, and there was no chance of chasing.

Drake's Dragonite landed on the field, breathing heavily. After the most opened Hydro Pump, it was almost crushed by the giant Dragonite, giving no chance to breathe.

"dong! !"

The huge Dragonite flapped its wings and landed in front of Lin Xiao, quietly looking at Drake's Dragonite.

"How is this possible? Isn't this guy always a silly look? How could he burst out with such a powerful strength?"

Thinking about chasing Xiaoxiao all the time The huge dragon that runs around and smiles at any time, now let's look at the series of attacks that the huge Dragonite erupts. The contrast between the front and the back made Sundae feel a little overwhelmed. Although I saw huge Dragonite battles in the Quartz Tournament, the opponents were relatively weak at that time, and it was almost done in one or two strokes. Now it is the first time that Sundae has seen huge Dragonite burst out with all strength.

Kona slightly smiled and rubbed the sundae's hair, "Why is it impossible? Otherwise, you think it can occupy such an important position in Lin Xiao's Pokémon without great strength?"

Remembering the scene where he used Uncle to sweep his Uncle one by one on Cinnabar Island, Kona couldn’t help feeling a little bit. Lin Xiao’s little Pokémon has great potential. As long as he is given time, he will definitely grow into something else. People need to look up to the existence.

Patting Dragonite's neck, Drake slightly smiled, and said, "I don't know if I can help me tune my Dragonite in the future. I also hope it can be as strong as you." Of course, this is great. What Dragonite said was not to Lin Xiao.

The huge Dragonite looked at Lin Xiao and did not speak, Lin Xiao was nodded to it, and said to Drake: "Next, I will travel to Johto Region, and this guy will stay at home. You can come here anytime. "..